Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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18tes TTT v4 - 11.07.2022
Items (138)
Allahu Ackbar Jihad (Server Side)
Created by Bartholomew Degryse
This addon is exactly the same as any other TTT Jihad addon, only the sound is replaced with "Allauh Ackbar!" Enjoy!...
Beretta for TTT
Created by KäseT0T
For DETECTIVE. I did not make this! I modified it only a little bit....
CS:GO Negev for TTT
Created by Nahte
Made for TTT, it means will not work in Sandbox So, you love the negev from csgo? well, i made it for TTT. This weapon will autospawn, no need to change anything. Includes: -Custom icon! -Custom fire sound -Better than the M249 Credits: http://css.gamebana...
Hitmarkers for Gmod!
Created by Exho
This + Doritos playermodels + Intervention SWEP = MLG PRO *** Info: I saw that there was a lack of free, updated and good hitmarker addons on the Workshop so I decided to try creating my own! This addon works in BOTH singleplayer and multiplayer (only if t...
Lykrast's TTT Weapon Collection
Created by Lykrast
Requires CS:Source. This single pack will contain all my TTT weapons. For now, it merely contains the ones from my previous packs, but it will later have some extras that I will not release as separate packs (unless I hit the size limit). All those weapons...
Molotov Cocktail for TTT
Created by Maul Pax
Left click throws it and right click drops it, it then explodes after 4 seconds. The secondary attack causes a bit more damage as it is more difficult to place the molotov unseen. If you want to change the damage yourself: -The addon folder contains a sent...
Offblast (TTT)
Created by Diva Dan
Welcome to ttt_offblast, a port of arena_offblast from TF2 designed for TTT! The map includes gameplay elements to suit the mode such as explosive barrels, lots of doors, a traitor tester, and traitor traps, all designed to look like something from the TF2...
Shovel for TTT
Created by Skelker
TTT - Cloaking Device
Created by Lykrast
I'd first like to thanks v_hana for helping fixing bugs. A functionnal cloaking device for our dear traitors in TTT. For 1 credit (like all equipments), you can buy this wonderful piece of technology. Simply hold it in your hand to be nearly invisible (loo...
TTT - Defibrillator
Created by sophie
Pretty simple modification that allows traitors to purchase a one-time defibrillator that can bring allies (or enemies) back from the dead. Installing Workshop addons on servers GitHub
TTT - Dragon Elites
Created by Brannium
Unlike the original version these Dual Elites also spawn randomly on your map. Features This weapon doesn't replace your default Dual Elites, it is a weapon buyable once per Traitor and Detective. It deals 10% more damage than the Dual Elites and come with...
TTT - Explosive Traitor Health Station
Created by jason2010
Unlike other explosive health stations, with this one the player can take a random amount of health (between 1-10) from this before it explodes....
TTT - Jetpack
Created by Lykrast
This device can be bought by both traitors and detectives for 1 credit. Simply hold your jump button while holding it in your hand and watch yourself fly upward ! Just be careful, as getting up is easy, but going down or changing direction mid air is a rea...
TTT - Martyrdom (CoD Perk)
Created by Exho
Jihading is soo 2013 *** Info: This is an Passive Item for Traitors in TTT! Simply buy it and then upon your death, a live grenade will be dropped which can spell disasterous death for your killers. But this can also kill your Traitor buddies and you will ...
TTT - Prop Disguiser
Created by Exho
-Insert witty Prop Hunt joke here - *** Info: My rendition of the old Disguise SWEP of the same basic function, this time converted for TTT. The SWEP was old and lacked the ability for props to have health so I took it upon myself to fix it up as a fun lit...
TTT - Spielerinfo
Created by nerzlakai96
Dieses TTT-Addon zeigt zu Beginn jeder neuen Runde die aktuelle Anzahl an Verrätern, Unschuldigen, Detektiven und Zuschauern sowie die Namen aller Verräter am Ende der Runde. Zum Beispiel: In dieser Runde gibt es 3 Verräter, 5 Unschuldige und 2 Detektiv(e)...
TTT - Teleport Gun
Created by Jessy
A fully functioning teleport gun! Shoot to teleport to where you're looking at Available for both traitors and detectives. Traitors can also right-click to switch positions with another player...
TTT - The Vampire
Created by Exho
An alternate take on Traitor Cannibalism. *** Info: This is the Vampire! Using this you can steal health from other players to make yourself stronger and them weaker. Although you can only make yourself stronger to a certain limit, you can still kill your ...
TTT A-3000 Pistol
Created by Hagen
My First GMOD Addon I coded 100% Myself This is NOT a sandbox version so please do not try using it for sandbox and then complain. Basic SWEP The models I do have from Gamebanana The Map is ttt_waterworld ...
Created by dhkatz
A TTT version of the AR-15 with modified code to implement it into the TTT gamemode. Original code not by myself, just modified to implement with this weapon. This is NOT a sandbox version so please do not try using it for sandbox and then complain. Basic ...
TTT Banana Bomb
Created by GHXX
This Addon adds a Banana Bomb which releases many small, explosive Bananas. It was originally made by schnul44. I updated it. Causes error in Sandbox, but you can just ignore them. This addon works for both Sandbox and Trouble in Terrorist Town (trouble to...
TTT Chair Thrower
Created by Mangonaut
Features: This gun can shoot 3 Chair which kill by flying into the faces of innocents Addons I used: TTT Chair Thrower (Icon Fix) My Links My uploaded Addons My TTT Addon Collection My Steam Profile ...
TTT Chicken
Created by BocciardoLight
An aggressive chicken, annoy it too much and it explodes Hold primary fire to throw chickens. Max Health = 60 Explode Damage = 40 Explode Radius = 140 Default Attack = 15 (Increasing depending on anger level) CREATED BY Phoenixf129 Edited by BocciardoLight...
TTT Chickenator (T Weapon)
Created by Jenssons
All love goes to for the chicken ai i made this after a recording session. DISCORD join me on discord if you want updates on mods or be apart of our awesome community! ...
TTT Classrooms
Created by Wheaties
UPDATE: There have been issues with this map kicking people from servers stating they have the wrong .bsp file on their computer. If you experience this issue please follow the path C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons and...
TTT DeathFaker
Created by jayjayjay1
TTT DeathFaker Addon - The Traitor can buy a death faker in the Traitor shop - but beware! The Detective can easily identify a fake body with the visualizer Big Update! Scoreboard now updates and configuration of the killed person, weapon used to kill and ...
TTT Detective Model
Created by Peter
This addon will make the Detective in your Trouble In Terrorist Town server have a unique police officer model every time. ===INSTALLATION=== Simply drag the the addon folder (ttt-detective-model) into your addons folder. If you don't have one, make a fold...
TTT Dubstep Gun
Created by G. Freimann™
"It's a party in a gun! Make the world dance to your beat and fear the power of your wubs!" This is a edited version of the Saints Row IV Dubstep Gun. Its icon for the shop has been changed, also its for tratiors only. Original mod: http://steamcommunity.c...
TTT Eagleflight
Created by marcel
This addon adds the item "Eagleflight Gun" into the TTT-Traitorshop. With the "Eagleflight Gun" you can fing yourself onto other players to kill them. Try it out! Have fun! Github: Update : you'll not be st...
TTT Fart Grenade (Traitor)
Created by Mr.Dark
This grenade creates a big deadly fart. Every player inside it will lose health over time....
TTT Grappling Hook Traitor only
Created by BARBUTA
When you don't want your detectives to go flying all over the map. Not made by me. Original modified version here I just changed the Role restriction....
TTT Handcuffs
Created by Porter - This is a Handcuff SWEP for Trouble in Terrorist Town - > HOW DOES IT WORK? < - You can buy it as Detective in the Shop. - Choose the Handcuffs and Click with the ...
TTT Holy Hand Grenade
Created by BocciardoLight
Monty Python's famous Holy Hand Grenade as Traitor Item CREATED BY Phoenixf129 Edited by BocciardoLight Tags: TTT, Traitor, Item, Holy Hand Grenade, Monty Python...
TTT Homerun Bat
Created by Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: Its a HomeRun Bat, you guess what it does. If you hit a Player ist loses 1 Ammo and he will fly away instantly. Only loses Ammo If y...
TTT Killer Info - German Version
Created by DerRene
!!! This is the German Version. Klick here for the english version !!! ________________________________________________________________ Nur eine Erweiterung um Informationen von der Person zu erhalten von der du erledigt wurdest. Zeigt den Namen und die Ro...
TTT Kriss Vector
Created by girrrrrrr2
Made by lykrast, extracted and uploaded by me (girrrrrrr2) Made a little modification from his pack by upping the damage this gun did. All credits go to Lykrast, i didnt really do crap...
TTT M1911
Created by Ted
Created by Ted
Balanced for my own server, change what you want....
Created by FrostyIce
A weapon for the Garry's Mod addon Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT) This weapon was designed for Innocent's use. Weapon Stats: 200 round box 14.5 damage per body shot 0.1275 delay between firing Note: I did not make the weapon model and do not take credit f...
Created by [SG] I-401
If you want to support me or have suggestions join my discord! :) The MG42 from DoI ported. This model has working iron sights, reload sounds etc. Basic stats: autospawn = Yes Damage = 15 Rate of Fire = 1200 Magazin = 50 Rounds T...
Created by Ted
This weapon is balanced for my own server. Balance it how you wish....
TTT Melon Mine
Created by BocciardoLight
Stand close to a wall to plant the mine. Detonates when enemy is within visible range CREATED BY Phoenixf129 Edited by BocciardoLight Tags: TTT, Traitor, Shop, Item, melon, launcher, mine, bomb, melone...
TTT Pistol Pack
Created by Lykrast
Requires CS:Source (for the hands). Includes 2 new weapons for the TTT gamemode, all 2 using deagle ammo. All spawn along with other weapons if the current map has random weapon spawns. Remington Fires faster but deals less damage than your traditional Dea...
TTT R-700
Created by Elay ⁧⁧ :3
Only Works for "Trouble in Terrorist Town" Gamemode Weapon Information: Default Ammo: Rifle/357 Recoil: 14 Damage: 78 Delay per Shot: 1.8 Accuracy: 0.09 (Like a Shotgun) / Scoped: 0 (100% Accuracy) Clip Size: 4 Automatic: No Headshot Multiplier: 6 (468 Dam...
Created by FrostyIce
A weapon for the Garry's Mod addon Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT) This weapon was designed for Innocent's use. Weapon Stats: 20 round mag, uses SMG Ammo 19 damage per body shot 0.12 delay between firing Note: I did not make the weapon model and do not tak...
Created by girrrrrrr2
Just the gun from the TTT weapon pack, but by itself so that some servers can use it that way. Thats the pack...
Created by Buddy
I take no credit for any of the models I post. These are for the server I run. This weapon has been tested is confirmed working. I had to give it one shot in the clip for the reload animation to work correctly but other than that it is a great gun to use. ...
TTT Space and Time-Manipulator
Created by Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: The Space and Time-Manipulator (short SATM) can change many things. Rightclick to change mode. Leftclick to activate. Type: Equip 2 ...
TTT SpartanKick
Created by Porter > This is the SpartanKick for Trouble in Terrorist Town < It's converted into TTT by myself. I don't make the original and if the Owner wants, I will take it down. -...
TTT Suburb / ttt_suburb_beta15a [Reupload]
Created by Saint Baron
Remember to rate guys! It is appreciated very much! :) Re-upload for all of the TTT servers out there. YOU WILL NEED COUNTER-STRIKE: SOURCE TO SEE ALL OF THE TEXTURES! This is not my map. I am just re-uploading....
TTT Thompson [FIXED]
Created by Trying Bone Juice
this is a fixed version original addon ---->>>> have fun ;)...
TTT Traitorfier
Created by DatLycan
Turn those pesky innocents into Traitors! What it can do: With this item (Traitor use only!) you can turn anybody into a Traitor, but with a twist, first you need the blood of a Traitor (a dead buddy or your own), if you use it the Player that changed into...
TTT Tranquilizer
Created by PenitentParadox
This a is Functional tranquilizer for TTT It is based off of UselessGhost's Tranquilizer M9 , so if you want it in sandbox, download that addon to do so. It works on ot...
Created by enaf
I DO NOT OWN ANY CREDITS OF THIS WEAPONS I HAVE ONLY MODIFIED THE WEAPONS TO USE THEM IN TTT IF THE AUTHOR WANTS I DELETE IT, I´LL DELETE IT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Weapon is for TTT Serv...
TTT Warehouses
Created by FearlessCap. NEW! How to get into the Captain's Room. A TTT map I made almost 2 years before I uploaded it here. It has a bunch of T traps and a traitor room. Solve...
TTT Weapon - Heckler & Koch XM8
Created by hum
=========== == MODEL == =========== I have found the model on Gamebanana at It was created by Gamebanana users: Mr. Brightside EndOfDays WangChung KingFriday XLongWayHome Smith TheStealthyOne WillTheBeast HappyCamper...
TTT Weapon- Ironridge Customized Remington
Created by 🦅Outlaw
This is my first weapon upload, so please enjoy! =FIX= Fixed Crotch gun error =TO DO= Fix server download issues -=MODEL=- This model isn't mine. I found it on GameBanana at It was Created by the following GameBanana ...
TTT Weapon- L85-SUSAT
Created by 🦅Outlaw
=FIX= Crotch Gun error fixed. =TO DO= Fix Server download issue -=MODEL=- Again, This model ain't mine. The original model can be found at It was made by the following GB authors: • Soldier11 • Milo • Strelok • Bushma...
TTT flashbang
Created by Royal
I take no credit for this. Original Creator: Orignal Link: If asked I will remove it from the workshop What I've changed The detective can...
Created by Derens41210
English: This is the taser gun for TTT. Just to the detective. Spanish: Este es el arma taser para TTT. Solo para el detective. ...
TTT_Bank_b3 & b13
Created by =CrazyChicken=
New version released after six years! More consistent updates coming soon. How to use credit transfer: -Be a traitor or detective -Unlock vault -Stand by credit terminal -Press keyboard, as detective; press traitor button, as traitor. -Wait 30 seconds with...
Created by Delta7x
Please Note: This is NOT my map, nor am I the original Author of this map. I am only re-uploading the map for an easier method of download. I agree to remove this submission of the original Author or if Valve decides. ***This map uses CS:S Props and Textur...
Created by DoctorGurke
TTT_Waterworld_Remastered_2020 Disclaimer: This is NOT a complete "remake" of ttt_waterworld, but an overhaul! CSS Content might be needed to see everything on the map. Changes: - Optimizations in structure, lighting, gameplay and texture application - New...
Created by FEИRA
A spin on Nick Alger's classic TTT map dm_island17! There now is an elevator that takes you to the top of the lighthouse! For those extra lazy traitors. Now has weapons included....
World War II weapons for TTT
Created by Royal
I take no credit for the assets used or some of the code. original creator: assets from day of defeat. If asked I will remove it from the workshop. This is not meant for sandbox or any other g...
ZS Homegrown
Created by Scott
A variant of cs_crackhouse, known as homegrown. Converted to work better with the Zombie Survival Gamemode. Map originally by Robotronic -
[Gamemode: TTT] M4A1
Created by RustyPrime
This is for TROUBLE IN TERRORIST TOWN only! DON'T DISLIKE IF YOU ARE TRYING TO USE THIS FOR ANOTHER GAMEMODE THAN TTT ! This Addon adds a M4A1 to Trouble in Terrorist Town. The weapon uses the world model of the M16 (Outdated now uses costum world model) a...
[Gamemode: TTT] Mini Uzi
Created by RustyPrime
This is for TROUBLE IN TERRORIST TOWN only! DON'T DISLIKE IF YOU ARE TRYING TO USE THIS FOR ANOTHER GAMEMODE THAN TTT ! This Addon adds a Mini-Uzi to Trouble in Terrorist Town. This is a Trouble in Terrorist Town only weapon. I took the view model from thi...
[TTT/2] Blue Bull
Created by Hagen
Features Try the New Blue Bull! For Traitors and Detectives! Its a passive Item so it doesn´t takes a slot. With it you can jump higher then ever before! And you can Jump in the Air again! Two Times! You can also run 50% faster! ConVars: ttt_bluebull_det =...
[TTT/2|Sandbox] Golden Deagle V2
Created by Zaratusa
Features A pretty simple Detective weapon, if you hit a Traitor with it he will die, but beware if its any Innocent then you're dead. Otherwise it's just a normal Deagle. See below for different configuration. Type: Equip 1 Ammo: none Firemode: Semi-automa...
[TTT/2|Sandbox] Mine Turtle (Proximity Mine)
Created by Zaratusa
This is the Mine Turtle! If you've seen the ASDF movies then you'll know exactly what this is. Features The Mine Turtle is a item buyable for Traitors and Detectives (configurable via ConVars) once per round or spawns at random grenade spawns, if both ConV...
[TTT/2] AUG (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon has a sniper like scope and spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Rifl...
[TTT] Dangerous Turtlenade
Created by Cat McMeowson
Made for gameplay with friends - not the original author Changes: Turtles spawned are now 8 instead of 6 Turtles damage against non-traitors is now 25 instead of 10 Turtles damage against traitors is now 10 instead of 5...
[TTT/2] Detective P90 (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon comes with a sniper like scope and is buyable once per Detective. Type: Equi...
[TTT] Explosive Corpse
Created by Andre | Daywalker
This addon adds an explosive corpse to the traitor shop. It will explode when pressing 'E' near the corpse. When you bought it, you can drop it using the left mousebutton....
[TTT/2] Famas (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Rifle-Ammo Firemode: Automatic M...
[TTT/2] Galil (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Rifle-Ammo Firemode: Automatic M...
[TTT] M2 Flamethrower
Created by Munkey
A M2 Flamethrower for TTT. It is a buyable traitor weapon, spawnable through console using "give weapon_ttt_m2". I did not make the actual weapon, it has been ported for TTT by me. I got both the actual weapon and models from here All screenshots have been...
[TTT/2] M3S90 (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Type: Shotgun Ammo: Shotgun-Ammo Firemode: Pump-ac...
[TTT/2] M4 SLAM (Tripmine + Remote C4)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. It's already included by default under "Half-Life 2" Category. Features The M4 Selectable Lightwe...
[TTT/2] MP5 (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Rifle-Ammo Firemode: Automatic M...
[TTT] Nuketown Light Edition
Created by Auri
⎡┄┄┄┄I M P O R T A N T ! ! !┄┄┄┄⎤ ⎢ ┄ REQUIRES: Counter-Strike: Source ⎥ ⎣┄┄┄┄I M P O R T A N T ! ! !┄┄┄┄⎦ Map name: "ttt_nuketown_d_light" ➡ Original map is dm_nuketown by ThaOmegaCheeseb ➡ ➡ ...
[TTT/2] P228 (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Type: Pistol Ammo: Pistol-Ammo Firemode: Semi-auto...
[TTT/2] SG550 (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Sniper-Ammo Firemode: Automatic ...
[TTT/2] SG552 (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon has a sniper like scope and spawns random on the map. Type: Rifle Ammo: Rifl...
[TTT/2] Traitor Silenced M4A1 (CS:S)
Created by Zaratusa
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "Trouble in Terrorist Town 2" - Gamemodes. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features This Weapon is once buyable per Traitor. Type: Equip 1 Ammo: Pistol-Ammo Firemode: Autom...
[TTT] ttt_mc_treehouse
Created by CynCeyd
This is a little map we've created in Minecraft and ported it to Garry's Mod. Please understand that this map is still in beta and there might occur some issues with it. Feel free to report any bugs or suggest ideas to implement. I'll take a look on it as ...
Created by Zaratusa
A medium sized map based around an large passenger aircraft for Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT). A large passenger aircraft is seized Mid-Pacific by a highly trained, heavily armed terrorist cell. Unfortunately for them, intense training and large weapons ...
Created by Adamsauce
Hello everyone! Cs_albatross has come to the world of TTT! AGEN I DID ~NOT~ MAKE THIS MAP, THIS MAP WAS MADE BY Pingo TIntoL ==>< The guy who made this map I am just editing it for TTT ALSO~~ i have added a few thing...
Created by BocciardoLight
Create a spawnscript using the following addon: TTT Weapon Placer Tool You need to add the spawnscript to the following folder of your server: \steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\maps If you don't add a spawnscript there won't be spawns, weapons and ammo...
Created by SovietZombie™
This is my newest map i have been working on, as the name suggests it is set inside a block of apartments.There are three storeys each with 4 apartments on and a roof.I have designed this map to two main aims to make it well optimized and to offer a fun ma...
Created by Zaratusa
Very long map based around ruined city scape for Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT). A vast ruined city scape, with many accessible houses and floors. Featuring 2 large buildings with 4+ floors + basements, a small 2-story shop and a vast field of rubble. Ide...
Created by Colek
Introducing TTT_Casino ported from the source engine mod Goldeneye Source. I take absolutely zero credit for any textures, models or brushwork within this map. This map currently supports the following: - 32 players (Generally only 16 is needed however mor...
Created by marlboro
Smoke cigarettes in TTT. Why? Because we got to introduce the idea of getting lung cancer to kids while they are still young. Comes with autodownload, just add the .gma to your server. Everyone spawns with it. Hold MOUSE1 to smoke, release to exhale. Press...
Created by Bender180
Hey check out the festive reskin of this map i made for the holidays here: So this is one of my oldest maps its the second one i created and my personal favorite. - Multiple traitor traps and ...
Created by Bender180
I recently revamped this map and you can find it here This map is being released as is, unless there is a game breaking issue I will not be making any changes to this map. This is the first map I ever finished. From a design stand point it is very simple a...
Created by Glycon
A Trouble in Terrorist Town version of gm_devruins. This map was uploaded by a request. NOTE: This map was not designed for TTT originally. That means that it doesn't have a lot of traps, complex traitor test chamber. Plus this is my first TTT map... kinda...
Created by infern0
Meddl Leude! Ich halte nichts davon, zur Schanze zu meddeln, wollte sie aber dennoch gerne "erleben". Deshalb habe ich die Schanze einfach digitalisiert, um es den Leuten zu erlauben, ohne rechtliche Konsequenzen, dem Drachen entweder ne riesige Bombe neiz...
Created by CubicTuxedo
Created by DJ Dream inspired by roy_the_ship, this is a map originally for the TTT/Trouble in Terrorist Town gamemode, taking place on a cargo ship. Much like the TTT gamemode, this map requires CSS if you didn't know already. I'm on a boat, I'm on a boat!...
Created by Blah
I did not create this map. All credits goes to the original creator. I am merely uploading this to the workshop for convenience (server content). Author: Xitis (franc999_kiwi (a) Source:
Created by ttv/PAL_AU
ttt_forest by Shifty Pete (originally ttt_forest_final) Changelog: - Improved visuals - Fixed minor bugs and glitches - Completely remade the spectator course - Tweaked the skybox - Optimization (Higher FPS) Overall, everything is fixed and finished, there...
Created by VIOLATION
After traveling for endless miles through the intense fog of an ocean unknown, the terrorists find themselves shipwrecked and stranded in a mysterious place- A network of piers, walkways and cliffs that have signs of civilization and unknown tests that app...
Created by c.mong
-I'm no longer working on any maps, I no longer have hammer installed, and I will be making no changes to any of my uploads- ttt_freddy_the_ship is an updated version of ttt_uss_scratchums, originally made by Freddy and edited from a .vmf file he sent me a...
Created by ioculator
Welcome to Grove Street , most popular place in Los Santos. Houses of : Ryder , OG LOC , CJ and Sweet are enterable Map features : -Few Traitor Traps -Working radio with radio stations -Traitor Tester -Traitor room -32 spawns Write your opinion in the comm...
Created by Lanix
The Map was JUST updated to v1! I fixed a few things, check it out --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trouble in Terrorist Town map ttt_innocentmotel_b7 This update is long overdue and is finally complet...
Created by Hamhock
A trouble in terrorist town map made of Lego. No need for Counter Strike textures! Please leave suggestions of what to add or change in the map. UPDATE: Works for multiplayer dedicated servers, no broken textures. Models from the 2001 game Lego Island 2....
Created by Comrade Stinger
ttt_mc_skyIslands is a medium/large Gmod Trouble in Terrorist town map. The goal of the map from the very start was to make it look as similar to minecraft as possible. We have seen several Garry's mod maps attempting to copy the style of miencraft but mos...
B4 is out! Now with rain, downloading this: addon is highly recommended because it's ment to be played with this one. !ONLY SERVER OWNER'S NEED TO ADD THIS ADDON! A Minecraft themed Trouble in...
Created by tc
A rooftop map for TTT. Inspired by rooftops_a2. Find version two here:
Created by DerpliciousDerpy
No credit to me i just uploaded all credit to (=CG=) Finniesp. A Trouble In Terrorist Town MC beta map. If the owner wants it off the workshop he can just leave a comment. *FEATURES* 1. Realistic minecraft blocks 2. Nether dimension portal 3. Small minecra...
Created by V-Rico.315.黑.ulow
***ATTENTION*** IT'S NOT MY MAP. I only uploaded it into Workshop, so it will be easier to download for everyone. I agree to remove this item from Workshop if original author or Valve decides. ***ATTENTION***...
Created by BocciardoLight
Create a spawnscript using the following addon: TTT Weapon Placer Tool You need to add the spawnscript to the following folder of your server: \steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\maps If you don't add a spawnscript there won't be spawns, weapons and ammo...
Created by Colek
Hey! Just uploading another map I like and it's not on Workshop. Here's MW2 Terminal, from Call of Duty MW2. Credits: thegregster101 - original creator of map (
Created by BocciardoLight
Create a spawnscript using the following addon: TTT Weapon Placer Tool You need to add the spawnscript to the following folder of your server: \steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\maps If you don't add a spawnscript there won't be spawns, weapons and ammo...
Created by Silmos
Welcome to ttt_poolparty! A remake of the popular map: ttt_waterworld featuring my own twists and ideas. A earlier version was featured on Dhalucard (german youtuber) Major Update of the map is out This map is se...
Created by youmenow1
ttt_rooftops_2016_v1 has arrived, bringing with it an immense number of additions, enhancements and changes to both the visual and mechanical. After years of development, I am glad to finally introduce ttt_rooftops_2016, the definitive ttt_rooftops version...
Created by Solidus
A medium-sized ship designed for Trouble in Terrorist Town. ...
Created by zerf
The author of this map is unknown. I found it here:, where it was redistributed by Exho (also not the creator). If anyone knows who made this map I'd appreciate it if I could contact them about uploading it. The image...
Created by Von_Funk
You are big, everything around you is small. Live out your wildest kaijū dreams in this downscaled urban map. features: - a miniature city. -custom textures. -random weapon spawns. - tiny adorable cars you can pick up and throw around. -AI nodes. ...
Created by Exho
Choo choo! Info: You are stranded in a inner city Amtrak station and are pitted against your friends to weed out the terrorists and win. Explore the train station, the train, and everything in between while you're playing. Has enough spawns and weapons for...
Created by tc
A arctic map for TTT. Holds 32 players....
Created by Dooglz
A Trouble in Terrorist Town map based in a swimming pool complex. Small/Medium map (5/10 players) Treacherous Traps for the Traitor to torment Terrorists with. The 2 large waterslides are traitor detectors, a light at the top lights either red or green and...
Created by Travh98
A happy little castle floating in the sky. Made for TTT with weapon spawns and T-traps. This is a small sized map (4-10 players) - drop barrels onto the keep's entrance - raise and lower the drawbridge - pick up and throw around the flaming fireplace logs ...
Created by Havaarti
A fun TTT map taking place on a ferry ship that may or may not be heading to the Isle of Wight. Don't fall in the water! Requires CS:S textures. ...
Created by CUMHOUND420
My first ttt map, is a big-medium map. It features various heighs level plays, and traitor traps. If you liked it, please let me know, it is always nice, also like it. Requires css for it to run properly. Game banana link:
Created by Denninos
This is a map specially made for the Trouble in Terrorist Town gamemode in Garrys Mod...
Created by Stefe144
It's like the map name says: elevator and stairs. The map is a hotel with 5 floors,a basement and a receptoin. It also has some secrets and a big secret room. Like in a hotel you can acces only one room. It's ment to be not a big map so you can play with s...
Created by tc
Version Two Available! A small map, but can fit a full server of 42 with no problems. Includes 2 magma chambers, living quarters, traitor room, and a hidden (not so hidden when found) weapon r...
TTT Simple - ttt_simple_otat1
Created by Badger
A beautiful map, created by SirP, styled with soft, paper-like textures and decorated with music album artwork, mysterious audio clips and many secrets for you to discover... I have added additional weapons and player spawns (enough for 50 players). Detail...
Created by Gutatto
A sinkable ship. There is an emergency door lockdown lever in the captain's cabin and there is a traitor room in the bottom room of the ship. Turning the red valve will cause the ship to sink. Also when the boat sinks it causes a tornado to rip through the...
Created by DieFisch
Included in ttt_medieval_castle are: - Random weapon and ammo spawns - 20 player spawns - Three different secrets with unique features - One secret special room with credits - Traitor Tester and Traitor Traps This map took me about 2 1/2 days to first crea...
Created by Sky
A new map, currently in very early beta. *Note* No map testing has been done yet, so there might be bugs that I haven't found in my solo testing. If you can find any please let me know, I can have them fixed within a few days....
[TTT] Detlef D Soost Dart
Created by SnowSoulAngel
The TTT Thriller SWEP is simular to a Dart Gun. The traitor may buy this weapon only once per round. The Thriller has 1 (i modified it) shots so you better not miss. If you see a error please mount Counter Strike Source This is NOT my Addon ! Orginal Addon...
Fuzzik's TTT: Frag Grenade
Created by Kai
*NOTE*: This is a TTT SWEP. It only works in TTT. If you use this addon for anything other than private use, please either credit it to me or to Fuzzik's TTT. This is a traitor-only weapon that can be bought once per round. It appears as a discombobulator,...
MapVote (with ULX Votemap Exclude support)
Created by Malivil
Edits (and replaces) MapVote - Fretta-like Map Voting which adds features by multiple other contributors such as EX3MP, Xterminator, Tyrantelf, and Lumien. Changes Maps added to the Votemap Exclude list from the ULX admin panel will automatically be exclud...
Created by Kirays
Icons/thumbnails for compatible ttt (trouble in terrorist town) maps that are missing otherwise. If you are running a picture based map voting system like lythos, lumiens, etc. this will fill in the pesky grey placeholder images. The resolution is 1080x108...