United States
:maple2: Don't mind me just gaming.
Gamer turned to weeb
From Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, to FPS games on PC, to anime gacha games and visual novels. What a ride LMFAO!
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Review Showcase
777 Hours played
I loved this game when I first played it, however, as more and more time went by, I felt like the Russian faction wasn't as good as it used to be. Which sucks because it was the main faction I ever played so all of my money(in-game credits, not gold) went towards it. I guess I could be very biased but the game became less fun when the Russian faction just loses over and over to the Americans and Germans since most of the veteran players on the Russian side jumped ship long ago. As of last month tho I couldn't get a game for an hour so I just kinda of gave up on the game now.
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