
chrisvig71 最近的评测

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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 181.7 小时
this is the best game ever, and the reasons are... ... ... play it!
发布于 8 月 31 日。
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总时数 4.3 小时 (评测时 3.4 小时)
ok, i will be honest... this is a good game, very underrated... this game will probably be seen as a mascot horror and i don't know how much will be rembered in the years after, but this is masterpiece for be like that, this game is good, but i really mean it, im a serious gamer that plays and like serious games like half life, resident evil and stuff, so these are very vaild words: this game is good... this game is a sandbox with some chapters and missions in it, and this alone is great... the game in his main classic campaign is nothing crazy for now, three nights, hope the full campaign will be good...
then we have the chapters... these are good, the puzzles are good, the game is good at not be too automatic but to actually have puzzles, you can't complete the game while being too mindless... second thing, the most important probably... is the atmosphere, this game has a very good atmosphere im not joking, in the hotel chapter the part with the vinil and music in that apartment has a veeery good atmosphere, and hte musics are very good, im not joking if i say i didn't wanted to go and proceed, because the music and atmosphere was so good...
then the sandbox part of the game is pretty good, it's very hello neighbor style the presence of the sandbox in the levels...
this game is really good im not joking, really underrated...

what i want from this game:
one thing i really hope is that there is more deepness to the sandbox... because the sandbox and freedom you have in the apartment is still a bit limited, even if you have i don't know what the hub is pretty restrict, so i hope in some way that there is more meaning to do stuff for fun, like it needs to be actually fun and not going to be boring easily, i hope in some way there is something that "fix" this, like a literal sandbox mode...

another thing i hope is connected to the sandbox... more and more achievements, a game like this have a really big opportunity of playing a lot with achievements, achievements hunting can even become the main thing in this game, with some good achievements or even hard ones...
then obviosuly i can't hope too much since i know the devs are able to be good if they made these chapters, so i hope the future ones will be even better...

so good game, i really support this
发布于 8 月 29 日。 最后编辑于 8 月 29 日。
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有 1 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 35.7 小时
shooting: it feels good but not too much
combat in general: it's a really good combat concept, but i think 2016 did a better job a be less monotonous
jumping: totally automaitc, it dosen't exist
platforming and climbing: very good but the things are two: 1- is very automatic, 2- it could be a little more harder, like the obstacles like the fire things should be way more punishing...
atmosphere: very very good in some levels, not so strong and solid in others
settings and scenography: good, very good
exploring/grinding/secrets/upgrades: doom 2016 did a little better, but good
bosses: the worst part of the game exept doom hunter, that was one of the best parts ever
story: 2016 did better
overall: 9/10, it's good until you play 2016... it's a masterpiece, a really good game maybe one of the peaks ever... until you play 2016
(p.s. review based on 100% every level, all secrets and stuff first run/playthough)
try it out it's very good... let's just say that at the moment it's very very very good, after some hours or days that you finished it it's a bit less good thinking about it... that's my review
发布于 8 月 14 日。
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总时数 46.5 小时
i mean i really like the game, but i will change this when all the bugs are fixed, so probably a few month after chapter 5 is out...
发布于 8 月 4 日。
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总时数 0.7 小时
it's not fun, and the thing there's missing is the feeling of continuing, i played day 5 and didn't beat it, only two tries and i surrendered, it's boring... and there is nothing that you learn new, there is no strategy that you will find somehow, after day 1 the game is the same... it's too simple and boring, popgoes arcade had a little of this problem too, but now it's just the same problem but 5x worse... i don't know what they were thinking, there is literally nothing particular to it, it's just... empty, i don't know... it's too simple in all aspects, the minigames are more fun than the campaign...
发布于 8 月 1 日。
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有 2 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 181.9 小时 (评测时 181.4 小时)
i want to try make a good and interesting review like i did in some other games, but since i know no one is going to read this... i don't know, dead sheep landed on a man head while he was eating... why this sentence? i don't know, no one is going to read this anyway
发布于 7 月 25 日。
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有 4 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 2.2 小时 (评测时 2.1 小时)
NO... this gama has so much stuff that is not right...
1- the atmosphere of the original is gone to be replaced with... i don't know, this game dosen't have any atmosphere... for some reason
2- its not so fun, its absolutley not so fun... it has frustraiting moments that are annoying, but annoying because the feeling is that you are trapped... the feeling of this game is that when you keep dying you just can't move from your chair, but in a bad way... you feel trapped inside the game... so it has its refined feeling that is not wanted, but its really bad
3- enemies too fast with hitbox too big for how small the levels are, and im talking about boss fight above all
4- you can't change the controls... i try to put the ability powers to mouse4 and mouse5 but no... you can't change any controls... you have to press q e f while moving with wasd... is not a big nighmare, but is a nightmare soemtimes...
5- the game is far harder than the original, but for bad choices and things... some parts are more easy but overall is harder
6- duck boss fight too stupid, when you get closer to him you die, and that "closer" hava a really big hit box, room too small and escape the duckies is pretty easy... if you are not trying to make the boss crush the pillars, or you get stuck in some things, like the doors...
7- watcher boss too hard... like its really easy... if the zone was not so small with malak and others so fast... original was probably more harder actually, but it was much beautyful with the atmosphere and the zone was big... it was quite fun... here NO...
8- everything lose atmosphere and above everything, it loses iconicity... dark deception is a really iconic game, but here its jsut lose its charm
9- every good thing about this game is from original... only the extra zone is good... but is an extra thats the problem...
10- the game try to act like is a strategy game but only few few time is a strategy game, level 2 was all strategic... but everything is just run, run, die... try to play smart is not possible with the chaos and enemies that are in that tiny halls... stranger sewers was pretty strategic, but all the horror and creepyness is gone so you are less motivated to play with caution...

its pretty bad... original is fantastic, here its just not so good...
发布于 7 月 14 日。
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总时数 56.4 小时 (评测时 31.0 小时)
you want an experience that put you in a long journey/odyssey with an atmosphere strong like a rock of massive proportion?... rhetoric question i hope, because if not i don't even know why you play videogames in the first place... to relax?... well that are piece of art like this in the air so go to ♥♥♥-

spoiler free review:
you don't know anything about the game and you want to buy it?... buy it, if is on sale and you don't buy it you deserve death, if is not on sale trust me the full price is worth it, if you think it, there is hello neighbor 2 that cost more than this and last for 3 hours, when this is 15-20 hours plus a lot of replayability... but that dosen't mean anything because it can even be an empty game, but the fact is that is 15-20 hours of a masterpiece... buy it now... spoiler review ahead

spoiler review:
this game is a masterpiece i don't know how to describe it, like im not a fanboy obsessed with this game m not psychopath, but is a masterpiece and is a fact... this game in the first place is a nostalgia of 2014 youtube, but the difference with fnaf and other things is that this is a real great game, a masterpiece really... i don't want to stat here too long so i will say some reasons
1- ai of alien is not only smart and all but is actually fun... like chapter 7, after the med segment i stayed 1-2 hours in 2 PARTS of the chapter to have fun with the alien and do a lot of experimenting, with the vents and ai ecc. and it was very fun... this is magic, all the games that reach this point, where you don't want to progress but only to sandboxing the game... magic
2- the fps/combat aspect is perfect, i don't know what to say... is just so cool, is more complex and fun that most fps based games... all the tools that you craft are fanstastic and very fun, the weapons are superb (all in terms of artistic aspect)... the amount of ammo is not too much, but not too few... is perfect
3- the atmosphere... no, too big thing, im not even gonna talk
4- fun puzzles, there are few puzzles, but are very creative and fun to solve
5- all the chapter 10 to 14 part was one of the peak of gaming for me... 5 chapters... 5 perfect chapters
6- the part of chapter 16 i think when there are guards was awesome...
7- is a hard game... thank god is hard, even the game tells you that hard difficulty is the best option... medium is maybe the best to do first time but... thank od is hard enaugh to make the game longer so you can taste it
8- syinthetics in fire... or give them a shotgun shot in the face...

... end of the review, i can stay here 1 hour but i think its time to stop... good game really...
发布于 6 月 24 日。
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总时数 6.3 小时 (评测时 3.5 小时)
i finished the game now and... i got a bit surprised...
my preocupations before where: too easy, too boring, too amatorial... and i think this because i play the game doors but never finished the reasons are the one that i mention, and i play airbone escape too, and that was one of the worst games i ever play, for not only the same reasons i mention before but for probably everithing exept the concept, i followed this game for curiosity and i was very worried... but now i think... is really good, the chapter one was fine before the third box, after the third box the game become fantastic... but the thing that shocked me... was the difficuty, in the last box of chapter one i was face to face with someting that was a bit difficult... then when chapter 2 ended, i was gonna say "this game finally got some challenge"... then... chapter 3... all the boxes of chapter 3 were brutally difficult for my expectations, when chapter 3 ended i was feeling something strange... some anxiety, some stress... chapter 4 was really good, really... then chapter 5... that was not bad... but painful, the fiers box was easy cause i played the demo before, but after that... another marathon of stress... then the end... is not bad, just... "so... now what, when and how will continue... an update, a sequel..."
but i will say that this game was not the disappointment i was fear of, and i will say that was more that my positive part was hope... but now... really... the thing that accros all chapter 1 and 2 alway came accross my mind was... "this is an ispiration... or a copy" this game copy puzzle ideas of many games like the room, monument valley, maybe house of davinci and i have fear that the most genius part of the game were "stolen" from other games that i dont know... maybe i cannot review well this game but i will say that the other "big loop studios" games where nothing when confronting to the room, atoms... but this is at least something... maybe a half way... 7,5/10
发布于 2 月 1 日。
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总时数 25.2 小时 (评测时 9.4 小时)
this review is in 2 parts, the one for the people that want to buy the game and the one for the game (spoilers) (im italian so if theres bad english i apologise)
if you want to buy the game... do it, the game for only the lenght the price is really expensive, but for the content is a perfect price, this game has a lot of parts that are art, just super iconic art, for me is one of the best game i ever played, for me 98% of the game or maybe more is perfection, but... theres a chance that for YOU may be a normal game or a disappointment, and most SUPER INCREDIBLE parts can be annoyng (for you), i think that for appreciate this game you have to be intelligent, is only a theory but i think that if you dont like this game you may be stupid, is not an insult is... a scentific fact, at least i think, and last thing, play at night and do long sessions, i think that if you complete the game in one or two sessions the atmosphere dont go away, so buy it, absolutley buy it, now i do the spoiler review so go away if you not completed the game yet

now if you complete the game and want to hear my review, if you dont already do that, read all the things that i write up, this is a second part not another review.
this game, blew my mind at least for all the second part of the game to the end, for me is one of the most incredible games of all time (and visit my profile if you want to see what games i play), and maybe one of the best, but now we go in order of chapters
chapter 1: genesis
this chapter... i dont have words to describe it... this chapter is the first 48-52% of the game, and is 2 and a half to 3 and a half hours long... only for a CHAPTERS-MISSIONS-LEVELS perspective... this is one of the best in videogame history for me... this is a thing that i call a "surface tension thing" (surface tension is the longest chapter in half-life and is the best and most action packed chapter and in there born the valve theme and one of most memorable part in video game history), the chapter genesis is probably one of the longest levels of all time and is just incredible all the village and other parts, in this chapter after you are haunted by marta a new "chris walker" (fat outlast guy) and... the chase sequence in the village is incredible, i dont have many things to say because theres too much, is... really... a masterpiece of chapter, and the school, the school in this chapter is not the best parts because is all a "meaningless" journey to what the school segments really are (p.s. if you think the school is parts are too many, annoyng or stupid, well if you play portal 2 theres your reflection in my profile picture... moron)
chapter 2: job
after you go to the chouch, and exit thers anther school part, and after that the chapter genesis has an end, and "job" begins, this is the chapter in the dark forest, but genesis is practically all in the village so, if you think that the game to beginning to end is in a forest, you are practically worng, "job" is the only chapter in the forest, in this chapter... ... many things happen...you get bury alive, crucified, and all of that, this chapter is really impressive, the new enemy that throw arrow is genius, of all the enemies of outlast and outlast 2, you have only one objective, to not get touch, but this enemy or this two in one enemies, the shoot, they can hurt you in the distance, and the part when you escape and they shoot from the other side, is just incredible, this is a really good chapter, the part in the small village when you have to find the rope, the final or one of the final parts is maybe the only "normal" part of the game, that part feels incomplete, because is too easy is a good part but maybe is the worst part of the game, maybe... and the school parts, now begins to be really, really good, the final part of the chapter is.... the part of the school roof, that is not only that is the level name... is mindblowing, when i found myself here i was in the game for 5-6 hours and i was not expected that the game can go so far, this is really but really a masterpiece of a part, but the thing is that that was the real begginig because now...
chapter 3: lamentations
a short chapter... but maybe the best chapter, the lake... the... lake... the lake segment was... really one of the most impressive part i ever seen in a videogame, the atmosphere was so streong that with one figer can break the sun... the lake parts are fantastic, the school parts, are the peak, i cannot describe in words... and if i think that was the end...
chapter 4: judges
the one where the blood rain, before the mines... that was real art, maybe that was the most impressive part, all of the chapter is taken from a museum, this chapter is LITERAL art... art... the "red parts" or the chases are fantastic, only that is real art, but the school too... the school parts... this may be the only game that literally cant be describe by words, i give up
chapter 5: leviticus
this chapter is so far the only that is not a masterpiece... but the ambience... the atmospheres and puzzles... are phenomenal... feels like the most fun (literal fun) part of the game, this may be not be masterpiece but is... something else
chapter 6: revelations (fun fact: in my game, the italian one, is apocalipse, not revelations)
i dont have things to say about this chapter, is obviusly the worst one, is a good chapter, is the shortest one... the ending is perfect and... end

this was my outlst 2 review... now... the question is obvious... OUTLAST VS OUTALST 2... the answer does not exist, both are masterpieces, the thing is that both are masterpieces for different reasons and are very different games, what a game dosent have the other does and viceversa, so the perfectly fit toghether like 2 piece of puzzles, a very philosophical thing but is true, in conclusion... when i visit the community hub i read people that say this game is boring, and the school is crap and ruin the game, and all of that, so the most i read about this game the most i want to cut my venis and realize humans are stupid... end
发布于 1 月 6 日。 最后编辑于 1 月 8 日。
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