Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Backup the status of Mods&Assets, And easy way to "Disable all".
By stmSantana
It is difficult to manually turn on / off hundreds of Mods & Assets.
However, When there are many Mod you have, the "Enable All" and "Disable All" buttons often freeze the game.
Here's an easy and safe method (using Mods Listing).
(People who have fewer than 20 Mods and Assets do not need to read this guide.)
Mods Listing
Please subscribe and enable it in Content Manager
【A】How to backup the current configuration file.
A1: Quit to Desktop.
A2: Open "Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines" folder.
(Windows user Ex. C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines )
(RUN (Windows key + R key) "%HomePath%\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\" )

A3: Back up the following two files.
  • gameSettings.cgs
  • userGameState.cgs
【B】How to save the current On/Off status of Mods and Assets.
You can save the current on-off status config in the following way.

B1: Start game.
B2: Enable 'Mods Listing' in the Content Manager.
B3: Click the [OPTIONS] button of Mods Listing.

B4: Enter name to Textbox and Save it. (Ex. "Backup 01")

【C】How to Disable All mods and assets.
C1: Quit the game to Desktop.
C2: Open the "Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines" folder.
C3: Open the "Cities_Skylines\Addons\Mods\ModsList\ModsList_savefiles" folder.
C4: Copy the following contents, Then Paste into a text editor (such as "Notepad") and save it as "Disable All.xml" in the "ModsList_savefiles" folder.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <!--Automatically generated XML file for cities : skyline's ModsList mod. Created by CoarxFlow.--> <ModsList version="1.1.6"> <Mods> </Mods> <Assets> </Assets> <DistrictStyles> </DistrictStyles> </ModsList>

C5: Start the game.
C6: In 'Mods Listing' OPTIONS, select "Disable All" from the 'Pick config' dropdown list box.
C7: From the 'When finding an unlisted mod / asset' list, select 'Deactivate it'.
This will disable all Mods & Assets.

C8: Click [Apply On Game Restart] button.
C9: Restart the game.
At that time, 'Mods listing' will disable all Mods according to the XML file.
Note: If an error is displayed after restart, restart game again.

When restart is completed, All Mods & Assets are disabled. (Of course, except 'Mods Listing')
Other knowledge
Add all subscribed items to Steam Collections at once

The Fearless Guide on How to Delete and Restore, Subscribe and Unsubscribe Mods and Assets

How I kicked my subscription addiction
Zero-G Morals 22 Feb, 2020 @ 7:56am 
I am trying to load a cfg file I pulled online for the mod list. Where am I to put the file so modlist registers it as a preset?
MGGebriel 27 May, 2019 @ 6:14am 
Mods Listing seems to have a critical issue.
Every time I open the game the list of mods is totally empty and upon restarting they would all be disabled, all of this while having a modlist save with "apply on game restart" selected. When I try to select "Modslist" to enable it, the game will crash. Finally after another 1 or 2 restarts, it would start with Modslist enabled and assets in the saved list partially enabled (for some reason a group of assets always revert to disabled).
This is a very time consuming issue that is destroying one of best and most valuable mods out here.
Can you please look into this?
stmSantana  [author] 5 Apr, 2019 @ 1:17am 
It is strange that the file you tried needs a single line.
Maybe you are a Mac or Linux user?
The default line feed code for this mod seems to be CR LF.
Encoding is Unicode (UTF16,UCS-2 Little Endian)
Please try it.
ben_j_dover 4 Apr, 2019 @ 7:33pm 
After four tries - same result - FYI I believe the Disable All.xml file needs to be formatted to single line as seen on description. When posted as a direct copy - nothing happened on Delete option.

A Mod caused an error [System.Exception]

Getting a size exception on a copy of full error details - if helpful I can pack it and send or simply email. Your call!
Xarsus 16 Dec, 2018 @ 12:14pm 
<3 you