過去 2 週的遊戲時數:

已達成 3 / 6(50%)項成就:

The island with the most attention !!

Proof that town became rank 5
解鎖於 2 月 23 日 下午 8:25

The population has increased by 1

Proof of the birth of a baby
解鎖於 2 月 23 日 下午 8:25

New life starting from the island

Proof of welcoming residents
解鎖於 2 月 23 日 下午 2:40

I'm worried about rusting in the sea breeze

Proof that Kairobot became a resident

This is paradise island!

Proof of many years of dedication to the development of the island

Even the chairman was surprised by this

Proof that the title achievement rate is 50%