United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Petition to give heavy a small set of wings that replace the minigun and allow him to double jump
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Completionist Showcase
OptimismPersonified 29 Dec, 2023 @ 2:42am 
or one of the rare sincere er moments
OptimismPersonified 29 Dec, 2023 @ 2:41am 
is that sarcasm I detect
Rommy 28 Dec, 2023 @ 3:01pm 
gg insane duel
RainspiderVIII 10 Nov, 2023 @ 3:34am 
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OptimismPersonified 5 Sep, 2023 @ 2:28am 
the reason for this is that the returns (how much health you get per point invested) of vigour are really good until 60, and are generally worth more than a little extra damage. Although there are of course exceptions
OptimismPersonified 5 Sep, 2023 @ 2:27am 
if you want to play at metal level pvp in elden ring (around rl125 - 133) you want at least 55-60 vigour or you're in for a rough time. Generally advisable to get to around there for the story as well, as some attacks from end game bosses will start to one shot you otherwise