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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 32.1 小时 (评测时 20.4 小时)
I had Valkyria Chronicles on my wishlist for nearly a year as, although it looked splendid and intriguing, I did not realise what a gem it is; when it came on sale, I thought about it again and decided to try it. Oh my word, I wish I had never waited. This instantly catapulted itself into my heart – not just the way the art looked amazing, the story flowed interestingly or how the general design excelled, though they did – no, this apparently was a tactical game too.

So what are you getting here? Not a large scale battle show but a skirmishing delight with a fair range of units and upgrades; not so many as to swamp you in pointless detail, but enough that you have to make choices about progression order. The difficulty starts to ramp up as you go through, till you reach a point where you will fail a mission and have to rethink your approach.

The presentation of the story is in a book form with chapters and episodes – that does not sound like much but the volume’s layout is a nice touch and adds charm. Each chapter will have at least one battle in it – no, this is not a Final Fantasy game (for all that it looks as good as one) with their grinding mentality. The rest is made up of interesting little scenes that build the plot, flesh out the characters and generally enrich the game. This does not mean that there is not enough combat – the balance is pretty good, since the skirmish battles take some time to complete.

You can develop character traits and choose troops that complement each other. Your main hero is a tank-driving commander but you will probably get attached to a fair number of the others and protective of your squad of twenty soldiers.

At the time of writing this review I am nowhere near completion but, to be honest, I knew I wanted to give it a big thumbs up after about ten minutes. Nothing in it has disappointed me since.
发布于 2018 年 7 月 2 日。 最后编辑于 2018 年 7 月 2 日。
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总时数 15.2 小时 (评测时 14.3 小时)
I came to this after the first Chainsaw Warrior which was fairly minimalist and gradually warmed to this version more and more. If you have played the first one then this one gives you more variety of enemy, bosses, weapons and gadgets, including ones that unlock as you do things. The whole feel of this edition is much glossier and sci-fi feeling. There is less grind to this game than you might have found in one of the achievements of the first.

If you have not played the first game, what faces you is a game of cards and dice that grips you for the 5-45 minutes that each playthrough lasts. Die quick in the jungle? There's an achievement for that! Triumph gloriously over darkness? You are not done yet, there are many conditions to fulfill for the full game experience.

The game can be played carefully and cynically with save files but some of the achievements demand certain things done in one session so training wheels off, soldier - it's a jungle out there.

If you are in two minds about which to get, this does not make the first one by any means redundant, nor is it idle use of the same design space. The two games feel quite different, for all the common elements. I am enjoying this pretty much the same amount as I did the first but on balance, if you like cosmetic appearance more try this one first. If you want to get to grips with the core game experience then play the regular Chainsaw Warrior but come back to this. You will regret neither.
发布于 2017 年 11 月 15 日。
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有 4 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 16.0 小时
I was a little incredulous when my pal told me how good this game was - after all it's just card turning and dice. I had no idea how compulsive it is. The drama builds nicely and a complete run through on the game doesn't take long, which is just as well since it is pretty roguelike. That doesn't even matter though, since a lot of the achievements are for cumulative kills, damage, etc. I have come soooo close to the rare achievement now that I am half-convinced the game is trolling me.

It really is good though and I am really glad I eventually took my friend's recommendation. It is another great game from Games Workshop.
发布于 2017 年 11 月 9 日。
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总时数 5.6 小时
After playing the really good first two Walking Dead games, I was looking forward to this one but it was disappointing in places. The controls were a step back from the way they were used in the first games and the mouse movement was laggy in full screen mode. The length as well was way too short.

Why then am I recommending it? Well, I got it on sale and I am enough of a fanboy to get over the problems. The story was okay but by no means in the same league as the drama of the others. If you are thinking of getting it but you haven't played the others, I would say play them first then see how you feel. If I had played this one first I would probably have had no hesitation in giving it a positive review but it has a hard act to follow.

Thumbs up then, just because thumbs down would be a little unfair.
发布于 2017 年 11 月 4 日。
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总时数 8.5 小时
Wow. Just finished this and it is another rollercoaster. If you haven't played season one then STOP, go buy it and play it. Then come back to us, those tormented souls who have been on this adventure.

The game continues well from what the first one started though I must admit I thought a number of times what a pile of jerks Clementine is surrounded by. Adults! Pfff, who needs 'em? The completely dysfunctional people she associates with by chance make for good drama though, so it's all good.

I want to discuss what I have just played through but I also don't want to spoil any plot. Let's just say "it's a great game" but get it on sale. It is not a long game, good though it is.
发布于 2017 年 11 月 2 日。
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有 4 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 4.0 小时 (评测时 3.2 小时)
The idea seemed ok - it is why I bought it after all - but the game really does not seem to deliver any enjoyment. After a while it just feels like you are grinding out the words. There are spelling mistakes (eg "igenous" for "igneous"), at least one puzzle is repeated in different sections (shrimp is in food and misc 4) and the whole thing is too rooted in American culture. Yard and Antenna for example are american terms that most of the world does not use for lawn and ariel.

Sure, the basic mechanic is fine but after that it feels like the developers just started slinging words in without any thought for making their creation interesting.
发布于 2017 年 11 月 1 日。
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总时数 0.7 小时
Ok I admit straight up I am an adult. I just wanted to try a hidden object game and this was pretty cheap. No excuses. For kids, I guess this is kind of fun but the screen on later levels is filled with tiny objects on a timer so it might be frustrating for young kids.

My one real complaint is that one of the achievements is for "failing to find the last object out of more than 4 objects". I went through quite a few times trying to get 5 items to be the target to find. Unless maths has changed a lot since I went to school, more than 4 means at least 5 - it triggers at 4 instead. I won't let it trigger me though...
发布于 2017 年 10 月 27 日。
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有 13 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 13.8 小时 (评测时 9.3 小时)
This is incredibly compulsive for all the apparent simplicity of its appearance. The creator of the very good puzzler Knights has managed again to take a simple board concept and create puzzling of the highest calibre. The difficulty does not seem too great for the first 50 levels but it is pleasing in how it shapes your perspective of the game. Then it does start to get really hard in places to the point where you laugh at your own naivety in thinking the whole game was going to be that easy. By that point it is too late - you are hooked.

I prefer to write reviews once I have virtually completed a game but this is far from the case here - I just wanted to express my appreciation for the job the creator has done and I am really looking to whatever he makes next, if Knights and this game are anything to go by.

Highly recommended.
发布于 2017 年 10 月 22 日。
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有 8 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 23.2 小时 (评测时 18.3 小时)
I tried this and then wandered away to play other games for a few months. Coming back to it now, I realise it is actually pretty solid. It will take a long time to upgrade everything for the achievements and I can understand why people don't put the time in but I am really enjoying this.

Some of the weapons are a real hoot. Basically, I am finding so far that the best strategy to build up plasma, which you use to buy the better stuff, is to buy 9 ammo refills and 9 base repair kits, which are both cheap and use your secondary currency, the cogs along with one upgrade for a base for the lightning gun then keep using the ammo refills on that base.

Plenty of the various weapons and boosters drop from the sky. They are a lot of fun - there's a black hole generator, an armageddon smart bomb, a little guy that resuscitates a destroyed base, homing missiles, a laser gun which can knock a few out with one hit and many more.

If you pay too much attention to some of the reviews you would think this is a flat experience. It really is not. I have been gaming a long time and this really is a fun game.

What I should add that I realise I didn't mention is that this is effectively a campaign game. The arcadey blasts of play serve to build up resources for you to upgrade everything you will use in the games ahead. I may revisit this review once I am deeper in but I have only reached level 15 so far.

Back quicker than I thought. I bought one upgrade for the lightning gun and reached level 26 on the strength of it. The game becomes insane the more you upgrade the weapons. This upgrade lets the lightning bounce from one zapped enemy to another, even across the entire screen. I just can't wait to max all the weapons since they seem to have similar amplifications of effect.
发布于 2017 年 10 月 15 日。 最后编辑于 2017 年 10 月 16 日。
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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 13.9 小时
Great word game with the added bonus that you get the remastered edition with it as well when you buy it, which is an even better one. I finished the remastered version before tackling this one and the enthusiasm is undiminished - it is just such an excellent product that effectively playing it twice is a bonus, not a chore.

I can't recommend this enough. Get it, you won't regret it.
发布于 2017 年 10 月 14 日。
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