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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries
PvE Tuning Studio
Collection by Survival Ready
A collection of works by different authors adapted for survival mode in an aggressive PvE environment. The basic principles of modification are described in a special guide
Back in the U.S.S.R
Collection by Survival Ready
Models of mechanical engineering and weapons produced in the Soviet Union
Survival Kit
Collection by Survival Ready
One line of ships to play in survival mode. All ships are balanced and automated and can be used together or separately.
SE game replica ships
Collection by Survival Ready
In-game replicas of various ships from other games, films and real-life things
PvE Ready Ships
Collection by Survival Ready
The collection contains vanilla ships that are suitable for PvE in the content of popular PvE modules such as: Corruption PvE Combat Air Traffic Surface Occupation Reavers: Terror of the Verse More NPC Encounters and other. All ships are balanced in contro
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