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Posted: 5 Mar, 2019 @ 3:27am

After First seeing this game I thought "huh that looks like a cool game" and then completely forgot about it
later i stumbled upon it during a steam sale and thought "well its $18 for the enhanced edition (Thanks Gabe) and bought it
I started the campaign with no idea what i was getting into, and didn't stop playing until i had played the full game (including the following) twice over. Now with over 16 playthroughs and 300 hours I finally reveiw this masterpiece.

The main appeal of this game is of course, the movement
while it can be frustraiting rarely (I'm looking at you tic tac) the game heavily rewards players for learning even basic movement as most of the environment is built towards a flow of movement, which alot of times can guide you without your knowing, and the grappling hook can be used to extend this further if used WITH movement.
Even in the following, the buggy rewards players for being able to drive continuously while avoiding other cars
In dying light your movement can be your greatest weapon.
The movement is a 25/10 for me

The combat can be quite strange at times with animations and damage sometimes not mattering and anything other than a blade, bow or gun can seem to be ineffective, especially in the early stages of the game, however once the player reaches survivor level 12 the weapons attained seem to have a much greater effect and really allow the player to begin to clear areas, the customisation for weapons while limited to mostly the angel sword for effectiveness, can provide an interesting spin to your blades, and while fair and punishing at the same time, the combat could use improvement
The combat for me is a 6/10

Dying light is my most replayed game out of any, and as such I am biased towards it however
The games storyline is bad is what i hear from most people who don't like the game, and to some extent i must agree with them, there are significant plotholes in the storyline and that can be a ruiner for most games, however there are moments in the story that can really stick with me, a few are

When the airdrops stop and Brecken is at a loss for losing a floor of the tower
When you return to Rahim after blowing up the hive
And when Crane tells Rais what we have all been thinking at the start of the end mission

These moments are what really drive home the storyline for me, and while i might have a few qualms with it myself i still believe its had a good story, not a great story, but certainly not bad.
story is a 7/10 for me

The co-op can be the best part of the game (especially with break-dancing zombies) and improves your campaign experience greatly, while the animations can be quite strange, you can show your friends a great time in a session f dying light
co-op in a zombie game is always fun so another person can help significantly if you want to try out hard mode or nightmare
co-op is a 9/10 for me

If anyone has doubts about getting dying light I highly recommend it for you and all of your friends
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