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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 110.3 hrs on record (74.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: 14 Dec, 2017 @ 3:29pm
Product received for free

This was one of my favorite games..... but now it is kind of a pay to play game. People who buy crates can get more legendarys which lead you to domanting the play field with OP guns. Also in the building there is this complacated thing called triforcing. Im not going to spend time tring to explain that. Triforcing basicly allows you to survive longer if there is a guy carring Plasma. Guns work well... except the mortar, it does lttle to nothing damage and is extremely hard to get and fire. I've play over 70 hours of this. Although for that here is a list of things the game does good. Art is so cool, the game gives me this cartoony felling, and you should play it if you like a challenge. Even though i hated this i still think this game can be saved. And its free!
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