Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

94 ratings
Glacier National Park - St. Mary
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4.919 MB
23 Jul, 2017 @ 7:39am
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Glacier National Park - St. Mary

This Glacier National Park map is focused on the area around St. Mary and the Saint Mary Lakes.


As the foundation of this map i've used a heightmap of the real location. To make this area more playable, several hills and plateaus have been softened/lowered and the Lower Saint Mary Lake has been extended towards the north to accomodate access for cruise and cargo ships.

A few rivers are pretty wild intentionally and others have taken hours to get rid of the burpy/wavy waterflow. Several rivers that flow into the Saint Mary Lakes are also suited for hydroelectricity dams. For example, the one closest to the starting area can get you ~256MW.

Ore and Oil resources are placed in an aesthetically pleasing pattern which also mimics the more barren landscape at the edge of the park.


4/4 in- and outgoing road, train and airplane connections
2/4 in- and outgoing ship connections
188K trees have been used of which about 33% are the low poly trees by pdelmo

Required Items:

Regarding the required Ultra low tri trees item, i have used only tree model Lp5 full of that set.
Color Corrections are super subjective and can look very different between players since we all use different monitors with slightly different color temperatures and brightness. The map was made using the matching Cleyra map theme and LUT color correction, but i would love to hear which other LUTs you guys prefer.

Popular Discussions View All (1)
2 Aug, 2017 @ 1:12pm
Missing Elements
TacticalBacon 18 May, 2020 @ 6:47pm 
I remember being in Glacier last year, and standing at the exact spot where you can see the view in the fourth screenshot. It seems like you went to a lot of detail.
Chipmunk_24 27 Jan, 2018 @ 5:02am 
How did you make the difference between the snow and the dust & the „desert“? I think that this is both sand?
Hephaestion 20 Jan, 2018 @ 10:03am 
ArtPresidente 15 Jan, 2018 @ 3:13pm 
Требуется DLC для данной карты?
JukedBox  [author] 15 Jan, 2018 @ 3:01pm 
@Yuki: it is not rly snow, it is actually very bright beach sand. I advise using the cleyra map theme to get the intended "snow" effect.
@Dreadlock soldier: the base theme is temperate and the map theme is Cleyra, if that is what you are asking (used google translate)
@BonBonB: ill try to fix the noted issues asap!

Thx everyone for the nice positive comments! Took a looong time to make this map last year.
talos457 20 Oct, 2017 @ 9:54pm 
I live a few kilometers from here! :D
SkiRich 7 Aug, 2017 @ 2:58pm 
Fixed the map error by enabling the cleyra mod. I was subscribed but not enabled.
SkiRich 2 Aug, 2017 @ 12:46pm 
Two issues I have noticed. After subscribing to the map as well as all the prerequisit assets, when I open the map for the first time it complains that a required base map is unavailoable and the default will be used. The secon issue, I dont see any snow. either falling or on the mountains.
Are these things normal? Snow is in the screenshots.
Birgitte 29 Jul, 2017 @ 6:36am 
Have played it for a week. No glitches. Beautiful.
Skyline 29 Jul, 2017 @ 1:22am 
Oh my dear! I clicked subscribe faster than ever! the map is amazing