
Последние обзоры _Slim_

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32.6 ч. всего (12.2 ч. в момент написания)
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So glad this game is back and getting some love from people who seem to really care about the project!
Опубликовано 24 февраля.
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9.1 ч. всего (4.0 ч. в момент написания)
Glad to finally be back exploring The Zone.

Опубликовано 21 ноября 2024 г..
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14.8 ч. всего (11.0 ч. в момент написания)
While the enemies of the Emperor still draw breath, there can be no peace.
Опубликовано 18 сентября 2024 г..
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158.6 ч. всего (150.9 ч. в момент написания)
Ok so this one is a mixed bag for me.

Campaign is a lot of fun, but I feel like the story was lacking in a few different ways. I missed the large supporting casting that the previous games had. The game play wise the campaign is super fun, but it also felt a little hollow. plenty of POI's to visit and marines to save along the way but I didn't really see the point. Kinda hard to tell what's going on unless you're listening to audio logs scattered around the map, felt like a lazy way to tell the story on that front. That being said, the missions themselves were a blast to play through and were actually pretty well crafted, the game for sure has a lot of replay ability.

Over all I'd give the Camping a 7/10- A fun experience but for sure could've been better. Might've been higher if I played co-op with a friend (If only it was there at launch :\ )

As for the multiplayer its not bad, for a free experience I can't complain too much. Games feel fun and action packed, although there is a decent level of desync, so not all your shots register as they should, but its also hardly noticeable most of the time. That being said, I'm mainly a ranked player and I do have one major complaint with ranked play. There is a massive problem with people leaving mid game. I'm not sure if people leave or crash but its a decent chunk of the time, even at high plat/low diamond lobbies. 343 definitely needs to add more reason to not want to leave a game, and in the event of crashes, we should be able to just reconnect to matches. Personally I wouldn't mind if people who leaved ranked games get banned for an hour or two, and the rest of team doesn't take a skill rating hit. After all playing a 3v4 in higher elo often feels near impossible a lot the time.

other than that I would give multiplayer a 8/10 experience. All things considered, its Halo. Always a great time to jump on with buddies and play ranked or hit up a Custom game.

Is it perfect? Not by any means. Do I think it's a bad game? not at all. For sure worth checking out if not just for the free multiplayer. Some glaring issues need to be addressed, but I actually enjoy the game a good chunk.
Опубликовано 16 ноября 2023 г..
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11.6 ч. всего (5.9 ч. в момент написания)
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This game is actually hilarious. 100% have to play using the in game proxy chat.

Best ten bucks I've spent in a while.
Опубликовано 16 ноября 2023 г..
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39.2 ч. всего (31.2 ч. в момент написания)
10/10 game, infinite replay ability
Опубликовано 10 ноября 2023 г..
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20.5 ч. всего
The Among us is Sus. 10/10
Опубликовано 17 октября 2023 г..
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51.7 ч. всего (7.5 ч. в момент написания)
The game has come a very long way since release and is much better. Controls feels much better, game isn't as laggy as it used to be, and the modding community is really doing some impressive stuff. For sure worth a pick up for those who were on the fence about giving the game a second chance.
Опубликовано 2 июля 2019 г..
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87.1 ч. всего (62.0 ч. в момент написания)
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Had to come back to this one and retract my previous review on this game.

Game looked to have a lot of potential early on but seems like the dev team kinda gave up on it. Game had good bones but just took the wrong direction along the way.

Damn shame : \
Опубликовано 25 мая 2019 г.. Отредактировано 19 ноября 2023 г..
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5.7 ч. всего
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The ammount of times that this game crashes for no reason is actually insane
Опубликовано 20 июля 2018 г..
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