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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,027.3 hrs on record (476.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: 10 Oct, 2021 @ 9:43am

DayZ is truly an experience! If you're looking to purchase this game and not sure if you should, well i highly recommend it.
This game is unrelenting and a forceful challenge every time you spawn in. From being a Bambi on the coast to fully geared raiding military camps and bases, there's always a bigger fish looking to take a bite out of you. With a plethora of guns and melee weapons at your disposal, you'll have to fight towns littered with zombies ready to beat you down at first sight. Stay quiet though and just maybe you can make it out without a scratch. Loot towns, city's, industrial zones, and even military airfields to find any loot you can. Food and Water to keep you healthy and hydrated. Guns and Melee Weapons to fend off zombies and even your fellow survivor. Clothes to keep you warm from the frigid temperatures and high winds as you move from flat open fields to tree covered hills. Medicine to fight infections such as an infected cut from a zombie, or even treatment for salmonella. There's always something out to get you in this post apocalyptic land spanning a whopping 225 Square Kilometers!

Now let me say this. This game is ever so unrelenting and will force you to make life or death decisions. Whether its a bullet to the head... or you're so hungry that survivor you just killed begins to look pretty appetizing. From using landmarks to find your location on the map or finding something sharp enough to open up that can of food you found, you'll need use every tool at your disposal to survive. And even then.. its still not enough.

(Note: This game requires multiple hours of gameplay to learn core mechanics and understanding. Not for the faint of heart.)
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