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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 465.5 hrs on record (428.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 17 May, 2023 @ 8:42am
Updated: 17 May, 2023 @ 10:58am

Monster Hunter Rise, aka Monster Hunter Generation Ultimate 2.0
Monster Hunter Rise is a good game. Not the best, not the worse.
Despite my "positively review", I would prefer to pin a neutral review to this game. Unfortunately, Steam doesn't allow neutral review... I still wonder why ?

I haven't done Risen Elders from Sunbreaks yet. So maybe my review on certain point can be wrong, or certain point got improved since.
The simpliest (Monster Hunter World), the art style (Monster Hunter XX alias Generation Ultimate) and the wirebug (Monster Hunter Rise)
Monster Hunter Rise got a good combat style, like always.
It's suprisingly good when you see some twicks. Like :
  • Removing Mantles and being less dumb that just standing still and pew pew-ing monster as HBG for exemple. But you aren't punished... because Temporal mantle is here to save you ! Despite you doing nothing you can get carried by your mantle !
    At least in Rise and / or MHXX, you get rewarded by pressing buttons. Not by equip mantle and jerking around like a dumbass for 3 minutes doing your own business.
  • Great improvement to some weapon
    For exemple -> Switch Axe / Gunlance, Hammer or Hunting Horn (even if Hunting Horn loose a bit of his identity, it's literally an fiveteenth / sixteenth weapon in his case.)
    Notes : Not Counting weapon from Explore / Frontier
  • So yeah, the combat is cool, flashy and mostly enjoyable.
    You can switch to some "substitution moves" that grant advantages and drawbacks.
  • Elementals status are cool. It's sad you can't deal it WITHOUT pets.
  • Sub' scroll are cool too.
  • Diablos for god sake are actually more polish than MHW ! Barroth too ! (It's my opinion, you can disagree. But i feel like they are less pale)
  • Rathalos and Rathian are prettier than MHW. [Without any Mods]
  • Arena are cool to play again. And not getting pulverized by ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ claws.
    + It's one of the way to actually love sub's scroll by the way. Since it's more focus on them for G rank Arena. And if you don't play G rank Arena or don't get Sunbreak expension, you don't get "punished" by not owning it !
    *Blink at MHW who don't get this point*
  • Removing clutch claws.... it was a good tool, but it feel so necessary to use it because your damage will suffer.
    Even if hammer clutch claw combo stay in my heart (and probably in other people heart too)
  • Yeah, they removed Mantles, but they removed slinger shot aswell....
    So, for exemple, when you played GS and monsters goes behind you ? What, what are you gonna do when they come for you ?
    Nothing. Or mostly nothing unless you use wirebugs skills or some substitution moves. In MHW in the other hand, you can play smart and turn around to face the monster again by shooting pods.
  • Yeah weapon got a great improvement, but some weapon did that wrong. Why in the earth you get rid of power axe buff when you hit amped states on Switch Axe ? What's the point ? You can't even stack it when you want to get you next amped state as soon as possible ! Why would you want power axe when you got rid of it when you hit amped state ? For a buff that last 2 seconds ? For a hit witch doesn't deal very much damage, not like MHW used to deal.
  • Most of substitution moves aren't balanced.
    It's either to strong that you won't switch back to something else. Or incredibly weak and you won't bother played them. (Hello """""""""""""""invisible""""""""""""" gambit lol)
  • Sub's scroll are cool, but i think you would forget to use it since it's feel not very strong.... (See the point above)
  • Wyvern riding are atrocious to use....
  • Every quest, monsters invade each other JUST for you to get a wyvern riding ready.
    Why Kulu-ya-ku invade Magnamalos for ? Are they dumb ? Why Basarios say hi to Teostra ? Next step is Jaggi say hi to Dire Miralis ? Dalamadur ?
  • I don't understand some dash / backdash attacks in Rise. Did they nerf them ?
    Or it's just because they feel like they used Physics engine from MHXX / MH4U ?
    For exemple.
    You play GS against Khezu. You got an P2 charged attack. You saw Khezu going to do an AOE attack close to him ?
    • In MHW you could of go for an true charged slash and step backward by doing it. Avoiding his attack and maybe you could punish him by doing this. Because at the time you charge your attack, and the time you release it. Khezu might have finished his move.(at least it's more feasible)
      Result : You can punish him by playing smart and get rewarded by your patience and knowledge of what your weapon are capable of.
    • In Rise, you step backward, but you stayed in his AOE because you step cover 1 millimeter backward lol.
      Results : you got hit, you don't have time to should bash and you feel like a dumbass.
      Same goes for the 3 blasts attack from Khezu. Headslam from Barroth. Tail swing from Rathian, etc....

Notes : I know with Sunbreaks, some of the point can be fixed by unlock moves like GS parry. But it's sad when MHW can do it without unlocking moves.. Don't you agree ?
Greddy company....
I know everyone has his own opinion about it, but look at DLC Rise got. They is so muuuuuch DLC you can pay. Ok it's only cosmetics. But what the ♥♥♥♥.
Spending about 7.50€ for a layered armor, when earlier in THIS game you can get a full layered armor for 3€ ?? I checked the market place and i think they really sell you full armor for 3€ maximum, but get changed recently.....
Seriously, the most Monster Hunter get famous, the most Capcom became greddier.
I'm worry about MH6 or the next Monster Hunter, witch they can sell you Monster / Quest for 3€ each (for exemple).
Do you really think Capcom will stop to sell you cosmetics ONLY ? Maybe, but maybe not.

Free Update may not be free in the future.
Remind you company aren't your friend. They want money, and only care about MONEY ! Because company doesn't stay open with hugs or sympathy. But with MONEY.
If they think they can get MONEY from update. They might sell it to you someday. Slowly and sneaky, but they. Might. Sell. It. To. YOU

Look how many cosmetics they introduce each update. ~30€ cosmetics per update.
Half the game full price at release date. (On Steam)

In Conclusion
Yeah, Monster Hunter Rise is a good game. It lack of polish and ambition.
Like Wyvern Riding aren't automatic now. I understand why... but yeah... the mechanics who got pushed in the first place and in their teasers of the game.... got slowly pushed away.
Ok it wasn't perfect. But in that case, why won't you twick something about it and just "removing" it ? Are you shy ? Are you feeling ashamed? Why ?
Imagine slinger shoot got slowly pushed away when Monster Hunter Iceborne got released lol. Or art style got pushed away in MHXX.
  • Why would you buy Monster Hunter Iceborne if Mantle and Slinger shots got pushed away ? Why won't you bought Monster Hunter Generation Ultimate instead ?
  • Same for Monster Hunter XX, if art style got pushed away, why would you buy Monster Hunter Generation Ultimate instead of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate ?
Think about it.
Even if I think it probably using the same physics engine as MHXX / MH4U. It's a good game to play, just a bit disapointing. Tehy got good ideas , but they wasted them because..... Because I don't know.
Not enought time to think how they could fix it ? Or how they could interact with it ? Covid maybe hurt the development of the game. I don't know..... I wish someday we will get a Monster Hunter Rise 2.0 and devs introduce us to what they really want to do with their gadgets.

In one sentance :
If you can buy it in discount, go for it. Give it a try and you will have a good time.
+ Demo are here for you. Try it and see if you like it or not. Because they show you almost everything you can wait from Rise.
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