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60.7 hrs last two weeks / 4,259.6 hrs on record (372.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 5 Jun, 2017 @ 2:04pm
Updated: 10 Mar, 2018 @ 4:48pm

Okay I have played arma more than 500 hours and I have come across many good thing and bad.
First Arma 3 is a open world military sandbox which lets you do pretty much anything you want such as drive a car off a cliff and try to land it onto a plane. But in my opinion that isnt what makes arma so special! what makes arma so good is the community mods and server you hav choices of downloading mods you want to use in the Eden editor which lets you set up situations in singular player mode or you can use it on a server in multiplayer which allows you to use these mods either if it guns, vehicles, or units (the characters) to your mission so it makes it feel more realistic. Arma is a great game to connect to people who enjoy games you like to play. Arma is not like your everyday Cod game where you got 12 year old run and gunners screaming in the mic. In Arma 3 you have like 17+ (sometimes 16 year olds) who play tatical and when they are killed they scream out a language some noobs dont understand, Ill be honest and say this when i first started I was airstriked by a heli and was my team screamed out where they out? and I didnt know what to say and later was blamed for my mistake. But after I was yelled and rashed out by all my squad mates, who later I now play with on the daily, told me what I should do when I am killed and show me how to know how to make callouts or even be a squad leader they showed me how to play. Even to this day I am learning how to play the game suchs as trying to make a mission for Arma 3. So if you are a guy who likes to get realistic and tactical in games Arma 3 is the game for you but if your the guy who likes running forever without stamina DONT GET THE GAME. ARMA IS REALISTIC! THERE WILL BE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ POINTS IN THE GAME YOU WILL SEE BUT ITS ARMA 3 IN ARMA IT IS POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO BE SHOT THROUGH WALLS WITH BULLETS! Also watch the 33 things about arma it will be so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ helpful. Thats all my fingers wanted to type.
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