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Master Smiths of Kenshi Reworked
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31 Jan, 2018 @ 7:23am
24 Sep, 2020 @ 1:33am
10 Change Notes ( view )

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Master Smiths of Kenshi Reworked

"I may not be the best blacksmith in Kenshi, Cross Meitou has that honor, man's steel is legendary, all I ask is a fair chance."

I made this mod after realizing that I am capped at Edge Type 2 weapons and I decided to do something about it, added some new items and corresponding icons, Also new textures for Master grade weapons and Legendary grade weapons

What this mod does:::

-New Material Item called "Tamahagane" a precious steel made of steel bars and carbon

-added the Carbon Furnace to craft Carbon using animal horns and claws

-Edgewalker research now has 3 levels upto Edge Type 3 for Weapon Smith III

-Added 2 New Weapon Models
-Master Grade Steel +1 atk, +1 def (85% of meitou's power)
-Legendary Steel +2 atk, +3 def (90% of meitou's power, giving you the insentive of being able to use it more effectively rather than sheer power)

-Added the next level Weapon Smith aptly named Weapon Smith IV
-Added 2 new buildings Steel Folding Bench and the Storage: Tamahagane
-Steel Folding Bench creates Tamahagane from carbon and steel
-only 2% for carbon and the rest is steel bars
-3 men can hammer on the bench, this will increase their weapon crafting, good for making apprentices.


-TheKinari9 provided with textures for Master Grade and Legendary Steel weapons, thanks man!!

Update::: 09/23/20

-As per popular request added the function to create your own Carbon, using the Carbon Furnace and Carbon Storage, using Animal Claw and Animal Horn, unlocked with Hi-Grade Steel research. The reason behind these materials is I dont want the carbon to be overly automated, you need to hunt and gather the spoils bring it to the furnace and cook, with this addtion, it does not conflict with other overhauls that we use, you can add mods that gives you other ways to get carbon as per normal, also gives the horn and claw some manufacturing use, also horns and claws are made of keratin which is approximately %50 carbon.

Update::: 09/24/20

-nerfed the Master and Legendary grades to %85 and %90 respectively, to give Meito Cross Weapons their prestige as the strongest weapons at %100 power, also reduced the bonus atk and def values to +1 atk/+1 def for Master Grade and +2 atk/ +3 def for Legendary
-this also reduces the required crafting skill needed to craft Master Grades and Legendary grades, which means this will allow you to craft more legendary grade weapons at a higher frequencies now.
BorenX  [author] 13 Dec, 2022 @ 5:42am 
@douglas0828 - so the way the system works is the weight of the weapon is tied to the blunt damage it deals, in turn, it is also tied to the amount of material it will use, example: if the weapon you are trying to craft weighs 50kg, you need 50kg or more of materials.
douglas0828 10 Dec, 2022 @ 12:55pm 
Tamahagane burns out way too fast =/
KirrieD 27 Nov, 2022 @ 2:03am 
BorenX  [author] 27 Nov, 2022 @ 1:48am 
@KirrieD, sure no problem..
KirrieD 26 Nov, 2022 @ 3:24am 
Hi, can I take this mod and your other works for my build?)
Raf's 11 Jan, 2022 @ 12:54pm 
In my case I am indeed using automated extraction mods, but I still find that tamahage is used up so quickly and there is a crazy requirement per weapons, though looking back at it iirc there was no way to tweak it since game automatically adjust recipes based on the weapons, might also be just related to game jankines, either way gona find eventually since I am making a fresh start.

Thank you for your work, this is a great mod.
BorenX  [author] 11 Jan, 2022 @ 12:45pm 
@Raf's I haven't been online for a very long time, as per your question, its kinda working as intended, my intended scenario is by the end game, with a great smith, you would need to venture out into monster infested areas to gather horns and claws, thus curbing the snowball effect that would occur if carbon and tamahagane production is fully automated, of course if you want to automate carbon production then there are lots of mods out there that lets you mine carbon, I believe Space Lettuce made one for this mod specifically, he added carbon to the trader stock usually from hivers, this will augment your production of tamahagane and thus Master and Legendary weapons. Hey thanks for the favorite.
Raf's 29 Dec, 2021 @ 1:07am 
For those that may be confused Carbon iirc is actually in game, it has just never been implemented, so only way to obtain it is through mods of which there are a few both manual and fully automated.

Recently came back to Kenshi and good to see mod is still being worked on, it's one of my all time favorites and a must have at this point, gana try out new version now but has there been any change to the steel requirements for Tamahagane? I find that even with a massive base I could barely even feed 1 single weapon smith bench with materials, which ended up in hours and hours of waiting around for weapons.
BorenX  [author] 3 Jun, 2021 @ 8:25pm 
@Ruthless Cardigan - Its fine, and I know well about the balance of the Manufacturers and Weapon Types, its a fun system that they applied where your skill in crafting and the quality of the weapon is completely tied together.. the weight and sharpness of the weapon is set via the weapon itself be that a katana or a mace, it is completely tied to the materials required to craft the item, this is also completely related to its price, everything is in an automatic balance in a way, but I do understand that the mod is overpowered combined with other mods such as mod that gives you automatic carbon farming..
Wrongfoot Mcgee 3 Jun, 2021 @ 7:24pm 
it IS a sandbox game
hard to find good mods and im too stoopid to learn new tricks
i was inappropriately venting frustration, sorry i came off so priggish