5 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 2.9 hrs on record
Posted: 9 Oct @ 11:22pm

The scenes are pretty hot, decent animation and voice acting.
But the game is terrible.

You cannot aim your shots, the character shoots the first shot straight ahead (probably a bug), then aims at the nearest enemy or high priority target if present. This means you'll miss every single shot against an enemy that's moving sideways. Also means you cannot clear a path through the adds if a boss is on the screen. It's infuriating. There is mouse support in the lobby but not during gameplay ?!

Controls are bad and you can't rebind them. There are annoying hidden delays to every action: you cannot shoot while moving, and if you shoot you cannot move for a while nor activate the shield. I get it's a cooldown but it's poorly implemented. Abilities should be queued, not ignored.

I made it to level 4: the boss runs away from you, spawns infinite adds, and everyone shoots projectiles at you. It's not fun. I don't even want to know what level 10 is like.

Also the rent goes up every day for some reason. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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