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Posted: 19 Aug, 2021 @ 10:18am
Updated: 7 Sep, 2022 @ 1:52pm

CS:GO Review
Competitive games get a bad reputation in the gaming community. The dirt that’s thrown around is mostly correct, but I if you don’t mind the flaws that come with this genre of games then it’s a masterpiece in the things it wants to achieve.

Most people are going to get into Counter Strike for the ranked matches, the competitive experience, and get discouraged. The game might appear random at first, but it’s anything but that. The game modifies the bullet paths by the way you move, shoot and control your mouse movement. This approach makes the game’s primary mechanic, shooting, be more complex by discouraging people from running and gunning.

The game also has a history behind it. The franchise is 20 years old and the game is 10. Valve took a very hands off approach to balancing the game and let the meta change naturally until this point. Currently the game is in an almost perfectly balanced state in terms of gun balance. The maps while being mostly sided towards one side, mainly counter-terrorists are still balanced by the fact that the teams switch sides in the middle, turning the tides and sometimes making the game actually more enjoyable. The thought of maybe being able to get back from a 1-14 loss streak after the first half is not only a naive thought, but an actual possibility giving the game not only balance (which can sometimes lead to staleness), but interesting changes during the match.

It wouldn’t be an online multiplayer game without the “multiplayer” part of it. The games community is 20 years old and it gave birth to plenty of community made creations. CS:GO is a game made by its players and it was created with love. It has a place for everyone. People who enjoy a fun casual experience by hopping on one of many servers and having fun in a more relaxed environment.

CS:GO is sometimes more than a game. From the community server list plenty of game modes were created. Surf, bunny hopping, zombie mode and many others inspired complete games and they all originated from counter strike.

The game is widely criticized for its cheating and smurfing problem, which in my opinion is unfair. CS:GO has less cheaters than COD Overwatch and many mainstream games while having a VERY un intrusive anti-cheat. While valorant’s might as well just upload your computer to riot’s database.

If you’re looking for the kind of game that CS:GO looks to be, you’re going to get it and a little bit extra.
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