Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

71 ratings
[STEALTH] 2018 Police CS Dodge Charger
Assets: Vehicle
File Size
3.280 MB
31 May, 2018 @ 6:52pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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[STEALTH] 2018 Police CS Dodge Charger

In 2 collections by ninjanoobslayer
Vehicles by ninjanoobslayer
861 items
Police: Cities Skylines Generic Pack by ninjanoobslayer
78 items
Blacked Out Performance Police Sedan

When you have someone who wants to race a performance sports car (which happens to be a cop), the Charger is your best bet. Decked out in black, it's the perfect bait for a teenager out to street race.

Use Service Vehicle Selector or Service Vehicle Manager (my preferred utility) to set police/prison vehicles types for your stations/prisons.

Use Invisible Spawn Points to fine tune your spawning and create more realistic depots!


Other Versions


Model Information

Textures 1024 x 1024

Vehicle was optimized from 3D Warehouse model[], Added Police: CS equipment.

All stats are the same as the default police car. Use Advanced Vehicle Options Mod to change it to fit your needs. Use Emergency Lights Changer V2 to generate custom flare colors and lighting styles.

