Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Volvo B9TL Lush Green bus (RHD)
Assets: Vehicle
File Size
2.390 MB
17 Sep, 2017 @ 7:32am
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Volvo B9TL Lush Green bus (RHD)

In 1 collection by EndlessFtw
Endlessftw's Singapore Public Transport Collection
25 items

Inspired* by Singapore Volvo B9TL Lush Green Double Decker Bus owned by many bus operators in Singapore.

This is a right-hand drive version, intended only for left-hand traffic only.

Also in the picture, there is a white C651 SMRT train! (I might upload that as it is, if there is demand for it. There are some minor issues for it though, and I have no time to fix it. There are better NSEWL trains out there in the workshop though.)

There is no colour changes (even if you change line colour), because that would just look weird (well, at least for a Singaporean).

I apologise for the poor quality (as I am a noob at this)!

Check out my Singapore Public Transport Collection for any updates of new vehicles!
Link to my Singapore public transport collection
(There's 6 buses currently)

The detail might be a bit blurry and I do not know how to fix it or have the tme to do so :(
(If anyone know why it look clearer in blender but ends up blurry in the game, please leave a comment? Also, I opened (?) it in asset view and crank the settings to high, so that's a bit of a puzzle for me)

*Inspired because I am not very good at sketchup, and I tried my best to approximate the shape

Oh, and this is my first few attempts at making assets for the game. Should work, I think. I played with it fine for a while, so, there shouldn't be any major issues.

Small note: There might be some issues with the texture and I don't really have the time to keep editing and test it in game and so on. It is not that bad though, so if you just want to see Singapore buses in your game, that will be fine. If you want to take screenshots of it, it might not be that great.