aoi mukou
California, United States
:mikuDIVA: :saya: Raymes | 21
discord - raymes. :fatamichel: :haruchin:
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Umineko should be a required reading.
Umineko no Naku Koro ni ("When the Seagulls Cry") is a Japanese dōjin soft visual novel series produced by 07th Expansion. Its first episode debuted at Comiket 72 for Windows in August 2007. The story focuses on a group of eighteen people on a secluded island for a period of two days, and the mysterious murders that befall them. Readers are challenged to discern whether the murders were committed by a human or some other, supernatural source, as well as the method and motive behind them. The eight main Umineko games are split into two sets of four, which are considered the third and fourth titles in the When They Cry series, preceded by the two sets of Higurashi When They Cry games and followed by Ciconia When They Cry.
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professor poopypants 28 jan @ 15:33 
holy based
aerith 26 okt, 2024 @ 4:58 
straight up jorkin it
anchikai 9 jun, 2024 @ 23:54 
just jorking on my peanits
aoi mukou 30 aug, 2022 @ 23:35 
i hate all of you
R2d2kx100 5 mar, 2022 @ 20:53 
Hi Jello
poody_blue 25 nov, 2020 @ 21:43 
who wdo you do are you ok?? :HappyPACMAN: