ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

325 ratings
Dragonpunk: Arena of Gods
Content Types: Mod, Weapons, Game Modes
File Size
396.947 MB
30 Oct, 2017 @ 10:00pm
15 Jul, 2021 @ 3:04am
37 Change Notes ( view )

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Dragonpunk: Arena of Gods

In 1 collection by P0k3r
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21 items
UPDATED 7-14-2021

DragonPunk: Arena of Gods Mod ID = 1186294401

This mod is a work in progress that is designed as a stand alone game mode intended to be used on a fresh server. It will kill any and all tamed dinos and destroy all structures on your server. Do not install on an existing server unless you want your dinos to die and your buildings gone.

This mod alters the GAMEMODE of Ark. Ark only loads the first GAMEMODE it finds in the list. Most mod authors needlessly include a GAMEMODE in their mod due to following the bad advice of outdated tutorials. Unless the mod drastically changes the way Ark plays, they most likely did not edit the GAMEMODE so as long as this mod is loaded first, you will have no issues using dino, armor/clothing and weapons mods along with this mod.

Changes in this update:
  • WildCard changed the activation key to R from E for the menu system, mod option menu message updated to reflect that change.

There probably are bugs, please report them in the discord listed at the bottom of the description.

Developed by P0k3r for the Dragonpunk Ark Community

This mod allows for multiple game modes similar to: Battle Royale, SOTF, and more coming soon

Main Mod description & features
You start out with cloth armor, a bow, torch, metal pick and a blueprint for crafting arrows (or a custom loadout designated by a server admin) then you must make your way to the vicinity of the center of the map before the shield shrinks and kills you.
Can be used with or without dinos.
You can find loot in dead dinos, supply crates and special loot boxes that randomly spawn in your vicinity.
There is nothing to build, you don't get hungry or thirsty and the only things you need to craft are arrows and healing brew. (Unless SOTF or LootHunter Mode is enabled in admin menu)
Last player alive wins.
All mod settings are handled via an admin only user interface.
Can be used with other mods but I'd only recommend dino, armor/clothing and weapons mods.
NOTE: Weapon and armor/clothing mods MUST HAVE unlockable engrams for the items or you will not find any of those items in dinos or loot boxes. Any dino mod should work.
This mod remaps the supply crates so it is not recommended for use with other supply crate mods since only the crates for the mod loaded first will work.

Tested and working on:
  • The Island
  • The Center
  • Scorched Earth
  • Ragnarok
  • Extinction - Extract can spawn in weird places. (Working on fix for that) Grabbing a flyer during claim event recommended
Will work on others if the map maker kept the center of their map near the 000 coordinates
Does not get along well with:
  • Aberration
  • Genesis

Dragonpunk Servers Running This Mod

Help us add more servers! All donations go directly to Nitrado:

Admin Menu Settings

Press Alt+P to open admin menu

Min Players To Start - Minimum "ready" players before countdown to match start begins

Match Time Limit - How long till shield fully shrinks

Enable Loothunter Mode - Enable/Disable new mode, "LootHunter", click for details

Enable SOTF Mode - Enable/Disable game mode similar to Survival Of The Fittest (Disabled if LootHunter is Enabled)

Center to Win - Require last remaining player to goto the particle beam to end the match

Use Starting Loadout - Enable/Disable starting loadout (Disabled if LootHunter is Enabled)

Random Loadouts - Gives each player a random weapon and armor instead of base item set at match start. ("Use Starting Loadout" MUST be enabled)

Custom Loadout - Gives each player a selectable pre-set loadout. ("Use Starting Loadout" MUST be enabled)

Use Boss Dinos - Enables a single spawn of a claimable boss dino near center 1/2 way through match

Enable Heal Crafting - Enable/Disable ability to craft healing brew during match

Enable Dino Claiming - Enable/Disable periodic dino claiming events

Dino Claiming Interval Min - Minimum time in minutes between claiming events

Dino Claiming Interval Max - Maximum time in minutes between claiming events

Dino Claiming Time Limit - Time in seconds in which dinos are claimable

Enable Explorer Loot - Enable/Disable loot spawns at explorer note locations

Enable Obelisk Loot - Enable/Disable loot spawns at Obelisk terminals (currently disabled)

Use Power Ups - Enable/Disable "Power-Up" spawns. (currently disabled)

Enable Dino Loot - Enable/Disable loot on dead dinos

Enable Start Loot - Enable/Disable loot crate spawning at match start

Enable Random Loot - Enable/Disable random loot crates that spawn in player vicinity

Start Loot Delay - Time in minutes after match start when start loot boxes spawn

Start Loot Boxes Min - Minimum number of start loot boxes to spawn per player

Start Loot Boxes Max - Maximum number of start loot boxes to spawn per player

Start Loot Items Min - Minimum number of items to spawn per box

Start Loot Items Max - Maximum number of items to spawn per box

Random Loot Interval Min - Minimum time in minutes between random loot spawns

Random Loot Interval Max - Maximum time in minutes between random loot spawns

Random/Explorer Items Min - Minimum number of items to spawn in random loot boxes & "Explorer" boxes

Random/Explorer Items Max - Maximum number of items to spawn in random loot boxes & "Explorer" boxes

Enable Tek Items - Enables Tek item loot spawns in Random supply crates and on dead dinos

Enable Military Loot - Enable/Disable this mods extra weapons availability in loot boxes, supply crates & dead dinos

More Military Loot (WIP) - Spawns random sandbag bunkers with Military loot. Use with caution, MAY be source of server crashes. UNVERIFIED.

Use Start Dino - Spawn with a selectable type of dino

Use Platform Saddles - Enable/Disable platform saddles

Enable Player Locator - Places a marker on all players for 3 minutes. Adds 5x XP in SOTF mode

Enable Build Crafting - Enable/Disable the ability to craft build items in SOTF mode

Enable Fast Building - Gives multiple items from a single craft and weighs less

Current Version: 37

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Popular Discussions View All (10)
12 Feb, 2020 @ 2:44pm
Tournament Sign-Up
Quixotic Cloud Games
4 May, 2022 @ 8:53am
PINNED: Post Bugs Here!
Quixotic Cloud Games
25 Nov, 2017 @ 6:12pm
Nov 21st Patch Notes, and Teusday Nights Stress Test Match
nl1l 11 Jan @ 7:35am 
very very goooooooooooood
gwSenpaiAU 14 Jan, 2023 @ 11:20am 
I might be trying this out, since I couldn't find a SOTF mod, this looks perfect!
BlueSucho 26 Jul, 2022 @ 7:31pm 
Hello, I cant press Start any1 now why?
SrWirzon 2 May, 2022 @ 10:11pm 
hello thanks for your work, we have a problem on our server in sotf mode when the first player dies, if all the remaining players the game crashes. Does it happen to someone else? could it be a recent patch? Thank you.
Super Spartan 16 Feb, 2021 @ 3:14am 
and possibly integrating the rewards function with the shop plugin?
ArchieVision 26 Oct, 2020 @ 1:10am 
I am officially taking over as the Community Liaison for Dragonpunk. So, if you have any mod questions, found issues with one of our mods, or general mod information issues, you can AT me here. or open a ticket. Either way, I will be here to help.

My current work schedule is a little crazy, so if I do not respond immediately, that means I am either asleep or at work. and will respond as soon as time allows.
P0k3r  [author] 17 Oct, 2020 @ 9:43pm 
JayDee 5 Jul, 2020 @ 11:40am 
Does anyone know a server on which the mod is installed? Thanks!
AJ 4 Jul, 2020 @ 4:42pm 
Thanks for the update!
P0k3r  [author] 2 Jul, 2020 @ 7:11am 
Mod has been updated. There's probably bugs, please post in the discord listed at the bottom of the description above. More updates coming soon and more frequently.