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Ulasan terkini oleh Captain Salt

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Menampilkan1-10 dari 35 kiriman
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Tercatat 71.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 11.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Performance issues such as serious frame time fluctuations on mid-low end GPUs. Unacceptable launch state even if it's the industry norm now. Wait for a few patches at least before you get the game. Capcom also changed Bowguns for the worse, removing recoil and reload speed management alongside ammo management and some skills like spare shot. Let's see if they will fix it in later title updates or else G-rank.
Diposting pada 1 Maret. Terakhir diedit pada 1 Maret.
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Tercatat 9.4 jam
Ulasan Akses Dini
Been following the development since ~2021 and it didn't betray expectations. Quite enjoyable so far.
My own suggestions:
- Making the first damaging hit of enemies that just spawned in halved. On some occasions they can hit you through doors that are still opening. This can probably remedy that issue if it's caused by engine limitations.
- Make security lasers that can disabled by shooting circuit boxes a different color, maybe orange. Differentiates between lasers that needs to be disabled by other means to make the navigation a bit more intuitive.
- I understand the intention of making the shotgun's cocking slow. But the pumping animation can probably be made automatic instead of being manual. Makes new players settle into the game's flow better.
- I've seen some feedback about making Dawn faster. Maybe add more upgrades to GWYN machines? Faster weapon switches, dash cool down reductions or even dash charges, etc.

Can't wait to play it with all the 1.0 features and improvements. Keep it up devs :D
Diposting pada 3 Juni 2024.
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Tercatat 20.8 jam
It's free. (Now with around 3 games in a bundle of one)
Diposting pada 17 Agustus 2023. Terakhir diedit pada 27 November 2024.
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Tercatat 156.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 51.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Game can be a bit grindy but the constant updates gives the games a lot of variety.
Guns feel great to shoot and the sound design the phenomenal.
Definitely buy it when it's on sale, great bang for your buck.

edit: the new seasons have been awesome, lots of new enemies and missions. The progression have also been improved vastly
Diposting pada 26 November 2021. Terakhir diedit pada 22 November 2022.
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Tercatat 20.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 13.4 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Extremely good value for some of the most iconic games in gaming.
Diposting pada 25 November 2020.
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Tercatat 68.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 6.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Right now the game is a bit too unstable for me to recommend anyone from buying the game. Plus the honestly lackluster optimization and unfixed stutters in both game play and dialogue, you are better off waiting for a few more weeks before buying it.
Diposting pada 8 Agustus 2020.
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Tercatat 21.3 jam (Telah dimainkan 3.2 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
id decided to remove denuvo and would rework it's implementation in the next PC update, they would also fix performance issues that are apparently not related to denuvo.
Diposting pada 15 Mei 2020. Terakhir diedit pada 20 Mei 2020.
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Tercatat 142.9 jam
I've considered giving the game a not recommended but decided against it after finishing the story mode.

Red dead redemption 2 is certainly one of the most "modern" looking AAA open-world game out there even after a year from its console release. The graphics and story being some of the best on the PC market.

Arthur Morgan's character is easily one of the most humanized protagonists in video games. Arthur's reflections on his deeds were communicated through both his journal and in-game dialogues, this means that the game plays as if the player is following Arthur rather than playing as him. This has some cons but ultimately makes the later chapters a lot more rewarding and the redemption part of the game feels fulfilling.
The mostly likeable cast of the Van der Linde gang also makes the 80-hours minimum game more enjoyable than it should've. Gang members have great chemistry together, take the mission pouring forth oil as an example, Sean and the team's banter on the road are delightfully amusing, which makes riding to the objective in story missions from tolerable to anticipated for me.

The scenery in the game is absolutely breathtaking, photorealistic even, in some locations. Cities and settlements look lived-in with NPCs going about their daily routine and many meticulously crafted props putting the magical touch on the virtual environment. The shooting is also satisfying even though the cover mechanics are archaic, blowing a rival gang member's face clean off or poping 5 people's head in a row while in dead eye feels badass as hell.

And there's the bad.

"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away," and there is A LOT that can be taken away in the game.
The honour and wanted system is perhaps the two mechanic I hate the most, even more than the controls which reviewers have bashed to the ground.

Honour is pretty crucial to story mode as it directly influences the ending and dialogue but its execution is dreadful. I never really liked binary moral systems in games but RDR2's moral system is ill-implemented in the game and sometimes outright broken. Honour is mainly earned(and lost) trough choices in story missions and random events and in a game where you play as an outlaw there are more actions outside missions where you can lose honour than gain and there's where the problem comes in.
The player can simply earn back all the honour points lost by greeting NPCs in a settlement after massacring a town outside of a story mission. Examples like this and the majority of points where the player doesn't lose any honour in story missions makes the honour system null and just another bar that the player needs to maintain.

The honour system also comes as inconsistent and maybe morally preaching at times.
The player learns looting NPCs that are tagged as a stranger is a big no-no for a high honour Arthur early game as it almost always gives negative honour even if you didn't kill the NPC yourself, but the thing is that a lot of important notes and letters are found on dead strangers that when looted doesn't give you negative honour.
Killing horses is also deemed as worse as killing other humans even though the player would've probably killed as many as 1000 people by the end of the game many of whom are most likely with an honest job like a police officer or prison guard. So how come there isn't a deduction when Arthur kills a cop versus shooting the cop's horse so the cop would only get a couple of broken bones, in a police chase which happens in a mission?
Honour in my mind doesn't add anything substantial to the story as the main story still plays out the same way. Playing as a high honour character is also a no brainer as the player gets more benefits versus only one perk for low honor.

The wanted system is also trash if I may say so. Chasing witnesses is a fun mechanic, only when you committed the crime on purpose. There are so many instances where the player did not commit the crime on purpose and witnessed without getting the NPC to give-up.
The NPCs reaction to "crimes" is inconsistent as hell, trying to put a robber under a citizen's arrest? lol WANTED kidnapping hope you have 5 dollars on you or we gonna shoot you for a petty crime no apologies or defusing this kiddo. But when I got reported for a petty crime in Valentine early game the sheriff let me go. It has gotten to a point that whenever I got witnessed to a crime I would just reload as it's less time consuming to ride all the way back from St. Denis to Rhodes than it is to chase down a witness.
The game is also full of things that don't make much sense for a game that's trying to be realistic but they have been mentioned time and again.

In addition, the game also tries to waste your time as much as possible. I can forgive things such as too much riding from A to B for the well-animated horse and scenery. But I'd wager at least 10% of the time the player spent in-game is watching animation that's too detailed and drawn out for the game's sake. Hunting is fun but usually time-consuming due to the star system (which I have gripes with) but to watch the 4th deer you killed getting skinned with the same animation is monotonous, same as watching the 27th O'driscoll you killed getting patted down for loot.
Moreover, due to the long's drawn-out animation(and either the game's console origin or that R*'s tendency to treat players like babies) the game also hilariously requires you to at least hold for at least an entire second to do any contextual actions which draw out the time between each action even longer.

The game still has a lot more mechanics and gripes that I want to rant about but this review has gone on long enough. Red Dead Redemption 2's story mode is a fantastic game, even with all its flaws. But it would be a lie to say that they didn't dampen my enjoyment with the game. As a final verdict, I would only recommend the game to those who have a lot of free time and wants a new time sink as the length of the game is a double-edged sword to Red Dead Redemption.
Diposting pada 7 Januari 2020. Terakhir diedit pada 7 Januari 2020.
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Tercatat 9.6 jam
A heartfelt and somewhat poetic finale to telltales the walking dead video game series(seeing as it's the last game they ever made but also THE game that made telltale).

This time the game made the welcomed change of being less thrilling than the last and focuses more on interpersonal relationships. The choices you made also seemed to have more weight than all previous entries, while the characters' "status" during the credits is kind of meaningless your choices(and relationship with AJ) did have a greater factor in affecting the overall story.

The biggest gripe I had with the game is the combat sequences, it is buggy, sluggish and the game gives you no quarter when you made simple mistakes. Most importantly of all you can't even skip the cut scenes!

Overall an obvious must buy for anyone who is been following Clementine's life path since the first game.(Sadly the game is now only available on Epic Games Store. Curse Tim Sweeney. ) A last, thank you all former telltale staffs that brought us the walking dead series and wish you all found a good place to work.
Diposting pada 28 Juli 2019.
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Tercatat 90.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 78.4 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Addicting farming sim with cute pixel art and a charming sound track. And the most astounding thing of all, it's all made by one person! The amount of fun you can get out of the is incredible. Recommended.
Diposting pada 5 Juli 2019. Terakhir diedit pada 29 November 2019.
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Menampilkan1-10 dari 35 kiriman