Jim Stevenson
Im neat
Currently Offline
Ezra 6 Jun, 2023 @ 5:20pm 
Ngl he was tight at first but man did he get worn out pretty quick.
5/10 great at first but declined very fast and alarming rate.
Need new bussy hmu
JimTheMushroom 12 Dec, 2020 @ 11:50pm 
my butthole is tight hmu
bedbo 23 Dec, 2018 @ 2:18pm 
So furries may be an odd thing to you but if anything by throwing out a random insult that doesn't pertain to at subject matter, and you are much one to talk saying "gross" or "filth" when you are the one on your page, which may I say doesn't quite make much sense other than you make music for fun which to me sounds like every other copypaste of any remixed rap song or beat, says "catch me reading dojin-hentai" which is clear filth and probably isn't the good kind either. Knowing someone as rude as you, you probably avidly read "Euphoria", which if you've never heard of such, is a clear insult, and just calling something autistic just to be vulgar speech shows you are even worse of a person. You know there is this thing, usually marked as a cleaning supply, typically placed under a sink, you should try using it sometime ^ it would most certainly clean off a "stain" from this world :P oh and just remember, everyone has their preference you micro-cephalic adipate.
Old Man Mammoth 22 Apr, 2016 @ 4:27pm 
What do you call a Magic Owl?
(im so Original)
Dawgs 1 May, 2015 @ 9:43pm 