Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Singapore MRT C151B SMRT Pixel
Assets: Vehicle
File Size
4.848 MB
10 Mar, 2018 @ 7:39pm
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Singapore MRT C151B SMRT Pixel

In 2 collections by EndlessFtw
Endlessftw's Singapore Public Transport Collection
25 items
All Singaporean Assets
135 items
Singapore MRT C151B in SMRT Pixel livery

About the train

The Kawasaki Heavy Industries - CSR Qingdao Sigang C151B was introduced in 2017. It is the 5th generation of rolling stock of the North South and East West lines (NSEWL) of the Singapore Mass Rapid Transit system. They were introduced to increase the capacity on both lines, and also to supplement the system for the Tuas West Extension.

It is also the first train to feature the SMRT 'Pixel' livery, which first appeared on buses. The C151B's livery is the 3rd version to appear on the NSEWL. When the C151C is introduced in 2018, there will be trains with 4 different liveries on the same line by the same operator.

By the way, you can find Singapore MRT trains with the 3 other liveries on my public transport collection.

Model Information

Number of cars: 6
Passenger capacity: 300 (changeable with mods)
Line colouring: No
Tris counts (blender)
Engine: 708
Trailer: 424

Despite calling it the 'Pixel' livery, this asset does not have that feature. This is because it would require the 3rd and 4th car (trailer) to have a texture different from the 2nd and 5th car. Since all trailers have to be all the same and use the same texture, I decided to just drop the SMRT logo and pixel part of the livery.


The Metro Overhaul Mod (M.O.M.) is required to use this train. You should also download any mod that changes the last trailer to the engine car (rear engine).
Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! 27 Aug, 2018 @ 4:56pm 
Okay! i'll try AVO or IPT
EndlessFtw  [author] 27 Aug, 2018 @ 10:00am 
I'm not sure if you can do so with MOM, but if you have AVO or IPT, you can use that to change the last trailer.
Ali Cafe Hao YEAH! 27 Aug, 2018 @ 1:14am 
How do you change the last trailer to the engine car with MOM?