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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 615.6 hrs on record (370.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 28 Aug, 2023 @ 5:40am

Much as I love this game, it has taken this long to find something I truly hate in this game. Spoilers be warned.. Kinda, trying to avoid that? ANYWAY. I hate the emperor.. Who and what he is, He fails every vibe check possible but this is fine. Something I genuinely despise in every way... This game it 99.9/100 and the ONE Thing that bothers me. THERE IS NO WAY TO SAVE ANSUR. No way to side with Ansur, to help Ansur. A DND style game, Dungeons and Dragons. The ONLY DRAGON you get teased hard for, getting to be able to be with. He is also an incredible person from the smallest info we get on him, yet there is no option -- Even later into the game. The entire scene sours my taste for the emperor and now I am just longing for the fact that I want Ansur to be okay.. 100/10 game though.. It's reinvigorated gaming for me, been so long since I got to enjoy a real game. An ACTUAL game. Probably since DoS2. I love you Larian. I just wish there was a dragon.
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