LJ   Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa

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Tracer_steel 20 May, 2020 @ 8:39am 
the maps for Call of Duty Modern Ware 3
mp_alpha - Lockdown
mp_bootleg - Bootleg
mp_bravo - Mission
mp_carbon - Carbon
mp_dome - Dome
mp_exchange - Downturn
mp_hardhat - Hardhat
mp_interchange - Interchange
mp_lambeth - Fallen
mp_mogadishu - Bakaara
mp_paris - Resistance
mp_plaza2 - Arkaden
mp_radar - Outpost
mp_seatown - Seatown
mp_underground - Underground
mp_village - Village
mp_terminal_cls - terminal
mp_morningwood - Black box
mp_park - Liberation
mp_overwatch - Overwatch
mp_italy - Piazza
mp_qadeem - Oasis
mp_meteora - Sanctuary
mp_cement - Foundation
mp_restrepo_ss - Lookout
mp_hillside_ss - Getawa
mp_courtyard_ss - Erosion
mp_aground_ss - Aground
mp_burn_ss - u-turn
mp_crosswalk_ss - intersection
mp_six_ss - vortex
mp_Shipbreaker - Decommission
mp_offshore - Off Shore
mp_gulch - Gulch
mp_Boardwalk - Boardwalk
mp_NOLA - Parish
Capy 23 Aug, 2019 @ 4:41am 
Very good player +rep