Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Japanese Buses LV290 KV290 Props
The list of LV290 and KV290 props.
Items (5)
LV290/KV290 Prop
Created by jaijai
This asset contains two props: Isuzu ERGA LV290 and Hino Blue Ribbon KV290. The vehicle: LV290, KV290 LHD is here....
LV290/KV290 LHD Prop
Created by jaijai
This asset contains two props: Isuzu ERGA LV290 LHD and Hino Blue Ribbon KV290 LHD. The vehicle: LV290, KV290 RHD is here....
LV290/KV290 Prop Pack 1
Created by jaijai
This asset contains the following props: JR Bus JRバス Hiroshima Kotsu 広島交通 Toei Bus 都営バス Kyoto City Bus 京都市営バス Hiroshima Dentetsu 広島電鉄 ...
LV290/KV290 Prop Pack 2
Created by jaijai
This asset contains the following props: Meitetsu Bus 名鉄バス Shimotsui Dentetsu 下津井電鉄 Kokusai Kogyo 国際興業 Kawasaki Tsurumi Rinko Bus 川崎鶴見臨港バス Hokkaido Chuo Bus 北海道中央バス JOTETSU じょうてつ ...
LV290/KV290 Prop Pack 3
Created by jaijai
This asset contains the following props: Nishitetsu Bus 西鉄バス Sendai City Bus 仙台市営バス Meiko Bus 明光バス Kagoshima City Bus 鹿児島市営バス Showa Bus 昭和自動車 ...
In 1 collection by jaijai
Japanese Buses LV290 KV290
61 items