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Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 30.5 hrs on record (21.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 3 Jan, 2021 @ 7:24pm


-game is great, but the community and the dev team are the only real villains present in the Sea of Thieves
-They designed it on purpose, and it is fulfilling that role perfectly

here's why

*Disclaimer: I love the game but do not think you should buy it*

great game but i'ts understandable why it's dying. It's pretty as hell, the game mechanics are VERY intuitive, and it's a lot of fun getting drunk on the deck playing flight of the Valkyries on a Hurdy Gerdy. But the issue isn't with the game or it's content, but rather how the development team alleges that they can't include private sessions of PVE enthusiasts. Rare doesn't want to fix the griefing because they know people watch twitch streamers play it for the simple fact that they enjoy watching someone bully others. The game itself is a 11/10 project. I'll never take away from the amazing things that it accomplishes. However the excuse that they can't include private sessions is absolutely ridiculous from a professional standpoint; literally it would take them less than 200k and 300 man hours to get it done within a month and this is assuming we aren't talking about a Microsoft architecture [we are] that by it's very nature and design are able to scale as needed on the fly to support a service. Look up Microsoft Azure, it's all they and their kids use, so the problem isn't "more servers". The game is fun, but you are subject to griefers at any given time. Griefers that meet no form of reprisal (cooldowns, debuffs, bounties) that would be normal in any other pvp/pve title for players to actually enjoy their time and focus on playing how they want to play. I'm not recommending this game for the simple fact that you guys aren't like my friends and I, we enjoy bullying bullies with extreme and humiliating force; I love getting hatemail from red spirits. I want people to have fun when they play, I want people to enjoy being drunk on top of the mast while playing the banjo; but I know one day it'll get cut short for you because someone woke up that day wanting to ruin your experience THAT YOU PAID FOR just to get a few chuckles and low rank loot. That's not going to change, that's the experience of SoT. Until that changes, I can't recommend this title. You'd honestly enjoy GTA more.
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