An old lady newbie, with gnarly hands, slow reflexes, and a potato.
:steamthumbsup:: Casual. Gentle. Story. Adventure, puzzlers, PnC, HO. Indie.
:steamthumbsdown:: Dexterity, speed, stress, unkind. Tearjerkers, pink-o-mania.

I like games that are casual and gentle. Prefer a proper story with some thought behind it - can be explicitly told or show-don't-tell. Adventure, puzzlers, point-and-click, hidden objects. Happy to support Indie games. My potato laptop prefers smallish games <5GB. And I play with only KB+M, no controller.

With a strong dislike of being subjected to scares, and with no dexterity or speed, no skills, and only very basic gear, I am unsurprisingly not a fan of :
platforming, arcade, combat, killing, timed, creepy, stress, jumpscares (argghhh!), blood-n-gore, cruelty, unkind, "-ist" of many kinds, and such.
Nor am I a fan of heavy-handed "lessons learned" or the-moral-is. Or cutie-pie adorability and pink extravagances, including manga/kawaii/anime visuals. Or obvious emotional manipulation. And very tired of sexist tropes and other stereotyping.

Really, really don't like pixelart (yeah, I know!) . And my oldish eyes prefer an artstyle that is reasonably well-lit. Be that bright colours, or a more subdued palette, or greys, browns or black-and-white. Even if for nothing else, therefore not keen on space settings, caves, nighttime urban, or dungeon crawlers.

I wish, wish, wish that developers would make games that are consistent in style and content. I hate non-skippable arcade minigames in a PnC adventure, for example. Or a sudden jumpscare thrown into an otherwise kind and gentle game. Please DON'T do that. Hmpfff!

And while we're on the peeves and rants: What's with those stupid typewriter sound effects, and text presented at any rate slower than instant. Line-by-line, word-by-word, or - OMG !! letter-by-letter, is just tedious, highly annoying, and headache-inducing. Cut it out already. And - come on devs - manual saving is NOT too much to ask for in a game. Nor legible fonts. Nor grammar and spelling checks by someone competent in the language.

But to end on a positive note: Wow, I'm so grateful for the thoughtful and helpful reviews posted by so many people. Both on curated sites and on individual player profiles. A wealth of useful information and guidance for a newbie like me. I especially appreciate those who take a moment to mention if a game is OK to play on KB+M without controller. You make my day! Thank you to all :steamhappy: :emberhappy: :tinybulb: :shellebration: :pippin1: :messiaheon:
Please be polite and considerate if leaving comments.

I'm not on Steam to 'collect' friends. Am very reticent on friending, especially random strangers.
But if we seem to share same interests in (smallish) kind and gentle games, or you're another *newbie* older person (60+ or thereabouts), then leave me a couple of lines in my comment field, and I'll consider it :granlostwords: :happystar2022:

And please don't leave random hi's or season's greetings or such. Or text art . That's really not my cup of tea, at all - and will be deleted, if any.
Thanks !

I love reading other people's thoughtful reviews, so decided to make mine open for public view too.
Such as they are...
Here's hoping my tuppence-worth of opinion may be helpful to some :carto_snowman:
A poem - to share:
Now summer's come, and the sound of children playing outside put me in mind of this poem, with it's evocation of the bittersweet of growing up...

Caitlin Doyle : NOT IT

“Not It!” we’d shout before a round
of backyard hide-and-seek,
the last to say it left behind
to count down in the dark

of covered eyes from ten to one,
from one to Ready-or-Not,
the Here-I-Come that comes too soon,
the day that turns to night

because the game’s gone on and on,
and now you’re It, you’re It,
and now you’ve always been alone
without a hiding spot,

with friends to find who can’t be found
because it’s late, too late
for anything but how the wind
makes ghost-chimes of the Not

as night turns day and day turns night
and you’re not not the one
in grown-up clothes that don’t quite fit
who can’t stop counting down

from ten to one to Ready-or-Not
to Here-I-Come again
as night turns day and day turns night
and you’re not not the one

who’s never not been running out
of breath the more you count
from ten to one to Ready-or-Not,
who’s counting backward now

from Here-I-Come to Ready-or-Not,
and you’re not not the one
in grown-up clothes that finally fit
who shouts “Not It! Not It!”

- Alfred, Lord Tennyson :'In Memoriam'.
- Emily Dickinson: 'The saddest noise, the sweetest noise (No 1789)'
Mudtowner 21 sep om 10:41 
Not sure if I'm an oldie yet.. 50. Definitely not a youngie. Also, recently diagnosed with Parkinsons, so I too am not into high-speed, high-stress games. Sent you a friend add if you like. If not, I wish you well. :mug:
Hairy Mary 3 sep om 7:43 
I sent you a private message about Paper Trail. :ghostcat2:
Flavius Claudius Julianus 14 jul om 8:01 
Hey I do think we share the love of some kind games like a highland song (which I found your guide very useful, thanks!) but nonetheless I understand. Thanks for the courtesy of replying!
Flavius Claudius Julianus 12 jul om 18:59 
As a fellow oldie on Steam, sorry! I had to add you.
Dancingberrie 10 jul om 6:33 
Hi tysm for your help I rlly appreciate it !!
Scythesickle 25 jun om 0:46 
Appreciated your thorough review of A Little to the Left