巴音布鲁克的土   Tanggu, Tianjin, China


!يا عمال العالم اتحدوا‎

Yā ʿummālu l-ʿālam ittaḥidū!

Պրոլետարներ բոլոր երկրների, միացե՜ք

Proletarner bolor yerkrneri, miac̣e'ḳ!

Bütün ölkələrin proletarları, birləşin!

Бүтүн өлкәләрин пролетарлары, бирләшин!

দুনিযার মজুর এক হও!

Пралетарыі ўсіх краін, яднайцеся!

Proleteri svih zemalja, ujedinite se!

Пролетарии от всички страни, съединявайте се!

Proletarii ot vsichki strani, saedinyavaite se!

Proletaris de tots els països, Uniu-vos!

Proleteri svih zemalja, ujedinite se!

Proletáři všech zemí, spojte se!

Proletarer i alle lande, foren jer!

Proletariërs aller landen, verenigt U!

Kõigi maade proletaarlased, ühinege!

Workers of the world, unite!

Herrialde guztietako proletarioak, elkar zaitezte!

Mga manggagawa ng mundo, magkaisa!

Kaikkien maiden proletaarit, liittykää yhteen!

Prolétaires de tous les pays, unissez-vous!

Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!

პროლეტარებო ყველა ქვეყნისა, შეერთდით!

p'rolet'arego q'vela kveq'nisa, sheertdit!

Προλετάριοι όλου του κόσμου, ενωθείτε!

Proletárii ólu tu kósmu, enōthíte!

!פועלי כל העולם התאחדו‎

Poaley kol ha-olam, hit'akhadu!

Világ proletárjai, egyesüljetek!

Öreigar allra landa, sameinist!

Para pekerja di seluruh dunia, bersatulah!!

Oibrithe an domhain, aontaigh!

Lavoratori di tutto il mondo, unitevi!

Proletari di tutti i paesi, unitevi!


Bankoku no rōdōsha yo, danketsu seyo!

만국의 노동자들이여, 단결하라!

萬國의 勞動者들이여, 團結하라!

Man'gungeui Nodongjadeuliyeo, dangyeolhara!

Пролетери од сите земји обединете се!

Proleteri od site zemji, obedinete se!

Mpiasa eran'izao tontolo izao, mampiray!

Kaum buruh semua negeri, bersatulah!

Чыла элласе пролетарий-влак ушныза!

Chyla ellase proletariy-vlak ušnyza!

Орон бүрийн пролетари нар нэгдэгтүн!

Oron büriin proletari nar negdegtün!

Arbeidere i alle land, foren dere!!

Kirêkaranî/karkerên dinya/cîhanê yekgirin/hevgirin!

کارگران جهان متحد شوید ‎

Kārgarān-e jahān mottaḥed šavīd!

Proletariusze wszystkich krajów, łączcie się!

Trabalhadores do mundo, uni-vos!

Proletários de todos os paí­ses, uni-vos!

Proletari din toate ţările, uniţi-vă!

Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!

Proletarii vsekh stran, soedinyaytes!

Proleteri svih zemalja, ujedinite se!

Пролетери свих земаља, уједините се!

Proletári všetkých krajín, spojte sa!

Proletarci vse dezel, zdruzite se!

¡Trabajadores del mundo, uníos!

¡Proletarios de todos los países, uní­os!

¡Trabajadores de todo el mundo, unimos!

Arbetare i alla länder, förenen eder!

Пролетарҳои ҳамаи мамлакатҳо, як шавед!

Барлык илләрнең пролетарийлары, берләшегез!

Barlıq illärneñ proletariları, berläşegez!

Bütün ülkelerin işçileri, birleşin!

Пролетарі всіх країн, єднайтеся!

Proletari vsih kraïn, jednajtesja!

Vô sản toàn thế giới, đoàn kết lại!


!פראָלעטאריער פון אלע לענדער, פאראייניקט זיך

Proletarier fun ale lender fareynikt zikh!

Proletoj el ĉiuj landoj, unuiĝu!
Currently In-Game
War Thunder

:csgogun: 钟爱的游戏类型:
角色扮演 / 主视觉射击 / 动作冒险 / 生存恐怖 / 开放世界 / 大战场策略模拟
Favorite game types:RPG / FPS / ACT / Survival Horror / Open-world / Large battlefield strategy simulation

:csgogun: 钟爱的游戏题材:
科幻 / 战争 / 丧尸 / 恐怖 / 策略
Favorite game themes: Sci-fi / War / Zombie / terror / strategy

:csgogun: 最喜爱的游戏(系列):
钢铁雄心 / 骑马与砍杀 / 维多利亚 / CS:GO / 全面战争 / 战地风云 / 十字军之王 / 欧陆风云……
Favorite games (series): Heart Of Iron / Mount & Blade / Victoria / CS:GO / All-out war / Battlefield / Crusader Kings / Europa Universalis……

只列举一部分最典型的标签,其实喜欢的游戏根本说不完~ 应该说我算是个标准的杂食玩家,对于各种游戏类型都来者不拒、乐于尝试;

Only a few of the most typical tags are listed. Actually, I can't finish my favorite games. I should say that I am a standard omnivore player, and I am willing to try all kinds of games;
I love to follow the trend and play popular masterpieces, but also love to explore the treasures of independent production and niche games (in fact, the process of searching for relics makes me feel more successful);
They are also keen on online and other multiplayer activities, and enjoy the feeling of immersing themselves in the carefully shaped virtual world when playing games;
Oppose all kinds of game disdain chains, dislike all kinds of superior parties, and recognize the idea that both players and game developers should have enough respect.


:retreat: 存在以下行为的玩家恕我难以接受你的申请 : 恶意差评、言辞极端、难以解释的 VAC 记录
I'll reject you if you have these behaviours: malicious bad reviews, extreme speech, unexplained VAC

Adhere to the principle of "friends are better than others", but the application will basically pass: do not mind the level, number of games, and so on; However, the foundation of friendship is mutual respect, so the avatar or ID with offensive or ironic meaning will not be approved by me.

Friends whose data is private/whose level is lower than 10/who have no friends in common suggest leaving a message before adding it (explain where I found it). If they do not leave a message, I have a great probability that they will be judged to be ignored by Bot (in other words, if the first item is met, the data is open, the level is higher than 10, and they have 5 friends in common will pass even if they do not leave a message).

Any message must be replied (except for mass sending); We welcome the Dynamic Party to add friends. We have a good opinion of humorous people and respect people with excellent writing style.

If you find me gone, please forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye; I occasionally choose to leave those friends who have been inactive for a long time; Perhaps the best outcome is to forget each other in the Jianghu. I really like the words in "Spirited Away": "Life is a train to the tomb. There will be many stops on the way. No one can accompany you all the time. You will see people coming and going up and down. If you are lucky, someone will accompany you for a while. When this person wants to get off, you should be grateful, and then wave goodbye. Because, perhaps at the next stop, another person will accompany you farther." Therefore, when friendship comes to an end, do not try to save and maintain the illusion that we are still good friends. It is better to forget about the Jianghu than to talk to each other.

:steamhappy:最后真诚地感谢我的每一位好友,因为你们,我的 Steam 生涯才变得精彩!
Sincerely thank every friends. Because of you, my steam life has become wonderful!


电脑型号 Dell G15 5511
操作系统 Micrisift Windows 11 家庭中文版
CPU 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11800H @ 2.30GHz 2.30 GHz
内存 16GB(3200MHz)
显卡 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060
存储 M.2 2230 固态硬盘(512GB) + SAMSUMG SSD 980(1TB)
键盘 达尔优 EK75 绝绝紫-天空轴V3
鼠标 惠普G160
耳机 漫步者G2专业版


网易云 大葱丶战将 [music.163.com]
bilibili 大葱灬战将 [space.bilibili.com]
暴雪战网 obsession#51155
QQ 617029321


:Eagle_hoi: 回望过去,一路上,我们一定遇见过很多给予过我们温暖的人;陌生人陪过的那一程,简直是生命里的一束光。人生最好的遇见,就是你在一个陌生人身上,发现一种久违的感动。而人生的每一段遇见,都应该是谢谢的关系,感谢你,在路上给予我的温暖。
Looking back, along the way, we must have met many people who have given us warmth; The journey accompanied by strangers was a ray of light in life. The best meeting in life is when you find a long lost touch with a stranger. And every encounter in life should be a thank-you relationship. Thank you for the warmth you gave me on the way.

May you come back young after thousands of sails

Recent Activity
460 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
1,342 hrs on record
last played on 9 Oct
78 hrs on record
last played on 9 Oct
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