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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 35.5 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 3 Aug, 2024 @ 7:05am

Played since beta. Back then it felt like a game with potential.
Released in 2021, the game feels like it was made in the early 2010's, without any of the good bits. The animations are janky, the stats for weapons don't make sense and aren't true to life. The character models are hideous. The voice lines are really corny. Updates were originally bringing in all kinds of new stuff for everyone, and the premium stuff was well priced at around 20 euros. Slowly, updates brought less free content whilst the premium stuff got more expensive, some of it is 60 euros.

Any new feature is locked behind a paywall. Paratroopers, rocket artillery, APC's. Apart from the American 100 round Thompson para squad, they're not really OP but these features should not be locked away. The main issue is progression. I have premium squads and premium time and on a good game I still barely make any progression. So imagine how bad it is for someone without premium time or premium squads. The silver economy also sucks and the only time you're gonna make a good amount of silver is during events.

I'll try to compare it to War Thunder. We all know War Thunder's premium content isn't great. But at least game play wise, War Thunder is fun. It has no competition, there is no other game like War Thunder.

Enlisted meanwhile takes War Thunder's predatory premium content and increases it ten fold. At the same time, the game play is so empty. You're using weapons not performing how they do in reality to shoot at an enemy team that consists mostly of bots, you won't know right away though because they use real player names. Speaking of bots, Enlisted's "unique" feature that sets it apart from other shooters is the squad system. Your squad consists of several soldiers and you control one, with the rest of the squad following you. When you die, you quickly switch to another squad member. When everyone in your squad dies, you switch to a new squad. The bots in your squad are completely useless. They usually follow you but sometimes get stuck. They'll rarely look at the enemy, more rarely they'll fire their weapon at the enemy, and even more rarely they'll hit the enemy. It does not feel like a real squad system.

The only good thing I can say about Enlisted is that the maps do look nice and it brings some lesser known weapons to light. Still, although the maps look good, they still suck. The objectives are not often placed in a logical spot, or they're too big. The objective in some maps is located at a certain building, but the perimeter of the objective is so large it extends well beyond the building, an attacking team can sit outside the building and take the objective without ever actually assaulting the building.

The only time I probably fully enjoyed the game was when I joined a hardcore custom game in Moscow. It used the entire map as well. It kind of felt like Red Orchestra but with better graphics. But most custom games are dead.

I just wouldn't waste time or money playing the game. There are many other shooters out there that are much better.
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