

65 vurderinger
Insurgency Modding Wiki / Resources v2.84
Av [UA/SK] Divine Lotus
This is a compendium with collections of...
  1. Tutorials / Wikis for beginners and professionals alike
  2. Free and paid Tools
  3. Reoccurring tasks with references
  4. Resources such as texture programs, websites
I dedicated my time into collectimg info from guides, community discussions, and other sources online.
You should browse by section

Another revamp (+icons and guide icon) coming soon and more fixes to come. ">>>" = to be moved / fixed "xxx" = to be deleted or archived Corrected link to SourceOps blender addon Minor change in Insurgency Internals Moved "GIMP" stuff to dedicated GIMP group "Main Tools" > "Upcoming Tools" Crowbar related guides Removed 3D Modeling to move to blender guides Minor fixes

I might move Valve Source Engine related stuff to Source SDK
Replace hooktube with invidio us (true privacy)

Exp Level
The majority of guides here assume that you have some basic knowledge in handling GIMP, Blender, Photoshop, etc. Don't have any experience in such software? Beginner tutorials and manuals are linked in corresponding sections. Some of the guides are doable with alternative programs, so do/find what you think is best for you and be flexible. Example: Switching to some programs for specific tasks or using certain addons to create a design or convert to a specific file.

Free Stuff & Support
Tutorial creators and free software developers work hard to have their content exist and shared for everyone to use. Please lend at least some support for the awesome people behind these free tools and information. Do you find this helpful? Don't want to repeat yourself? Don't forget to share and bookmark this! Someone new to modding valve source engine games? Share this with them! Anything useful that's missing? Comment! Please don't forget to support content creators!
Icons & simple graphics: Vecteezy Design, edits, etc: Me
Fjern som favoritt
How To Use This Guide
Table of Contents
Explore this guide by using the TOC to your right of this page (desktop) or from the menu button to your top-right (mobile)

Finding Keywords
Press Ctrl+F Then type in a keyword or two relating to what you're looking for. For example "UV mapping" What you type will jump to that keyword on this guide

Offline Viewing
  1. Apps to download whole sites[]
  2. In non-steam browser: Print as .PDF or...
  3. Save as .html (Generates files and folders)
For .pdfs and .htmls, you won't be able to view external links > Update this by deleting older files and then "Save as" once more. You can also view/upload to
Major Updates / Notices
Want me to make in-depth, organized tutorials about modding Insurgency (Even Sandstorm)?
Give me a comment!

7/3/19 July/Weds
Facepunch Forum Waybackmachine Archive[] Thanks swebonny on Knockout for the notice Facepunch forums have been closed unfortunately. For something like this not to happen again, website admins must make their site/community websites decentralized. Research what decentralization is.

Author's Challenges
  1. Steam limits the characters/words on each section.
  2. I probably have to make my own website to bring them properly together.
  3. Must type in a document outside of Steam to be able to undo multiple times and as proper backup. Explanation in "{ Change Log Archive }"
  4. Not able to be on PC often. Mainly on mobile.
  5. Cannot move sections in the mobile app / browser mobile site even in desktop mode
  6. Sharing (copy & pasting) links & formatting is tedious on mobile
  7. The only one working on the guide. Hardly any aid.
Quick Notes
Main Tools

All free!
Detailed info / wikis / source links are shown as "^Info"
Any other labels are self explanatory.

Upcoming Tools
In development and keeping up to date. Regardless they are promising.
  1. SourceIO[]
    Blender addon for importing\exporting source engine textures/models/maps(not yet implemented)
  2. SourceOps[]
    Blender Add-on for Source Engine
  3. io_texture_VTF[]
    Blender addon Import-Export > Source Engine texture import
    This addon allows for the import of Valve Material Type (VMT) and Valve Texture Format (VTF) files into Blender.

Source Tools
  1. GCFScape[]
  2. VTF Editor[]
  3. VTF Thumbnail & Property support[]
  4. VTF Reader[]
  5. VMT Editor[]
  6. Crowbar
    ^Guide ^BugTracker ^Insurgency ^Tutorials

  7. Half Life Model Viewer[]
    Included in "insurgency2\bin" folder
    ^Alternative[] ^Info ^Guide[]
  8. SDK Launcher
    Included in "insurgency2\bin" folder
    ^LaunchInfo ^Alternative[] ^Info[]^Vid
  9. Hammer
    Included in "insurgency2\bin" folder
    Go to "Source Modding Tools" section for more tools

Graphics Programs
  1. GIMP[]
  2. GIMP 2.8.0[]
  3. GIMP VTF Plugin for 2.8.0[]
    More info in "GIMP Tools" section
    "Why don't you just use Photoshop???"
    Answers: Pros and Cons here. You decide.[] ^Professional Example

  4. Blender[] or BforArtists[]
  5. Blender Source Tool[] ^Beta for Blender 2.80
    ^Info ^Forum ^Search ^Insurgency
    More info in "Blender Tools" section

Other Tools
  1. Notepad++[] or Atom[]
    Notepad++ VDF languages
  2. 7-Zip[]

  3. All .OBJ files for weapons Compatible with Photoshop cs6 Extended and Photoshop CC
  4. Valve Source SDK Documentation
Fundamentals of Art and Game Design
Basics for art and software handling and anything else related to modding.
Understand how things work.

Don't think you have art skills?
  1. Practice the fundamentals of Art[]
  2. "It's not some magical talent a few people are born with. It's a skill you can train." ~DrawABox[] ^Vids
  3. Concept Design: Thumb War[]
  4. Concept Fundamentals[]
  5. 3D Art Beginner Fundamentals
Major Creative Tip
Don't compare your art with others. Doing so distracts you from improving yourself. Focus on your own skills and keep old work to see how your skills evolve. Learn from your own experience and take your inspirations into consideration.

Game Design / Development
  1. History of Game Mods[]
  2. Tips for New Modders[]
  3. Game Development Terms[]
  4. Glossary For Designers[]
  5. Glossary 3D Terms[]
  6. >>> Are Ngons Really That Evil in 3D Modeling?[]

  7. Beginner's Texturing Tutorial[]
  8. The power of 2 Explanation[] ^Info[]
  9. What are the different texture maps for?[]
  10. >>>

  11. 3D Rendering Wiki Index[]
  12. Styles / Techniques of 3D Modeling[]
  13. Game Rendering Terminology[] ^Glossary[]
Insurgency Internals - Understanding Modding
Understanding the game's engine (and version) helps you understand how to make mods. ^Info[] ^Info2

Insurgency (2014)[]
INS is "made on Valve's most up-to-date Source 1 Engine" branch from "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" (2011) and was "a total conversion modification (multiplayer) for Half-Life 2 ("Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat"), which runs on Valve's Source game engine."As of InsertDateHere the developers no longer update this game (Currently version #.#.# and moved on to Insurgency: Sandstorm
^Info ^Info2 ^Info3[]

Source Engine / Terms / Glossary
  1. Evolution of The Source Engine
  2. Is The Source Engine Outdated?
  3. >>> Steam Workshop: Basic Guidelines on How to Get Started in Making Content (Team Fortress 2)
    P.S. They forgot to mention Blender and GIMP for software. File size = follow what other people are doing with their dimensions. Normally use 1024 or 2048 for Insurgency.
  4. Documentation & Wikibook[]
  5. File structures in Valve games (Windows 10)
  6. SDK (Source Software Development Kit) ^Info
    It is a public accessible video game creation and editing program designed by Valve Corporation. It is the chief program used to develop all games made by Valve and many other mods.
  7. Official Valve Source Glossary
File Label Names
Be sure you can view file extensions ^Info[]
_dir (directory?) _v (viewmodels) 1st person _w (worldmodels) 3rd person _dm (diffuse map) Main texture file to edit _nm (normal map) Also referred to as "Bump map". However, Normal Maps use RGB not black and white colors in Bump Maps. Gives more details and dimensions for your material. It is what makes your textures 'pop' out instead of being flat

Image Format
Types of formats[]
  • .tga (Truevision Graphics Adapter)
    Commonly referred to as "targa" (Truevision Advanced Raster Graphics Adapter)
    Non-proprietary image format from Truevision that is favoured by Valve.
    Usage: It is the base format for Valve Texture Files (.vtf), and used to store images used by the Steam client.
    Features: Lossless, alpha channel
  • .tiff (Tagged Image File Format)[]
    Stores raster graphics images, popular among graphic artists, the publishing industry, and photographers.
    TIFF is widely supported by scanning, faxing, word processing, optical character recognition, image manipulation, desktop publishing, and page-layout applications.
    Features: Universal, lossless, layers, transparency.
    Usage: For textures with transparency. and alpha channel?

  1. .gcf (Game/Grid Cache File)
    Archive files in which Steam games are stored and official content is downloaded.
    GCF files can be shared between games (e.g. source engine.gcf), and are stored in the Steam\SteamApps\ folder.
  2. .vpk (Valve Pak)
    Uncompressed archives used to package game content.
    Valve's post-GCF games store materials, models, particles, choreography scenes and many other file types in VPK files.
    VPKs are also used to distribute mods via the the addoninstaller tool that ships with some games, such as Left 4 Dead 2
  3. .vtf (Valve Texture File)
    Proprietary texture format used by the Source engine.
    VTF files are generally referenced in a Material instead of being accessed directly, which allows re-use in different ways.
  4. .vmt (Valve Material Type)
    A text file that defines a two-dimensional surface.
    It contains all of the information needed for Source to simulate the surface visually, aurally, and physically.
  5. .qc
    A script file which controls the process of compiling SMDs into a binary model that can be loaded into a game.
    Configures the model's location and name, which SMD files are used to provide geometry, collision meshes and animations, how the model reacts when shot, and so on.
  6. .smd (Studiomdl Data)
    Stores 3D models in ASCII for analysis and compilation by studiomdl.
    SMD files are usually generated by an SMD export plug-in for a given model editor package like MilkShape.
  7. .dmx (Data Model eXchange)
    Stores a Datamodel object, encoded in either binary or ASCII.
  8. .mdl
    Valve Source's proprietary model format.
    It defines the structure of the model along with animation, bounding box, hit box, materials, mesh and LOD information.
    It does not, however, contain all the information needed for the model.
  9. .vmf (Valve Map Format)
    Proprietary format that stores raw (pre-compile) map data, used by the Valve Hammer Editor to save production-stage maps and prefabs.
    It contains information on all map brushes and entities in a keyvalue format
  10. .vtx
    Proprietary mesh strip format.
    It stores hardware optimized material, skinning and triangle strip/fan information for each LOD of each mesh in the MDL.
  11. .vvd (Valve Studio Model Vertex Data File)
    Proprietary model vertex data format.
    It stores position independent flat data for the bone weights, normals, vertices, tangents and texture coordinates used by the MDL.

Note: Will sort alphabetically
Your Workspace

Keep your workspace prepared and clean to manage your workflow better.

1. Download / Update Programs / Tools
  • Don't forget to download the required installations such as the ones seen in Nem'sTools VTFEdit
  • Be sure you're using the correct version if you're using addons that are compatible for a specific version of your software
  • Update your drivers (graphics, tablet/wacom, etc)
  • Download manuals or references as well for offline use and anything else vital to keep your mission rolling
Go to "Main Tools" or other "Tools" sections for stuff

2. Prep & Organize Your Project
You can sort it any way you want as long as you're not asking yourself, "Where the #%^ is it?!"
Make a project folder for all projects then add & sort folders by specific categories for things or tasks. You'll thank yourself later
  • Example #1
    1. Project folder
    2. AKM_CustomModNameHere
    3. Models + References + Materials + Textures + Animations + Audio + Scripts + Shortcuts

  • Example #2
    It's in "Textures & Sounds" section but those steps are necessary for the game to be able to 'read' your files

  • Other examples: ^Link[] ^Link2[] ^Link3[] ^Link4[]

Work smarter, not harder

3. Group Your Shortcuts
  1. Copy/drag the shortcuts/programs/folders you want to use
  2. Paste/place as shortcut to the project folder
  3. You can utilize the file paths for folders for exports/imports/plugins/addons/"custom" folder etc
Like so...

4. Save & Backup Your Work
No excuses! I made the mistake of not doing so and lost all of my work due to system failure

Cloud Storage
Where to save your work online in the cloud
General-use options (Not as privacy respecting)
  1. Google Drive
  2. One Drive
  3. Dropbox
  4. Mediafire
More "privacy-friendly" options
Encrypt before uploading if you're dead serious about privacy for necessary things
  1. Mega nz
  2. Tresorit
  3. Sync
  4. Woelkli
  5. Nexcloud Providers
Or self host (Advanced) ^Link[]
Textures & Sounds
Tutorials for modding weapon skins, character skins, sounds, user interface, and more related
>>> Reorder

Privacy tip
Use Hooktube instead of YouTube

Modding Specifics

Click for Playlist: "How to make skins for insurgency" by BOBdotEXE

  3. With GIMP VTF Plugin ^MultipleMaps

Important Note
If you must use any software without VTF plugin support, read this Note .TIFF format when exporting

///// Generic Process for Modding Weapon Skins/Textures /////
Understand Valve's Source Engine
Making a Mod - Valve Source Engine Fundamentals
Basically for this case:
Extract, convert for design, design, convert back (conserving same structure), repack

1. Preparing Your Custom Weapon Mod
  1. Prepping "custom" folder:
    Go to file path below by copying and pasting the path into your File Explorer's address bar & press Enter
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\insurgency2\insurgency\custom
    If the "custom" folder does not exist, create one in "insurgency"
  2. Prepping your custom mod folder for AKM (as example):
    In "custom" or anywhere else: Setup your new folders in the order as shown below and rename what's in CAPS
    YOUR_CUSTOM_MOD_NAME\materials\models\weapons\akm (or other weapons)
    Underlined = For navigating in the .vpk later
    "akm" = All your modded files (such as .vtf, WIP) go here

2. Grabbing Packed Files to Design
    With GCF Scape...
  1. File > Open > Go to...
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\insurgency2\insurgency
  2. Open "insurgency_materials_dir.vpk"
    ^Info ^Info2 ^Info3
  3. Go to underlined path shown above
  4. Drag the 2 files ending with "_dm.vtf" to "akm" folder (In your renamed custom mod folder) or anywhere else you'd like. Be sure it's in a convenient place like in a project folder.
3. Design
Use GIMP VTF Plugin
If plugin doesn't work, go to "GIMP" > "Workaround1" for conversion to edit, etc
(Optional) Use Normalmap Plugin for generating nornalmaps after making heightmaps ("Filter" > "Map" > "Normalmap")
4. Pack and Ship for Workshop
  1. Drag your custom mod folder to vpk.exe in...
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\insurgency2\bin
    With File Explorer in your custom mod folder's location...
  2. Move .vpk back to "custom" folder (Path at very top, step 1 of prepping)
  3. In Insurgency...
    Main menu > Click "Workshop"

Note: DL workshop content and view internals for reference
Custom Models

Decompiling, importing, fixing animation / deltas, compiling models.
You can use Blender & GIMP together for making models and/or texturing
>>> Reorder

"Always check the license of any resources you download so you know where, and how, you are allowed to use them!" Always ask before use unless stated otherwise

Modding Specifics
  4. Compiling weapon models for Insurgency using Blender ^Info

  7. Model Creation Overview

    >>> Sort the rest
  8. Complete Blender Game Ready Art Tutorial[]
  9. Creating Game Ready 3D Models - Blender Beginner Modelling Tutorial Series

Related Tutorials
  2. Compiling Viewmodel Attachments[]
  3. Porting custom models for source engine[]
  5. Insurgency Model Hack[]
  6. Search: Blender Hard Surface Modeling[] (guns, weapons, solid surfaces, sharp edges)
  7. Two armature, two rest pose, fixing animations[]
  8. Valve Source Materials for Models Guide

Related Videos

Privacy Tip
Use instead of YouTube (Google)
  1. Source Engine: Porting Models
  5. Blender 1st Person Animation
  6. Editing a Valve Model for SFM Using Modern Tools
  7. Creating a Weapon for Source
  8. Source Engine Viewmodel Rig and Animating[]
  10. Low and Highpoly Workflow
  11. Adding Detail Without High Poly Mesh
  12. What are Normals and Fixes
  13. Hard and Soft Edges

  1. Search: UV addon
  2. Search: Blender Bevel Weight
  3. Valve SDK Doc: Modeling
  4. Search: Blender to Source Engine
  5. Search: source rig viewmodel
  6. Search: Blender Source Rig Viewmodel[]
Modding Effects
Materials / Texture effects such as bump mapping, engraving, glow, animated textures, shine, shader effects, and more

>>> Reorder and move Source Engine

http://Creating VTF, VMT and Normals textures Do not export as .jpg. Best format = .tga "Make a height map of the texture: , if that isn't an option then at least use nDo2 or Knald but never ever should you still use Crazybump"

Steam Guides

Other Guides
  1. Material Nodes ShaderForge[]
  2. Adding Effects to Source Textures[]
  3. Getting Around in the Material System[]
  4. VMT Tutorial Post[]

Valve Material Files
  1. Materials for Models
  2. VertexLitGeneric for Models

Normal Maps / Bump Maps
  1. Normal mapping. The correct Way[]
  2. How NOT to make normal maps[]
  3. Making Normal map from image[] or make your own material via procedural material creation then bake for HD textures? > Go to Blender
  4. Painting Normalmaps in Photoshop
    Can be done the same way in other programs that can paint. Just use Color picker

  1. Spec maps in Normal maps[]

Brushes Level Design / Map Making
  1. $selfillum How to[]

    VMT Commands Cheatsheet[]
  1. Surface GGX []
  2. VMT Parameter Reference[]
  3. Shader Parameters
  4. Animated Particles
  5. Shader Parameters List


Privacy Tip
Use instead of YouTube (Google)
Workaround in "GIMP Tools"
Go through the links below for GIMP tutorials and resources

GIMP Fundamentals / Basics
For new / returning users
GIMP Videos
Includes videos about the basics
GIMP for Valve Source Engine Workshop Development / Modding
For Insurgency (2014) since it's based on Valve Source Engine
GIMP Tools
Such as addons, plugins, and more
GIMP Communitiies
Forums, websites dedicated to GIMP
>>>Blender Tools
Addons, programs, scripts, and more for blender

> Blender Addons that Work with 2.80[]
> 55 Addons for Blender 2.80 (Some can work on older versions)
  1. Interactive Tools for Blender (Smart Scripts)[]
    Collection of intuitive, context sensitive tools to improve workflow
  2. MACHIN3tools 0.3 for Blender 2.80
    Continuously evolving collection of blender tools and pie menus in a single customizable package
  3. BY-GEN for 2.80
    Simplifies the process of creating non-destructive, generative modeling styles
  4. "base" Blender Addon for Source Engine[]
  5. Armor Paint (Build It)[]
    Physically-based texture painting that aims to become an open source alternative for Substance Painter
    Instantly cuts and adds to existing objects or create standalone objects with the goal of rapidly creating and exploring new designs.
  7. Image Refresh[]
    Improves image/texturing workflow by automatically refreshing image in blender for new changes
  8. Cycles Texture Paint Layers[]
    Quickly create and manipulate layers in Blender’s texture paint mode
  9. TexTools[] ^Info[]
    UV and Texturing tools
  10. Magic UV[]
    Consists of many UV manipulation features which Blender lacks of.
  11. Fast Carve
    Hardsurface utility for quick and easy boolean and bevel operations
  12. Building Tools[]
    Simplifies creation of building exteriors
  13. ArchiPack[]
    Faster workflow for architecture / construction
  14. Principled Baker[]
    Bake PBR textures with a few clicks
  15. Simple Asset Manager[]
    Works with objects, materials and particle systems. Made for simplicity of usage.
  16. Proper Keymap for Blender 2.80[]
    Improves usage of Blender
  17. Sprytile[]
    Brings tile mapping tools to Blender to give you a powerful and intuitive way to create in 3D

  1. BlenderKit[]
    Database containing online models, brushes, and materials to be used directly in Blender.
  2. fSpy[]
    Open source still image camera matching for Blender

Paid / Not Free
  1. ArmorPaint[]
    More affordable 3D PBR texture painting software compared to Substance Painter ^FreeVersion?[]

  1. Speedflow
  2. NodeCustomBuilder[]
    Saves your node setup, including the settings each node
  3. Level Builder[]
    Speeds up level design process
  4. (BATS) Blender Artistic Texturing and Shading[]
    PBR Material Creation With Layers
  5. Definitely EEVEE Materials System[]
    Material library
  6. Extreme PBR 2.0 for Blender 2.79-2.80[]
    Material library and manager
  7. Materialiq for 2.79 and 2.80[]
    Materials library, Cycles+Eevee pbr, architectural materials, uv+generated mapping
  9. AutoMaps[http//AutoMaps+Texture+Group+Manager]
    Allows easy management of groups of texture maps
    UV packing solution.
  11. BPainter[]
    Powerful texture painting
  12. RetopoFlow[]
    Helps you create clean topology in minutes versus hours

  13. Search BlenderMarket: Best Rated, Low to High Price[]


    1. Best Blender Addons & Plugins For 3D Artists In 2019 [] ^Vids
    2. Top Blender Addons&Scripts[] ^Search2[]
    3. Search Github: Scripts[]
        ^Addons[] ^All Blender[]
    Other Related Tutorials
    >>> Move to Source related Steam, sort

    1. SDK Tutorials
    2. Where to find 3d models for model importing[]
    Modding Specifics
    6. Creating a Material (Fundamental page for Source Engine material modding)
    7. Generic compiling/decompiling for Source Engine[]
    8. Making High Quality Textures[]

    Other Videos
    1. How to Create Textures From Scratch
    2. How to make 3D textures with Blender's Internal Render Engine and Gimp
    3. TopHatWaffle Tutorials (level design, 3Ds max, counter strike)

    Workflows / Walkthroughs
    1. How to Model a Tech 9
    2. Model And Rig Any Gun With 6 Steps In Blender
    3. Creating a Combat Knife[]
    4. Weapon tutorials
    5. How to Texture Weapons
    6. Weapon Creation Tutorial
    7. Handpainted Style Workflow For Game Assets
    8. Texturing Light Machine Gun - Blender + GIMP Workflow Example
    9. FPS Weapon Creation: How To Match AAA Standards[]

    CS:GO Guides
    1. CS:GO Workshop Site
    3. CSGO Weapon Finish Guide Info > faq > mats
    4. ^Vids ^Vids2 ^Vids3
    5. ^Guide ^Guide2 ^Guide3 ^Template

    Other Guides
    Topology Guide[] ^Info2[]
    Physically Based Rendering (PBR)[]
    Marmoset PBR Content Creation[]
    PBR Guide Substance Painter[]
    PBR Tutorial Resources[]

    Search: Top Guides Garry's Mod

    (Still Useful Reference)

    Archived GIMP Notes
    Help / Troubleshooting / FAQ WIP
    Solutions to common problems for mods/modding
    Also logging unsolved problems to track.

    >>> Reorder and fix redundancies, move to official tracker. Make subReddit?

    I'd like some help with this section.
    What's needed for this section is a collection of commonly asked questions with answers, followed by common problems with answers.
    Look in discussion forums, websites, Discord, reddit, etc then comment below
    3. Troubleshooting Modeling
    4. Search: Troubleshooting
    5. FAQ Valve Source SDK

    Taking quick notes as I go
    SDK Launcher "File models\weapons dosen't exist" ^VidFix
    Purple and black checkered texture problem
    optic not on right place
    Gun in wrong position
    Delta animation
    Skin/textures effects
    shine, glow
    Mod not working
    Sounds not working
    vpk.exe not working
    compilation not working
    My mod not showing

    Be sure your programs are up to date/correct version
    Check your mods
    Delete mods you don't need
    Turn off then back on
    File extension
    Never use spaces for naming files
    Be sure your files/connections are in the right place
    Be sure to keep strict workflow b/c the game needs to be able to read

    Where to find help
    Please do your research before asking for help!
    1. Steam Discussion Forum for Workshop
    2. Official Reddit ( Mods/Addons )
    3. Modding Reddit
    4. SourceEngine Reddit
    5. Source SDK Forum
    6. Valve Source Help Desk
    7. Search: Crowbar Insurgency
    8. Search: Blender Source Tools Insurgency
    Mods Management
    Here is about how to submit / upload / remove your workshop content / mods

    >>> Add images, clean, reorder, copy to Source

    Deleting Your Old Mods / Workshop Content
    This should apply to most games that use the source engine and/or steam

    For anyone who wants to delete some (or all) of their old/unsubscribed mods
    - knowing that Steam does not remove all unsubscribed mods -
    (Subscriptions = updates, not auto-removal when unsubscribing. They're like newsletters)
    1. Be sure that the game is not running
    2. Unsubscribe on Steam any mods you don't want anymore (Or everything)
      Insurgency Workshop > Browse (or Your Files) > Subscribed Items
    3. Workshop Content Location
      Click the path below 3x to select all of it and copy it
      Open your File Manager, paste the file path below into the address bar of your File Manager and press Enter for quick navigation
      C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content
      If it's not there, you might want to check your AppData[] folders
    4. To choose the right folder, know the SteamAppId (The game's ID)
      (Indicated in "gameinfo.txt" or "steam_appid.txt" or
      at the top, in the address bar, of the game's store page)
      You can enable the address bar of the steam browser somewhere in your settings[]
      Use Notepad++[] or Atom[] to open the txt files if you want to see the txt easier

      File path to the .txt is below
      C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\insurgency2\insurgency
      > SteamAppId (The game's ID) should be 222880
      > Individual Mod IDs (Mod names and their IDs)
      are listed in "state_workshop.txt" (or at the top, in the address bar, of the mod's content page where you normally subscribe to)
      222880 = Insurgency
      Other Workshop/Mod paths
      C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\insurgency2\insurgency\custom\workshop C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\insurgency2\insurgency\custom C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\insurgency2\insurgency\insurgency\custom
      Look in "gameinfo.txt" for other paths
      Note: You go back and forth on checking Mod IDs in "state_workshop.txt" and deleting mods within the content workshop (mods) folders

    5. Delete mods/content you don't want anymore (or everything) from the content folders referenced above
    6. In "state_workshop.txt"- Delete individual mods in the list or delete the whole .txt file itself
      Be sure that the mods you want to delete are already deleted from the workshop content folders as referenced above
      C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\insurgency2
    7. Verify Game Cache
      Verifying should restore "state_workshop.txt" (if you deleted it) and any mods you're subscribed to
      It may take a while and may take a lot of data depending on how much you deleted and how many mod subscriptions you have
      If you notice some mods that were working before which aren't showing up, you might have to unsubscribe and then resubscribe
    8. Enjoy The Game
      You can (re)subscribe to mods
    Reference links to how I found out WIP

    Insurgency Servers
    Mods don't always work on every server.
    They all depend on whether the server owner enables them.
    You can filter out for mod-supported servers by ticking the 'mod support' square in the coop server browser page at the bottom.

    Be careful for heavily modded servers though because they can break some of your mods.
    You can fix that by restarting Insurgency and then going to a more vanilla (close to default insurgency) server.

    Downloading Workshop Content
    Everything About Steam Workshop[]
    Get Workshop Mods Without Steam[]
    Workshop Downloader tools are in "Source Modding Tools" section, in the "Webapps" child-section

    Uploading / Updating Your Mods
    How To Submit / Update Workshop Content (Mods)[]

    Please let me know if there are issues. Correct me if i'm wrong.

    Assets, references, wikis, and related resources for modding or game development and modding

    >>> Move some to source, military stay, assets to site

    Valve Source SDK



    Materials / Textures
    "Always check the license of any resources you download so you know where, and how, you are allowed to use them!"

    "Always check the license of any resources you download so you know where, and how, you are allowed to use them!"
    1. GameBanana Community Made... ^Models[] ^Textures[]
    2. Gaming Models[]
    3. GameDevMarket Free Stuff[]
    4. Free GameArts[]
    5. Open Game Arts Collections[]
    6. Game Assets[]
    7. Free3D[]
    8. TurboSquid[]
    9. UnrealEngine[]
    10. Unity[]
    11. BlendSwap[] ^Register to download stuff
    12. Blueprints[]
    13. Gamer Lab[]

    Source Engine Based Workshop Pages
    Pages with loads of mods
    Ganes List
    Steam Source Engine List
    Day of Infamy
    Garry's Mod

    Font Library[]
    Modding Sites

    Game Development Sites
    Important Reminder for Game Devs
    1. Valve Dev[]
    2. Game Design & Content Making Tutorials For Blender[]
    3. r/gamedev
      ^Wiki ^Tip ^YT Channels ^Resources
    4. Gamasutra[]
    5. FacePunch[]
    6. UnrealEngine Forums[] ^Freebies[]
    7. Next Level Design[]
    8. Game Dev Resources[]
    9. CGSociety Forum[] ^Blender[]

    Other Related Sites

      1. Blender Reddit Wiki
      2. Blender Resources[]

      1. r/csworkshop
      2. CSGO Game Banana[]
      3. CS:GO Weapons

      Source Modding Tools
      1. Source Shader Editor (SSE) ^Vid ^Vid2
      2. Mass VMT Generator[]
      3. VMT Editor[]
      4. VTF image loader[]
      5. Source MDL Texture Information Tool[]
      7. Wonderboy's Source SDK Tools[]
      8. Official Valve Source Tools ^Tag ^3rd Party
      9. Engine Tools ^Direct Launch
      10. Source Modding Tools[]
      11. Other Source Tools List[]
      12. TopHatWaffle Downloads for Tools[]

        Online Webapps
      13. Online 3D Converter[]
      Alternative Tools

      Alternatives to GIMP and Blender

      >>> Move to site and add pictures

      Please lend at least some support for the developers of the free softwares, they've worked hard to keep it all up and let it exist.
      1. PaintNet (PDN)[]
        Beginner friendly alternative to GIMP, but lacks many features ^VTF Plugin[] ^V2 TopHatWaffle[]
      2. LazPaint[]
        Image editor, like PaintBrush[] or Paint.Net
      3. PixBuilder Studio[]
        Photo editing software
      4. PixaFlux[]
        Node based, visual scripting system
      5. Photopea[]
        Online webapp which is a "clone" / alternative to Photoshop ^Info[]
      6. Alternative to Photoshop + 3D Combo = Gimp (with Photoshop Plugins extension) + Krita + G'mic plugin + Blender

      7. Krita[]
        Professional FREE and open source painting program. It is made by artists that want to see affordable art tools for everyone.
      8. Fire Alpaca[]
        More simple paint program. Beginner friendly alternative to Krita
      9. MyPaint[]
        Nimble, distraction-free, and easy tool for digital painters. It supports graphics tablets made by Wacom, and many similar devices.
      10. Verve Painter[]
        Uses dynamic fluids and brushes. Very GPU intensive.

      11. Mari Non-Commercial 3D Paint Tool[]
      12. Sculpris[]
        A gateway to 3D
      13. MakeHuman[]
      14. SculptGL

      Not Free
      Still useful
      1. Silo[]
        Dedicated 3D Modeling and UV Mapping
      2. Hack n Plan[] ^More[]
        Project management suite for developers
      3. Photoshop[]
      4. Substance Painter
      5. AutoDesk Trial Page[] 3D Design Software
      6. Rizom UV Virtual Spaces[] Full-featured UV Mapping application, with features surpassing most offerings currently on the market
      7. Corel Draw[]

      Other Tools
      Tools / Software that can be used alongside other programs in your workflow.

      >>> Move to site, add pictures review and solutions

      Workflow / Workspace
      1. Ultra_Outliner[]
        Connect cards in chains, intersect the chains and view each plot isolated. It is based on Microsoft Visio concept.
      2. Cosmic Everyday (FREE + Portable)[] ^Comigo[]
        Project management suite
      3. PureRef[]
        Helps you organize and view your ref images
      4. ShareX[]
        Screen capture, file sharing and productivity tool + Color picking
      5. DropIt File Organizer[]

      Bump / Normal Maps
      1. nJob[]
        You can use this to convert normal maps to heightmaps ^Info[]
      2. Insane Bump[]
        GPU accelerated map generator.
      3. Awesomebump[]
        Generates normal, height, specular or ambient occlusion textures from a single image
      4. XNormal[] ^Guide[]
        Bakes texture maps
      5. Laigter[]
        Generates normal maps for 2D textures

      Textures / Materials
      1. Shader Forge from Unity[] ^Vid ^Info[] ^Info2[]
      2. TexGraph[]
        Procedural texture creation tool
      3. PixaFlux[]
        Image Operations defined by nodes that can be connected to create powerful workflows
      4. Texatool[]
        Generates textures
      5. Texture Grid Generator[]
      6. Texture Exporter[]
      7. FilterJs[]
        Generates textures
      8. Materialize[]
        A standalone tool for creating materials for use in games from images. You can create an entire material from a single image or import the textures you have and generate the textures you need.
      9. Texture map generator[]
        (Or use graphics editing software such as GIMP)

      Online (Web apps)
      1. SculptGL
      2. Figuro[]
        3D Modeling Tool for Game Development
      3. PaintCube[]
        Web-based 3D Painting Software
      4. SumoPaint[]
      5. Font Identification / Reverse Search[]
      6. Resize Image[]
      7. Pimp My Gun[] / Gunstruction[]
        Custom weapon making

      1. LibThree[]
        Standalone application that allows you to import various 3d file formats and visualize them
      2. Quixel Legacy dDo for Photoshop? Free[] ^Link[] ^Info[]
        Creates textured models and tileable materials. It’s a tool that was designed to work extensively with Photoshop (Might be able to use with GIMP via Photoshop Plugin for GIMP)

      Off Topic, Yet Related
      1. Mod io[] ^Steam Comparison[] ^Info[]
        "Make it easy for you to support mods on all platforms and stores your game is released"
      2. Fider[]
        Collects and prioritizes feedback so that you can focus on building the right product
      3. GameSaveManager

      Paid / Not Free
      Nothing to see here
      Inspirations / Ideas


      Levels / Maps

      1. ArtStation[] ^Insurgency[]
        Concept art, and more
      2. Dribbble[]
        Modern graphics design
      3. Pinterest[]
        Multi-subject. ^Gun Design[] ^Gun Paint Job[]
      4. Indulgy[]
        Similar to Pinterest
      5. Tumblr ^Weapon Design[] ^CS:GO[]

      Gun Related YT Channels
      Can be used as educational reference. Only the finest.
      1. Active Self Protection
        Evidence based scenarios to analyze and learn for self defense
        (Dead serious: Can save you & your loved one's life. Don't take it for granted. I'm inspired to make a skin dedicated to his channel)
      2. Garand Thumb
        Gun reviews with quick clips of shooting with some humor
      3. T.Rex Arms
        Training and reviews. Very objective and critical
      4. Warrior Poet Society
        Pursues and discusses the philosophy of self defense
      5. Hickok45
        "Grandfather" of gun testing/reviewing
      6. Sootch00
        Quality footages of "Makes you want to buy" gun reviews
      7. IraqVeteran8888
        More loose, variable, and scientifically experimental gun related reviews with shooting
      8. Forgotten Weapons
        Reviews on rare and unusual weapons.
      Other gun video sites: ^Site1[] ^Site2[] ^Site3[]

      Open Movies[]

      "NEVER APOLOGIZE" Game Making Manifesto

      Source Engine Demos

      Yanal Sosak: "Blender is What I do for a Living"[]

      GIMP Creation on Reddit:
      Opprinnelig skrevet av u/Eclectix on Reddit:
      Fed up with the stigma that you must pay for expensive subscription-based software to get professional results. I made this image using an old version of GIMP, 7 years ago!
      Verdict: It doesn't matter what tool you use as long as it works for you / the task. Whether you decide to optimize workflow or stay with the original program, it doesn't matter. Another extreme example via MSPaint
      { Change Log Archive }
      6/20/19 (June/Thurs)
      Updates will now = version numbers in the title. "v2.20" = two major revamps + 20 updates Minor changes such as new links will not be recorded. Only major updates will be recorded Look at "Updated" date on right side to see when this guide got updated
      6/17/19 (June/Mon)
      Revamped Moved sections + added new sections
      6/15/19 (June/Sat)
      Facepunch Forums[] are closed Links to that particular website are not viewable Use waybackmachine[] to go back in time if possible
      1. 6/11 - 6/17
        > Facepunch Forums closed
        > Minor additions and edits
      2. 6/1 - 6/10 > New links + Fixed imgs > Awesome list self host in Workspace section > Useful Blender links > Minor changes > Added imgs
      3. 5/30/19 > Automation in Blender> GIMP & Blender addons
      4. 5/29/19 > Changed name to something more memorable > GIMP Portable link
      5. 5/28/19 > Clarified section titles > Cleaned up Fundamentals
      6. 5/25/19 > Added map tools
      7. 5/22/19 > Added source engine fundamentals > Added important terms > Added a warning in "Resources"
      8. 5/21/19 > Minor changes and additions > Added more useful links > Repaired more of Resources page
      9. 5/20/19 > Major changes sorting > Added links > Deleted Videos. Moved videos to related sections > Sorted major sections in correct order
      10. 5/19/19 > Dumped new links > Restored last remembered child sections of Resources > Destroyed Resources section ^^^^^ Update: Support: There is no way to undo changes.
        Steam cannot edit or change content from guide. ^^^ Completely lost info. Must redo resource page. There was no way for me to undo on the page as a result of accidentally removing the content and tapping the save button on mobile ^^^ If anyone finds out how to undo this huge mistake I made, please let me know about any solutions. Will contact steam support to see if they can help + Project Management Tools and tips
      11. 5/17/19 > Soft sections > Changed title "Tutorials & Resources Compilation - Insurgency Reference / Encyclopedia" to "Insurgency Compendium / References" > Added new gems (gems = links)
      12. 5/16/19 > Added gun related YT channels > Re-sorted > Referenced > GIMP version info for plugins under Tools updated > Added a warning in Resources > Fixing typos as I go > Added Alpha channel section for specific material effects in GIMP > Added new useful links / gems > Minor edits
      13. 5/15/19 > Sorted links > Added Beginner & Mod Specifics child sections for most sections > Fixed typos and format > Moved some stuff to "Data Dump" to sort later > Added new links > Fixed some formatting > Moved art advice to "Other Tutorials" to make room for top description
      14. 5/14/19 > Added "Data Dump" section > Added offline method at top > Added "Archive" child section in "Resources" > Fixed more redundancies from links > Moved "Other Tools" > Added Inspiration to "Resources"
      15. 5/13/19 > Added Inspirations > Added empty lines in lists for subject / topic changes > Moved links to correct sections > Added description for tools > Added new section: Other tools and moved corresponding info > Added new links > Added archives > Fixed some formatting > Changed some lists to numbered for easy reference > Fixed categories orders within sections > Deleted unnecessary / redundant text > Added new tools > Cleaned up some links > Deleted broken links
      16. 5/12/19 > Changed title this guide > Added this section > Added GIMP and Blender sections > Added new links and some notes
      17. 5/11/19 > Changed branding image. Made by me (Divine Lotus) via GIMP > Added new useful things > Cleaned up lists > Added GIMP info/notes > Added Change Log
      16 kommentarer
      Mankoman9000 9. aug. 2021 kl. 8.48 
      Hi, Im new to modding games and stuff so I am not quite understand all your tutorials yet. Im making a character model based on a female model. I tried to remove some wierd cosmetics and create a custom Ragdoll.smd but, the model become invisible in game. Can I message you for this in detail? Thanks a lot :cleandino:
      Faded Vantage 20. sep. 2019 kl. 21.39 
      @Divine Lotus I think I may use the tools listed, the textures and models, and maybe animations.
      Basically build it from the ground up slowly and make it look nice.
      [UA/SK] Divine Lotus  [skaper] 16. sep. 2019 kl. 14.41 
      @Faded Vantage Thanks for the feedback! I wish you the best on your project(s). If you don't mind me asking curiously, what methods from this guide do you plan on using?

      I'm still in the process of fixing up this guide, but it'll be a while to get it to the format I'd want. I hope it's all easy to read.
      Faded Vantage 14. sep. 2019 kl. 16.28 
      I'm planning to use some of these methods to remaster DoD:S from the ground up, nice tutorial!
      ZeqMacaw 7. juli 2019 kl. 5.39 
      Moving Source engine stuff to Source SDK guides makes sense to me.
      [UA/SK] Divine Lotus  [skaper] 7. juli 2019 kl. 2.58 
      I'm considering moving Insurgency-unrelated, source engine resources to Source SDK guides where it's most appropriate
      [UA/SK] Divine Lotus  [skaper] 6. juli 2019 kl. 9.09 
      Thanks @ZeqMacaw
      ZeqMacaw 6. juli 2019 kl. 8.58 
      Crowbar View tab has the same and more info than MDLTextureInfo. :)
      [UA/SK] Divine Lotus  [skaper] 11. juni 2019 kl. 17.16 
      It's not going to let me add new stuff to the tool section unless I make another one or revamp
      [UA/SK] Divine Lotus  [skaper] 11. juni 2019 kl. 17.12 
      I think I linked that somewhere, if not I have it bookmarked to update this wiki