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Luomukset (21)
Actual Combat Difficulty (OLD AND BAD)
Tekijä: olivebough
Starbound is a great game, but after ya play it for a while it gets REALLY easy. Annoyingly easy. For a while I searched for mods to change that, but all of the ones I could find only increased hunger or the death penalty. However, I thought that difficult...
Actual Dank Names
Tekijä: olivebough
THE RANDO LY GENTRERTED WEEAPN NAMES NO GOED ENOUG SO NOW BETTRE Xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd...
Actual Progression Choices
Tekijä: olivebough
So you know how at tiers 5 and 6 the progression splits off into seperator, manipulator, and accelerator? Well it does. BUT WAIT THERE IS A PROBLEM! Prior to the endgame there is only one way to progress your character! So anyway this does some simple stuf...
Actual Vibrant Swooshes
Tekijä: olivebough
I kind of really dislike the weapon trails (especially the elemental ones (especially poison)). So i changed them. Here. Also it has a different death animation and hitsparks....
Actual Vibrant Techs - Green
Tekijä: olivebough
WOW it recolors the tech effects. They are green and bright. More colors in the collection above....
Better Dash (no more double tap)
Tekijä: Hotox
This mod lets you use up + direction to dash. Simply press up + direction to dash. You can also hold it to dash automatically. Double tap does still work. If you are in space you have to use double tap to dash. ADDON: To completely disable double tap use t...
Container UI Tweak 2 (Wider, Customizable)
Tekijä: eggcup
A modification of the Container UI Tweak mod which opens inventory and container windows away from the center of the screen. This version opens them further than the original mod, neatly fitting crafting windows between them without overlap. This makes cli...
Cursor Colors - Orange
Tekijä: Dynaflame
Changes the default color of the cursor/crosshair to orange....
Hidden Armor
Tekijä: Murmur
Tired of an ugly backpack or helmet? Want to look naked but still be wearing armor? Craft the Hidden Helmet, Armor, Pants, and Backpack at the Spinning Wheel for 1 pixel. Equip it to a cosmetic slot and enjoy your lack of clothes....
Improved Containers
Tekijä: v6
Improved Containers adds quality of life features to containers in Starbound. The aim is to keep the mod multiplayer friendly so you will still be able to play with friends that do not have the mod installed. It is not compatible with other container mods ...
Tekijä: Munancho
Optimizebound aims to improve your game performance without any noticeable quality loss. To achieve this I've used PNGGauntlet, a png lossless compression tool, to optimize all png files found within the 'assets.pak' file....
Parallax Compression (FPS Improvement)
Tekijä: Xaliber
This mod intends to improve FPS performance by compressing all parallax images size. --- If you liked my mods, feel free to donate me a snack through: Ko-Fi | Buymeacofee | Trakteer | Saweria --- Instead of removing the parallax background like other mod d...
Player Dances and Emotes
Tekijä: Degranon
When emotes are just not enough Ever looked at these happy dancing npcs and crying out jelously? So, worry no more! Express your feelings using this simple mod that allows you to dance, dance all night long, wave your hands warmly, comfort your friends... ...
Quickbar Mini (DEPRECATED)
Tekijä: Silverfeelin
This mod is now deprecated in favor of Stardust Core Lite, a newer, shinier version with additional features, maintained and updated in sync with Stardust Core. Please update your subscriptions and collections accordingly. - Zia 💜 For those still asking (i...
Skippable Cinematics
Tekijä: v6
This is a client-side mod. Skip any cinematic with ESC-key. It does not reduce any loading times that are covered up by cinematics. For a non-Steam version, visit
Tekijä: josu
Reskinned player faces for Apex, Floran, Glitch, Human, and Hylotl races....
Taehl's Teleport Beams
Tekijä: Taehl
Trippy teleport beam graphics, featuring twice as many frames of animation and cycling colors! Improved beams for over 100 species, including: - All vanilla species - Arachne - Arcanian (Arcana) - Argonian - Artificial Intelligence (Race) - Avali - Avonian...
Tech Additions
Tekijä: gay moth aunt
CAUTION: This workshop item will no longer receive updates. I no longer have time to work on maintaining these items due to now being a full-time sprite artist, so consider these workshop items to be fully open-source. You are free to upload or publish you...
Uncommon Shields
Tekijä: SentientSupper
This is a very simple mod which adds uncommon shields. Shields can be spawned with /spawnitem uncommonlargeshield or be found naturally. Starbound forums link: A newer version of this mod ...
Weapon Stats
Tekijä: Tripod
Compatible with Starbound 1.4 Displays item level, DPS and damage per energy (DPE) for swords and guns. Based only on raw damage. Abilities and combo attacks are not factored in. For additional stats on other weapons (legendaries, bows, fists) install Lege...
Windup Armory Tweaks (Glow)
Tekijä: Schweitzer Cushy
Adds glow effect to let you know your hammer or axe is charged and ready to swing. Glow begins 0.02 seconds before charge is ready in order to account for reaction time. Now applies to any pertinent right-click abilities! Check out Argle Bargles Easier Ham...