Yes i play arma 3
Не в сети
1 блокировка VAC | Подробнее
Дней с последней блокировки: 1422
Витрина мастерской
Market Garden was undertaken by the First Allied Airborne Army with the land operation by the British Second Army, with XXX Corps moving up the centre supported by VII and IX Corps on their flanks. The airborne soldiers, numbering more than 41,000, were dr
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Создано: Rip
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последний запуск 12 ноя
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последний запуск 12 ноя
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последний запуск 12 ноя
Rip 29 июл в 15:17 
good question
Petrolsky 29 июл в 13:30 
do u play arma 3?
Rip 13 июн в 14:19 
You do yourself a huge disservice with your childish behaviour, your biases are well known and the object of ridicule.
Petrolsky 13 июн в 12:14 
Tell me why you got banned
Omelette du Freshie 26 апр в 13:53 
Tell me why you got banned
Aros 31 мар в 9:07 
il2 yorumunu gördüm bende bir il2 oyuncusuyum eklersen girebiliriz