Sssneaksss / ジョージ
Twitch: sssneaksss | If you never been in a fight; dont be toxic lol
- I miss living in Japan, & traveling thru military, PEACE & LOVE.
*Bring Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks to Steam!*
*Bring ALL the Duke Nukem games back to Steam!*
*Bring Tenchu Fatal Shadows to Steam!*
*Bring Clive Barker's Jericho to Steam!*
All These Guys on a Anime wave but I lived it tho,
Watashi wa kakkoii, honto ni. :buzzed:
Wakkata? (I Luv Romaji)

Interests/ About:
Horror Genre (like dark web level but rated R will do), Gym Whenever (you can see me do 100 straight push ups on my Youtube channel), I've been to 9 countries, I've shot more than 12 guns, I even Drove thru a tornado in Texas & got stabbed in the hand by a bum in Cali, I even played with an Ouija board once. In other words I'm a very seasoned person, if you come at me sideways behind your monitor you're pretty much a joke to me. Sadly I can't Mention EVERY experience. . .Stay safe out there people.
-Wanna see a fraction of my experiences (like 5%)? Go to my personal Youtube channel as seen below. :buzzed:
Currently Online
Me at SAW X theater w/ Jiggsaw Popcorn Holder!
Artwork Showcase
Michael carrying Yun booty
19 1
Screenshot Showcase
ESCALATION 72! Whats ur record?
PinkBaebeTtv 10 Dec, 2023 @ 6:17pm 
sssneaksss_ttv 27 Oct, 2023 @ 5:10pm 