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Itens (132)
(addon) frackinuniverse critters
Criado por GNxL BxLich
ALL CREDIT GOES TO If you wish to help support this mod, be sure to check out my DeviantArt account, My Dad's bookstore, http://kearneystreet...
1.3 mech cinematic fix
Criado por GeO2
Allows outdated species mods to use mechs and custom captain's chairs. Every mod on the Starbound workshop should be supported. If a mod is on the workshop but not in the list, it's probably not affected by the mech or captiain's chair issues. --- Mods wit...
Access Granted
Criado por セージ
You may proceed. This is a simple head accessory mod that contains many reference filled accessories! All accessories can be crafted the Access Granted vault for 1 Pixel. The Access Granted vault can be crafted from the Inventor's Table for 1 Pixel. Got an...
Alternate Avali Captains Chair
Criado por Podge
I felt that the captain of the ship should really sit on something fancier than an office chair, So i made my own captains chair. After recieving some advice on the starbound forums, i decided to completely redesign it with a more avali feel, instead of lo...
AMP - Another Mod Pack (Hair and Beak Collection)
Criado por Heck.
Compatible with Starbound 1.4 : Bounty Hunter Update Ever wanted more variety in hairstyles without straying too far from the vanilla ones? Or maybe you just wanted to see some npcs with different hair? Fortunately, this is just what you need. This mod add...
Criado por Annuschka This mod adds 275 new hair styles for all races. A lot of them are long (especially for the males) and most of the human male styles have beards too. Human and Apex have ...
Armorsmith - Racial Armor & Weapons for Everyone!
Criado por btsa
Summary Unable to fulfill your destiny as a robot cowboy, or maybe a trout clad in full plate mail? Look no further! This extremely simple mod gives the player blueprints to craft any piece of Apex, Avian, Floran, Glitch, Human, Hylotl and Novakid armor at...
Augment Slot for Back Items
Criado por raine
Adds an augment slot to the vanilla back items. Mostly for people who don't use/have modded out the EPP. link to the mod that adds augments to armors...
Augment Slots for Armor
Criado por raine
Deprecated Mod, go use this mod instead, it probably has the mod support you want Adds an augment slot to the head, chest and legs of all tiers of armor in the base game, and these mods: felins frackin universe orcana avali fenerox viera vespoid dark souls...
Augments For Thing On Your Back
Criado por raine
Requires the mod adding augments to vanilla armors. Adds an augment slot to the critters and drones of the Thing On Your Back mod. Fixes the Orochi Drone as well....
Avali (Triage) Race Mod
Criado por Fevix
Avali race mod for Starbound 1.4 The cutest predators this side of the universe rift We now have a Discord chat, come on in! No account needed! If you have issues, please go to and post a new...
Avali Additions
Criado por Erazil
little mod add Avali door and Avali Hatch ( maybe more in future ) I want to thank Neo which really helped and endure all my stupid questions (and there was a lot!!) and he made all the animation part (.animation and .frame files). big thank you to him. lo...
Avali Alternate Ship
Criado por Fevix
Alternate ship for the Avali race, replaces the default humanshape ship with one designed by ArRockANsate. NOTE: This will NOT show in the opening quest, but once you get onto your ship it will be properly showing. WARNING: This mod conflicts with the Aval...
Avali Augments And Assorments: Revisited
Criado por Honnaven
Avali colored Items
Criado por Ferrox
Ever look through your mod files and find a ton of unused assets? Well I did and thought "what a waste" so I decided to add them in this horrible way that will probably cause tons of bugs :D. All recipies are added now and can be accessed with a new crafti...
Avali Drone Pet
Criado por leinglo
A drone pet for the Avali, complete with a custom pet house craftable from the Avali nanolathe. NOTICE: This mod is incompatible with Purchasable Pets, and is meant for those that don't use it. If you do use Purchasable Pets, you need to get the Purchasabl...
Avali Drone Pet (1.3 Patch)
Criado por Wolf
All Credit Belongs to Leinglo Link to his original (lovely) mod: Purchasable Pets Purchasable Pets version: NOTICE: After Starbo...
Avali Drone Pet (Purchasable Pets, 1.3 Patch)
Criado por Wolf
All Credit Belongs to Leinglo Link to his original (lovely) mod: Keep in mind that this is standalone Do not install Leinglo's version or any others to ensure this works correctly. This mod do...
Avali Heavy Mining Laser
Criado por Marxon
A mining tool and deadly weapon like no other. This weapon is capable of effectively mining both foreground and background blocks (but will not mine background if the foreground is in the way.) It also deals a lot of damage and slightly slows targets, and ...
Avali mannequin
Criado por Sepherix
Add a new mannequin in the clothing station for the fluffy space raptors. It require the same materials as the normal one. Do whatever you want with it, i don't care. It's a mess, i hate this....
Avali Modular Mech
Criado por Wolf
The MM4-A "Wasp," a mech for the space-faring Avali! Note: I no longer actively develop this, mostly because of my long-gone interest in Starbound. I will however continue to provide bug fixes as needed. For complicated issues, please create a discussion p...
Avali Modular Mech XS Patch
Criado por Wolf
XS Mechs: Modular Edition patch for the Avali Modular Mech mod! NOTICE: Its imperative you read this discussion if you use Frackin' Universe Requirements You need the Avali Modular Mech and XS Mechs: Modular Edition mods! How to Get 'Em They're all craftab...
Avali Navigation Console
Criado por Erisss
Makes ship navigation console to look "Avali like". Also changes descriptions of some planets. Affects to all races. I recommend use it with Frackin' Races....
[Server Friendly] Better Ship Fuel (No Galaxium)
Criado por Towja
This mod makes many items into fuel for your ship. Non-steam link: Fuels Added: - Oil - Coal Ore - Plutonium Ore - Plutonium Rod - Solarium Ore - Solarium Star Other Versions: ...
[OFFICIAL] FU BYOS Modded Race Patch
Criado por Hubnester
A patch to make it so modded races that can use the Frackin Universe build your own ship. Chucklefish Forum Version: Github Link:
Criado por pixel.doge
Community Forum Individual Packs Version: Still working as of January 2019! The pack of (2016) adds new color selections for PCs and NPCs to use. Each color is unique to that race and body ...
Criado por pixel.doge
Community Forum Individual Packs Version: Still working as of January 2019! The pack of (2015) adds new color selections for PCs and NPCs to use. Each color is unique to that race and body ...
Criado por pixel.doge
Community Forum Individual Packs Version: Still working as of January 2019! The pack of (2014) adds new color selections for PCs and NPCs to use. Each color is unique to that race and body ...
[ALPHA] Project Blade Dance: Shortswords
Criado por Ribs
Project Blade Dance is a series of mods that changes the vanilla melee weapons combos, this is the 2nd installment IF YOU USE THIS, CONSIDER YOURSELF A BLADESLINGER Consider joining the mod's discord server! This mod brings custom combos to shortswords, no...
XS Mechs : Modular Weapons+ Pack
Criado por lophatkao
XS weapons and more parts for XS Mechs : Modular Edition --- WORK IN PROGRESS - BUGS HAPPEN--- REQUIRES XS MECHS : MODULAR EDITION 14 weapon Arms + 4 more Legs for your modular mech! All parts available by finding bluebrints. They're not perfect yet, but t...
XS Mechs : Modular Edition (BETA)
Criado por Tiniebla
XS Mechs : Modular Edition (BETA) Old name is : Mech New Body Thank you Tshinzon! Your XS Mech graphic is AWESOME! THIS MOD IS OPEN FOR ALL. FREELY MODIFY AND UPLOAD! - Is that LEGS!? Yes. That is legs for your nice mech! - I stretched up the mech skeleton...
Xbawks Character Extender
Criado por Kawa
Adds 36 easily-extended species buttons. FAQ Q. How do I add species? A. Find and install them. This comes with none. Q. How do I make species? A. This is not the place to tell you. Q. When I run it, it looks like crap. How come? A. You may have two mods i...
Working Bunk Beds
Criado por cat2002
Makes it so you can sleep on the bottom and top bed of the bunk beds. This mod is client side and server side all users on a server must have it installed. Compatible with More Bunk Beds: Know...
Weapon Megapack
Criado por Kaamalauppias
40+ new weapon types, millions of different variants. New racial weapons, medieval weapons, modern weapons and more.
Weapon Fusion Station
Criado por DarkNekku
Description Ever wanted to transfer a weapon's Special Ability to another weapon? Ever loved the look of a weapon but had to sell or store it because you got a better weapon? Ever wanted to rename a weapon you got? If you said yes to any of those questions...
Wardrobe Interface
Criado por Silverfeelin This mod allows you to dress up your character. All clothing and colors in the game are directly available to your in an easy-to-access interface. You can store and load your favourite outfits so you don't have to juggle ite...
Avali Objects+
Criado por Ren
A mod that gives the Avali race for Starbound custom descriptions for vanilla objects in the game. As I'm obviously not Ryuujin0, I tried to be as faithful to the character of the Avali as possible, based off of the base mod's descriptions for the Avali's ...
Avali Perennial Crops
Criado por Neko Boi Nick
Perennial Crops Compatibility Patch for Avali (Triage) Race Mod Added support for Avali crops from the Triage mod, And adds support for the crop(s) added by, Avali Augments And Assorments: Revisited. Github:
Avali Plated Energy Rail Hatch
Criado por Xebov
This mod adds a rail version of the hatches added by Avali Additions for each rail type from the Avali Triage Mod. The visuals for Rails are from the Avali Triage Mod, The doors from Avali Additions. I just combined them into these new doors. They work the...
Avali Recipe Fixes
Criado por Taehl
Fixes a few Avali recipes which were broken in Avali Augments And Assorments Revisited, and Avali SpecOp Armor. These items should now be craftable: - avaligrapple - avalispecopcombatarmor - assemblyterminal - avaliterminal4, avaliterminal5, avaliterminal6...
Avali Rocket Launcher + Misc Stuff
Criado por Maledy
*This is a reupload to the Steam Workshop - the original source of my mod can be found here: : This mod *requires* the up-to-date version Avali Race mod (the game will CTD w...
Avali Ship - New Teleporter
Criado por Erazil
Modifies the Teleporter on Avali Ship (Only works with a new game or after a ship upgrade) Collision type : platform Currently compatible with: Avali Alternate Ship Avali Tier 9 and 10 Ships (thank you to JennyLeeP for making this mod compatible with my wo...
Avali SpecOp Armor
Criado por Vorpal Vulpes
Adds simple variants of the Avali helmets, a cosmetic wing backpack based off the Floran mission set, and combat armor sleeves to Starbound. All items are recolorable with the ingame dyes. Wings worn in all pics and full combat armor as well. All gear shou...
Avali Speech Bubbles and Chat Box
Criado por RaizyCas
The Avali Speach Bubbles and Chat Box reskins the ingame version of the chat box and speech bubbles! (Duh) I know there are typing errors in the screenshots. I just wanted to get this up on the workshop. Everything should still be ledgible enough to unders...
Avali Tier 9 and 10 Ships to support the Tier 9 mod and the Avali-Alternate-Ship Mod.
Criado por CyborgJenn
This Mod adds Avali "Alternate-Ship" support to the "Tier 9 / Tier 10 mod". Compatible with the Avali New Teleporter mod. In other words this gives the Avali 2 more levels of ships above the base game, if you are also using the Avali Alternate Ship Mod and...
Avali-Themed Cursor Replacers
Criado por Maledy
Non-Steam Workshop Version: : This mod adds replacers for the various cursors the game uses with more "Avali-esq" ones. Some are simple recolors with a small amount of transpar...
Better Chat Bubbles
Criado por Alessondria
This is a simple mod that changes the text duration and color of chat bubbles. The default timer for chat bubbles was 4.5 seconds. I never had enough time to read everything so I increased this by a factor of two! This might be a bit long for most people b...
Blade Dance extension: Drachentöter
Criado por Ribs
We have a discord server now! You can join to chat about modding or just generally have fun! "Forged long ago by a long forgotten race, this blade was created from the heart of a star and cooled in the blood of dragons. They called this sword, "Dragonslaye...
Blade Dance extension: Flashing Daggers
Criado por Ribs
Here's something that doesn't really fit into Project Blade Dance as this thing isn't vanilla at all, even though it uses vanilla assets :/ You can get this thing as treasured trophies for 20 regular throwing daggers and a solarium star. Or spawn one in wi...
Craftable Bottled Healing Water
Criado por Bob Vanus
You ever wonder how you're supposed to make the bottled healing water that the game says you've unlocked the recipe for? Well, you can't. The crafting for it is actually disabled, despite the game saying that "hey, you can craft this now". This here will a...
Craftable Pet Collars
Criado por marciocjr13
This adds the pet collars to the Pet Station as craftable items, no more searching on random planets for it! (Except the Ghostly Collar, that one is Treasured Trophies only). Every collar requires a gold bar, a diamond and 3 leather as base, with each type...
Dramatic Terrain
Criado por Limlis
Tired of those blocky blocks? Are those mountains looking a little square? Do you find it oddly convenient that someone has hand-carved stairs specifically for you in a completely unpopulated world's underground caverns? Be troubled no longer with Dramatic...
Dye Station
Criado por Nyan
Adds a single dye that can change to 4, 294, 967, 296 colors. It should work with all mods as it only recolors armors. The mod relies heavily on the 'colorOptions' data for the raw image, but that shouldn't be a problem since all the armors have it. The dy...
Earth's Finest - Crew Improvements
Criado por Mickyan
This mod aims to make recruiting your crew a more worthwhile endeavour, greatly increasing the strenght and usefulness of your crew members. By making each class unique and useful in their own way, choosing the right person to bring on a mission can make a...
Elemental Flashlights
Criado por supermandrew
Use new elemental flashlights that affect things caught in the light! Burn enemies with the fire flashlight, heal your allies with the healing flashlight, and many more! Find these new items as they've been added into the treasure pools of the game, or spa...
Elithian Races Mod
Criado por Aegonian [THEA]
DISCLAIMER: Back up your save files before installing. Characters and other save data, including ships and worlds, may be lost if the mod is uninstalled, so always keep a back-up! NOTICE: This mod requires a Character Creator extender in order to play as o...
Enhanced Party Interface
Criado por Renamon
Changes the layout and look of the party UI for a unified look. I mean, who isn't totally triggered by that hunger bar that is smaller than the energy/health bar? And don't get me started on those health and energy bars of party members... Compatibility Mo...
Enhanced Storage
Criado por Neo
Enhanced Storage is a quality of life mod which improves the whole storage system of Starbound. On the one hand it adds a lot of new features to the usablity of containers, and on the other it adds many new content concerning storage and containers. Contai...
Enhanced Tech
Criado por btsa
Summary Enhances basic Starbound Techs, aiming to make them a bit more effective and fun to use. Last updated for Starbound v. 1.3.1. Non-Steam versions (.pak files) can be found here. Tech Changes Distortion Sphere: Speed increased. Aqua Sphere: Speed inc...
Extended GUI
Criado por v6
This is a client-side mod. Extends most of the GUI windows so you can fit more items at the same time. The songbook can be found as a seperate mod by the name of "Extended Songbook" For a non-...
Criado por Kawa
The most-liked (and near-canon) space cat species. Use a character creation extender such as Xbawks to be able to select this species. Features: * Custom ship * Custom SAIL * Custom villages (yes, plural) * Custom sounds * Custom outfits * Custom vehicles ...
Felin Costumes+
Criado por Kawa
Do you sometimes feel like Starbound needs that certain you-know-what? Do you feel that Colonel Mustang may have been on to something? Say no more, say no more, nudge-nudge wink-wink. This mod, believe it or not, lets any character with a regular body shap...
Felin Fur+
Criado por Kawa
Adds more fur and hair colors to the Felin....
Criado por Whisperwood
Are you looking for a fast and good vehicle to explore your planets or simply travel through it all, so this is what you're looking for. ============================================ This mod is a colaboration between me and Lefl that made the UT-47 Kodiak ...
Visible Meteor Showers
Criado por Kais
Adds a distinct particle effect to both large and small meteor showers, because your first clue that a meteor shower is happening should not be getting killed in one hit by a rock that you couldn't possibly have reacted to in time. Affects only the vanilla...
Very Varied Vehicles - Some spice to the hover bike shop
Criado por THNDR-KNGHT
*ATTETION** theres currently a bug happening to Fracking universe users wher some ships wont apear. im currently working on a fix but know the mod still works its just hidding some assests. Update - Due to time constraints this mod will not be recieving up...
Vanilla Mechs
Criado por lophatkao
Far less OP than the XS Mechs :D Enables the unfinished Mech vehicles CF Mod Forums link Purchase the controllers from Penguin Pete at the Outpost (or his Portable Outpost counterpart) Functionally complete, but very WIP updated when i feel like it ;) --TO...
Criado por Javenchi
Do your feet get cold? Do you wish you had something stylish to cover your legs? Are you an ammonia-based 3-foot tall raptor-like creature from space? Then this mod is for you. There are 5 kinds of socks; thigh highs, knee highs, striped versions of both, ...
USCM Tanks
Criado por lophatkao
Tanks, a versatile mobile land weapon system. Sporting heavy vehicle armour which provides protection for the crew, the vehicle's weapons, and its propulsion systems, and mounting a large-calibre cannon in a rotating gun turret, supplemented by mounted mac...
Upgraded Upgrades
Criado por Kais
Increases the target level of the Weapon Upgrade Anvil (found at the end of the Ancient Vaults accessible after the main story has been completed) from 6 to 7, and makes all vanilla weapons and shields upgradeable. Any items that you previously upgraded to...
Criado por HammyHammerGuy
This mod overhauls stars and planetary systems in a pseudorealistic manner replacing the tiered star-planet progression with more a classification-temperature spread. Planets are hot up close and cool as you head out; Hotter stars get more hotter planets w...
Felin intro mission
Criado por Kawa
I never did think it made sense, lore wise, that a felin player would start on Earth and all that. This extension makes it so that felin players start with their own introduction mission, dovetailing into the vanilla outpost and its associated missions. I ...
Felin Objects+
Criado por Kawa
Adds Felin descriptions to the default objects....
Firebound Hair
250+ hot hairstyles that only have a tested 5% chance of burning you to death! This is a character customization mod that adds over 200 new hairstyles for your characters to use, for each and every single vanilla race! UPDATE 1.9: New Novakid, Avian, and H...
Food Stack
Criado por v6
This is a client- & server-side mod. If it is not installed on server then your stack can & will reduce to 1 when transferred to the server. Food Stack changes so food can stack up to 1000. To stack food that have different rotting time you will need to pu...
Frackin' Music
Criado por Sayter
Note: Does NOT require FrackinUniverse, but is recommended since most of the music will play on those biomes. What is FrackinMusic, and why is it so gigantic? It adds (does not replace) over 250 new songs to your Starbound experience pulled from various co...
Frackin' Races
Criado por Sayter
As of June 3, 2020, FR will no longer be independently updated. FR will instead be merged directly into FU with a toggle switch. All further support requests can go there. It is NOT compatible with FrackinUniverse now because it is *part* of FrackinUnivers...
Frackin' Universe
Criado por Sayter
FU Discord: Wiki: Disclaimer: Installing FU is a one-way trip. FU will affect your game universe and ALL characters. Note: Uninstalling the mod will cause crashes, unless you w...
Freedom of Movement
Removes a few restrictions that prevent chaining movement and tech abilities together and buffs distortion sphere speed. Dash techs no longer prevent jumping or clamp momentum on ending. Sprint tech no longer prevents multi-jump. Blink dash can now be used...
FU/ztarbound S.A.I.L. Modded Race Support
Criado por 🐱
A bunch of patches to make sure modded species get Frackin Universe's S.A.I.L. interface. If you're using a modded specie with FU (or ztarbound, which FU uses) and get a FAILSAFE interface when interacting with S.A.I.L., you need this. It is made of way to...
Greckan Race Mod
Criado por Inf_Wolf14 Adding a new diplomatic denizen to your universe for you to play as! Build, explore, experience what it is to be Greckan! Visit this mod's primary page at the Chucklefish Community Forums, where you'll find the latest updates...
Full Spectrum Hoverbikes
Criado por Celeste Teal
Features: -Adds a full spectrum of new coloured hoverbikes available for purchase at Penguin Pete's. -Hoverbikes are available in every colour that dye is available in: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink, Khaki, Brown, White, Grey, and Black. P...
Hat Mask Fixes
Criado por Cyan Sky Knight
No more missing beaks or beards! Masks are usually used to tell the game where Head Overlays, like hair, beards, Avian fluff, and Avian beaks should be displayed. This mod tweaks around 20 mask files that were improperly set up. I've looked through every h...
Heavier Meteor Impact
Criado por Xaliber
Makes the meteor look and sound like having actual weight! Vanilla Starbound uses grenade explosion as a meteor impact animation and sound effect, which look and sound weak (doesn't feel like meteor crashing on your planet at all). This mod changes that. B...
I Want to Drive That Van
Criado por Argle Bargle
Have you ever looked at that broken down camper van in some of the human settlements and thought "it'd be cool if I could drive this"? No? Well I did, and now this is here. The hover van operates similarly to the existing hover bikes, but can hold 4 people...
Interactable Apex Pods
Criado por Reyquiem
Allows you to use Apex life support pods as if they were furniture. I figured, hey, if we can sit around in Floran cages and Human force prison cells, why not Apex life support pods? Maybe that's not a very good reason, since these things are clearly prett...
Inventory Interface Redone
Criado por Tatsu
Fixed for 1.2 Like with any other 1.0 mods, you have to restart the game a few times before the mod decides to work (there should be a message popping up in the opening). This seems to be a problem with starbound itself, and I hope it will be fixed soon......
Islands for Ocean Background
Criado por Nekobi
This mod adds islands in the parallax of Ocean Planets. I tried to make a background that fit the game's style, I hope you like it! Unfortunately, the new background does not apply to the already generated Ocean planets... You need to explore new ones to s...
Kemono Race Mod ver 1.5
Criado por ODABUTSU
This mod is no longer in development. Now, as open source, you are free to edit with these mod assets. Thank you for playing for a long time. Everyone free to use the assets of this mod. No author credit is required. (But I'm a little happy if there is.) 6...
Learn Blueprints on Scan
Criado por 🐱
Learn blueprints when scanning objects. Should be compatible with any mods that adds objects and/or recipes. Update (2019-10-20): If the quest is stuck in your quest log: Type this in the in-game chat: /admin /failquest learnblueprintonscan /admin then re-...
Lamia Race
Criado por Antyrus
--------------------Mod version 0.9.1------------------- ------BASE COMPATIBILITY PATCH FOR 1.3 HAS BEEN APPLIED--------- ----MOD IS NO LONGER BEING UPDATED, IF IT BREAKS IT BREAKS---- original mod location here:
Light Spears Avali
Criado por Xebov
This Mod adds craftable Light Spears for the Avali. They use the same visuals as the existing spears and have crit values used by Frackin' Universe. Version 1.1: - made some changes to reflect changes of the base mod...
[old]Lyetzi's gunners mod
Old Version : Lyetzi's Gunners mod New version : Feast of fire and smoke Link : ♣♣♣ NOTICE to Add-on/Expansion modder ♣♣♣ + You have to write 'lyetzi' to helper or corner of descrition or mo...
Make the universe a cuter place
Criado por Barb-tan
Welcome to Cutebound, a mod aimed at giving the game a cute/anime feeling (somehow) and monster girls \o/ Nealy everything i could rework have been reworked -armors -clothes -accessories -races faces and bodies -hairstyles -probably things i forgot All hav...
Matter Manipulator Manipulator
Criado por v6
I have uploaded a early version of MMM 2.X that requires Quickbar from either Quickbar Mini or StardustLib. This version allows you to - Change size & alt size (holding down shift) - Toggle block & liquid collection. - Change color of paint tool by clickin...
Melee Aiming
Criado por Kais
Changes the standard (left click) attacks of broadswords and hammers to aim towards the cursor, instead of only horizontally left or right. Note: secondary (right click) attacks are unaffected. This mod will affect other mods' broadswords and hammers as lo...
Missing Links
Criado por TheTrueFinalBoss
Proof of Evolution in Starbound! Adds 14 tallbiped heads to the pool from starbound races as 'missing links', clues to the history of the modern Starbound races' evolution! Forum Link:
More Idle Poses
Criado por Argle Bargle
This mod adds several more idle poses to character creation. If you've ever created a character and thought "I want these arms, but with those legs" and found that the combination you were thinking of wasn't in the list, then this mod might be for you! Unl...
Mr. Foxer's Headgear Pack [Outdated]
Criado por Foxer
This mod adds 50 new head items to the game. All hats can ONLY be crafted using the spinning wheel from the clothing tab, some are dyeable. They are purely cosmetic and do not provide any stat bonuses. Note that all items are designed with the vanilla race...
Ningen Race Mod ver 1.8
Criado por ODABUTSU
This mod is no longer in development. Now, as open source, you are free to edit with these mod assets. Thank you for playing for a long time. Everyone free to use the assets of this mod. No author credit is required. (But I'm a little happy if there is.) 6...
Nostalgic Greenery (FU-dependent Version)
Criado por Charlatan
-<>---<>---<>---<>---<>---<>---<>---<>---<>---<>---<>---<>---<>---<>---<>---<>---<>---<>- ==> ONLY use one version - this one requires Frackin' Universe <== Link to the Vanilla version: Link f...
One-Handed Torch
Criado por Suphax
This means the torch, not the flashlight. This mod modifies the normal torch to be one-handed. Non-Steam version here v 1.1: * Changed to JSON patch method as I forgot to implement it into this mod. v 1.0: + Released ...
One-Handed Vehicle Controllers
Criado por Suphax
Tired of having to drag your vehicle controllers into your hotbar all the time? This mod makes them one handed so they don't use as much space in your hotbar. All functionality still there and should be compatible with nearly every mod. Enjoy Thanks to Sil...
Orange Chat Box and Chat Bubbles
Criado por Erisss
Replaces boring vanilla chatbox and chat bubbles with new one, stylish, easy to read hi-tech looking and orange! I think Avali players will appreciate this, non Avali I think too. Expect in the future orange teleport menu and maybe orange player interface....
Ownship Teleport
Criado por Sir Greaves
Allows you to teleport to your ship from your friend's ship. Because of how the system works, this also means you can teleport to your own ship, from your own ship. I don't think there's anything I can do about that. ...
Procedural Katanas Alpha (Outdated, see description)
Criado por Mohl
The mod has a new page at with the update finally complete! This version isn't going to receive any other updates, so head over there instead. By far the largest mod I've done, this adds pro...
Project Blade Dance: Aimable Broadswords
Criado por Ribs
Project Blade Dance is a series of mod that aims to overhaul the vanilla melee weapons of starbound. Consider joining the mod's discord server! This is an aimable patch for said mod, it makes all the broadswords covered by Blade Dance to be aimable. As req...
Project Blade Dance: Broadswords - Legacy version
Criado por Ribs
Development on this branch has ceased, I will release a new version of this mod in the coming days, with the hopes of making this mod vanilla multiplayer compatible, to some degree at least. New version of the mod here Consider joining the mod's discord se...
Purchasable Pets
Criado por TheSuit
Overview: This mod removes the starting pet and allows you to buy which ever starting pet you wish. Buy pets at Infinity Express Use Pet trap to remove unwanted pets. This mod will remove custom pets of custom races if they use the vanillia method of spawn...
Quickbar Mini (DEPRECATED)
Criado por Silverfeelin
This mod is now deprecated in favor of Stardust Core Lite, a newer, shinier version with additional features, maintained and updated in sync with Stardust Core. Please update your subscriptions and collections accordingly. - Zia 💜 For those still asking (i...
Racial Hoverbikes
Criado por Rob
This is a deprecated mod which - I'd like to leave it up until a modder comes along who might revive it Adds racial hoverbikes to the outpost. Pretty cool, they had features and vfx. I'm leaving this up for any modders who want to jam off the material. I'm...
Rusty And Rainbow Hoverbikes
Criado por Wubsy
Add the Rusty and Rainbow Hoverbikes. Rusty hoverbike for poor person, not really the best but it's still a car.. Cost 750 Rainbow is THE Flying hoverbike, cost alot but its really effective ! Cost 50 000 Non steam version ...
Criado por NimblePenguin
Ran Auto Background info: Ran is a Nightar who decided to chase his dream and become a big merchant and chains owner, he started as a small car dealer on Earth, and started expanding from there, now he's a famous galactic merchant with many different store...
S.A.I.L. chips megapack
Criado por 🐱
This mod is a pack that should contain all the A.I. chips in this collection: They're to be used with my Scripted S.A.I.L. mod: ...
Scripted Artificial Intelligence Lattice (Customisable A.I.!)
Criado por 🐱 2018-06-14: when using FU (or ztarbound) and a modded specie, please now also install this mod! Short description: Good stuff: - Allows you to easily change y...
Shield Augments
Criado por Weyrling
Adds Shield Augments that can be fabricated at an Anvil, Forge, or Replicator. The base augments all recharge at a rate of 10% per second and stop recharging for several seconds upon taking damage. Tier 1 has 20 base shields and 25% efficiency, so it takes...
Skippable Cinematics
Criado por v6
This is a client-side mod. Skip any cinematic with ESC-key. It does not reduce any loading times that are covered up by cinematics. For a non-Steam version, visit
Skizot's Dozers
Criado por lophatkao
MiniDozer + MegaDozer Vehicles Buy the Controllers at Penguin Pete in the Outpost (or his Portable Outpost counterpart) Original art & code by Skizot Updated code by LoPhatKao More Info: --]...
Steambound reloaded - Automation, item transportation and much more!
Criado por TP
Routers not saving their Inputs/Outputs has been fixed. An industrial approach to starbound. Automation, item transportation and much more! This mod uses Pipe-Networks as a way of connecting things. You can easily setup your own Network by placing "Heavy P...
Criado por Darth Biomech
Current version: v.0.2 Update: Go get the Frackin' Universe. Their's better, I don't maintain this mod, because I don't really know how. The code was not written by me, so I have all but the dimmest understanding of it. A submarine for exploring depths of ...
Tabs for Avali Nanoloom
Criado por RobotLucca
Makes the Avali Nanoloom have an actually usable UI. With tabs. No more hunting for whatever clothes, blocks, or furniture you want to make!...
Taehl's Teleport Beams
Criado por Taehl
Trippy teleport beam graphics, featuring twice as many frames of animation and cycling colors! Improved beams for over 100 species, including: - All vanilla species - Arachne - Arcanian (Arcana) - Argonian - Artificial Intelligence (Race) - Avali - Avonian...
Tanz Tweaks - Textures
Criado por Sir Greaves
Tweaks textures here and there, making slight changes or improvements while remaining in the style of Starbound. + Changed TV Helmet to look a bit better + Changed Avian market stalls 1-5 to look more Avian + Changed wooden crates to resemble wooden tables...
The Avali Matter Manipulator
Criado por RaizyCas
Getting tired of being an awesome, cute and fluffy space raptor with a bulky and ugly looking peice of human tech? Well we got you covered. The newly reworked Matter Manipulator is avalible for you on the NEXUS. Only a lifetimes payment of 1,000,000,000 pi...
The Avali Themed Distortion Spheres
Criado por RaizyCas
Many Avali have complained about the dull grey look of the distortion shere tech. We answered your call and bring you The Avali Distortion Sheres. Instead of boring grey, they are slightly less boring white with those fancy black holes on them... Maybe the...
The Orcana
Criado por Nemasys
A benevolent race of anthropomorphic, porpoise-like beings. Theirs is a culture that has risen from conflict to embrace enlightenment through knowledge and philosophy. The cultural theme for these guys is advanced Atlantean. Think mostly Greco-Roman with a...
The REAL Electro Baton
Criado por Ribs
Update: I've been seeing reports of weird asset mismatch happening with combo swords and items that uses combo in general. I still don't have a clue as to what is causing the issue, hence why I'm moving most of the mods I've made to a new system that will ...
Themed Pet Tethers
Criado por Kais
Sick of the plain-looking grey-and-yellow Pet Tether? Wish your little friend's home was as stylin' as the rest of your pad? Have I got the solution for you! This mod adds 15 new Pet Tethers - seven to match the Teleporter models, seven styled as fixtures ...
Tier Upgrade
Criado por Tiniebla
- Upgrade weapon one step at a time at ancient vault anvil. - 8 tier maximum. 1 .. 444 2 .. 666 3 .. 1000 4 .. 1500 5 .. 2250 6 .. 3375 7 .. 5062 8 Upgraded Upgrades ( ) .. Can upgrade Every ...
Time Control Tech
Criado por supermandrew
Stop and rewind time with these new techs! Time Rewind showcase video: Time Stop obstacle course: WARNING: This mod is in beta. I have not tested it against bosses. I have tested basic...