Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

71 ratings
60 Metre Wide EMAS Bed
File Size
9.792 MB
2 Apr, 2018 @ 7:03pm
27 Apr, 2018 @ 7:10am
3 Change Notes ( view )

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60 Metre Wide EMAS Bed

An EMAS bed (acronym for Engineered Materials Arrestor System bed) is placed at the ends of a runway instead of blast pad. It's made out of a material that collapses under under the weight of an aircraft to stop it if it overruns the runway.

This EMAS bed is directly based off of the one at the end of runway 1L at SFO. It is 60 metres wide and 134 metres long.

THIS IS NOT FOR VANILLA RUNWAYS. Vasimr22 has made an EMAS bed just for that:

I recommend using Ploppable Asphalt by Ronyx69 to widen the runway.

Note: This asset appeared really bright in the asset editor but seemed OKAY in my game. Let me know if the asset is to bright for you. I really tried to darken it but for some reason the game wouldn't darken the texture even after reloading it. If a asset maker out there knows the proper way to do this, please let me know.

Main Mesh:

-78 Tris
-2048 X 2048 Texture

LOD Mesh:

-22 Tris
-512 X 512 Texture

Search Terms: prop blast pad EMAS emas bed runway airport

Distanced  [author] 14 Apr, 2018 @ 2:34pm 
Just updated - let me know if you are having issues with it.
Stealthy 3 Apr, 2018 @ 5:39am 
Cool. I'll have a look into it. Thanks.
Distanced  [author] 3 Apr, 2018 @ 4:54am 
@Stealthy No. You need to widen the vanilla one with ploppable asphalt by ronyx
Stealthy 3 Apr, 2018 @ 2:00am 
So which runway to use with this? Has anyone made a wider one?