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54.5 hrs last two weeks / 171.2 hrs on record (67.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 25 May, 2020 @ 4:40pm
Updated: 5 Nov, 2021 @ 12:57pm

this game is not a bad game. Even in its current state with all of its little quirks here and there it is still entertaining . When you finally build a working sorting facility that is fed by dirt conveyed from a mine that is at the lowest you can dig with a safe room of shard bricks, you really feel good about that, considering everything it took to get it to work. Game has great potential for additional content like new craftables, new ores, machines ect..

Id really like to see curved conveyors for those much needed turns, actually shocked there is not one. and the vehicles, they need a little work in my opinion. Takes getting used to but once you get the hang of their slow acceleration and non existent stopping speed you'll be taking those bridges and corners like a pro. Best part is even when your stuck just recall the truck and try again.

overall its a fun game with its issues and i look ahead to future updates, content, and fixes

Would like to say that for some of the posts, mainly the big ugly one dropped in august that says this game has no quality of life, id like to rebut. The quality of life comes after you've played it for more than a couple of hours. I mean really, who plays a game for a few hours and then is able to write such a knowledge filled post about what the game lacks like they have played it for hundreds of hours. If you dont like click small thing drop in bucket click small thing drop in bucket over and over then buy the magnet, or better yet build some conveyors and make the machines break the dirt up and send the metal to the forge, not that hard you just have to buy it. Complaining about mechanics that you say are not there because you have not played long enough to unlock them is not telling anyone anything useful. Be more productive.

Next, give the developer, let me rephrase, give the solo developer a chance to make new things, last i checked hes constantly coming up with new ideas and implementing community ideas, like multiplayer but seeing that you'd rather review games than make them i guess you know more than he does so i digress.

Yes im defending max. It just upsets me that so many people think they could do so much better yet we still have the mess of game releases we have yet we have so many game creators and developers out there, i say put your money where you mouth and fingers are and stop acting like because you are the consumer you can make better games and bash those that try. oh you cant make games, then stop trying to hurt developers that can, at least turn your negativity towards the ones that are trash, not the ones that have stuck with it since day one. you would know that this developer has stuck with it if you would have done more than buy the game, play it for a few hours then go and write such negative review about it.
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