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総プレイ時間:1.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:0.5時間)
I got this on 90% coupon so thought, why not? The music is quite appropriate and the awww sound when you get one wrong (which I did often) is pretty well done. The questions seem to be quite americanised. First play through I could only get one section of 10 questions completely right (there are 25 sections). A bit shocked to close game at end and see....1 out of 1 achievements unlocked. I don't have any other trivia games so I did not have much to judge it against but it was enjoyable enough though I expect to get verbal abuse from a friend for buying another game that was easy to perfect.
投稿日 2017年10月14日.
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I admit, I was unsure whether I wanted to give this a positive or negative review. On balance, I recommend it but I want to make it clear from the outset - you do nothing except climb and sail. There is no danger, no combat, you cannot die. The secrets are not very secret and there are no real missions, just find 10 quest items.

Having said that, the game is relaxing and fits a niche I like to keep in my games for when I am tired or not really feeling up to the focus requirement of most of my games. The music is pleasant, as are the graphics.

The system requirements are not as high as it states - I am running this on an intel 4400 graphics card which should not be good enough, according to the stated requirements. I did get this on 90% sale and would advise people to wait for another sale to get it, since there is not a lot of content.

The story itself is sorta touching. You are trying to help your brother by obtaining supplies from partially-flooded buildings around your location, which you reach by your boat (which you can find propellor parts for) and climbing various ledges and vines.

I do wish more of the buildings were explorable and that you could dive underwater. The game seems very open world until you realise that every place you can climb to contains a secret. Some are just decoration. So much more could have been done with this game, so while I did enjoy it mostly, I was a bit disappointed towards the end.
投稿日 2017年10月14日.
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総プレイ時間:2.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:2.2時間)
This game could be sort of enjoyable if it wasn't for the buggy nature of a couple of the symbols - when you draw the V or inverted V the game sometimes recognises it and sometimes fails to - in some cases it even reads one symbol as another. The extra time it takes to carve that symbol repeatedly is what tends to lose the game for you. The game itself is not that hard, apart from that - even with that quirk, I reached level 11 fairly quickly. Nothing really happens though and, as other people have commented, it would be nice if the books you have filed stayed on display since they are the only interesting thing graphically and it would add to the sense of progress.

Then there's the achievements - I am not a fan of achievement spamming and this game does that. I did like the basic game, drawing on the screen to make symbols against a clock but overall with the problems on the upside down V symbols, it loses its fluidity and the elements that make the gameplay fun. So sadly, thumbs down.
投稿日 2017年10月9日.
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総プレイ時間:4.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:4.1時間)
Entertaining little stealth game, kinda like budget hitman...without the killing. The revision to give inifinite lives and saving progress means it shouldn't take more than 4 hours to complete but given that I bought it with a 66% coupon, that means it was £0.24 for 4 hours play - worth it. Unless you are on a really tight financial budget, I would recommend trying this. It may be you have played similar games but I thought it was diverting enough. Some of the levels do get challenging but nothing in it is insurmountable. It is fairly easy to "perfect" if you like that kind of thing. The dev made the quite refreshing decision to include the content from the DLC in the main game too.

EDIT - I have to change review to negative now. Much as I enjoyed it, the dev just altered it from 100 achievements to 5000. Yes, 5k. I hate games that do that for one thing and for another it would mean my "rarest achievements" showcase would fill with an unimaginative ugly symbol if i did it.
投稿日 2017年10月8日. 最終更新日 2018年4月28日
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This is a very good little word game. There is a wide range of equipment you can level up and alternate between and the opponents have a nicely varied set of strengths and weaknesses. The achievements are well-thought-out and none of them feel grindy. Plus, and this is really refreshing, when you buy the remastered version you get the original version as well -
two games for one. Overall, I strongly recommend this game for any wordsmiths out there.
投稿日 2017年10月8日.
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The £3.99 doesn't get you a lot of play but hey, it's not that much cash for the sense of closure and the extra 8 achievements. I mean if you have gotten the game itself you are kind of a captive audience. Do you wonder what the extras were and live with the game not being "perfect"ed? Or do you pony up half a pack of smokes for roughly the same satisfaction, with the knowledge that at least it won't kill you the way the cigarettes did?

Well, I gave up smoking recently and with the show not back till later this month, I opted for a hit of DLC comfort. I don't regret it (why live with regrets when the dead walk, amirite?) Just don't expect long chapters and you will enjoy this.
投稿日 2017年10月3日.
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First off, I did get this for free - thanks Humble.

I didn't know what to expect with this game. Sure, I love the show but from what I had been told the game was "point and click"? Sounded a little weird, I would expect FPS or at least some sort of survival horror.

I was pleasantly surprised. I also died a number of times in scenes, as the pace shifts from gently letting the plot unfold to OH GOD OH GOD click click....dead. It works well, though. I think it only works because it is done so well - the writing is good, the people management is a tough thing to juggle and the story develops nicely. The atmosphere is creepy at times (we all know to expect zombies but you no more get innured to them than you do in the tv show) and the characters are well enough voiced that you do start to care what each thinks. At one point I did (trying not to use a spoiler) leave someone behind and I felt guilty about it for a while. Still wonder if I could have chosen differently, what would have happened?

The achievements at first glance seem too linear (complete chapters) but on reflection I would rather have that than be driven to make certain choices like in visual novels - those in themselves become linear. At least in this game the choices you make DO affect the results rather than being forced to hunt out choices on a list.

I would say if you are going to get it, though, make sure it is on sale - I am most of the way through and it is clearly not going to be a 50 hour game.

Edit: completed and I am seriously considering the DLC. You can't get 100% of achievements without the DLC for one thing - for another, I really enjoyed this game.
投稿日 2017年10月1日. 最終更新日 2017年10月1日
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Never has the art of flinging rocks at stuff been raised to such heights since Og realised how he could conquer his Neanderthal neighbours. You start off thinking you are aiming then somehow the game contrives to make you believe you are just the luckiest son of a gun around when combos go off. The levels do seem really well crafted to go nuclear on the right tossed rock - its hard to explain without resorting to analogies like skimming stones on a lake or gently casting pebbles at your loved one's window.

Bottom line is this though - if you are patient you will get through these seemingly impossible levels and they are pretty gratifying. Currently I am struggling with some of the bonus ones but I know I will get there. One of my favourite little casual games.
投稿日 2017年9月14日. 最終更新日 2017年10月1日
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総プレイ時間:230.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:217.5時間)
Although I was a fan of the Warhammer Battle and Roleplay games going back to the 80s, I never tried the boardgame of Warhammer Quest and I wish I had. It seems like it would have been a lot of fun, if this electronic version is anything to go by. Having said that, I am pretty disappointed that you have to pay cash to unlock most of the characters rather than it being rewards for progression.

Edit: deluxe pack just appeared on humble with 80% off and I cracked and bought it. Now over 80 hours in and the elements that seemed grindy at first are not mattering. You watch your characters grow in power and equipment and the only shame is that it stops at level 8 for each of them but considering you have to spend gold to level them up, that is probably for the best.

I played 53 hours on first playthrough with the basic 4 characters on casual. Now I am aiming for the levelling achievements for the remaining 7 characters on adventure mode (normal), after which I am still fully motivated to drive onto hardcore, having a clear idea of which 4 characters I believe I can tackle it with. What I am saying is that there is plenty of replay value.

It must be said that the missions are all basically similar visually and this made me hold concern at first that it would be too repetitive - well, so is a chessboard and people still keep coming back to that. It is the range of tactics with the character skills and the massive range of items that make it compulsive. For the most part, the items are well-balanced (there is one quest reward item that is completely overpowered and abusable) - some drop randomly and some are rewards for side quests. For example, leaving a town, you will generally have the option of a story quest or one of a number of random quests which either ask you to rescue someone or find a special item, which it names and you can look these up on a guide on the forum page so you know if it is either good for your team or worth selling. The sidequests scale up in difficulty depending on what team you take into them.

Edit: Hardcore is cruel, a vicious task where spiders and vampires will destroy your careful planning. I have had a few parties wiped out, one at level 8 but even so, the game is still bringing me back to it to try. 175 hours and counting...

Final Edit: After 219 hours and many lost characters, hardcore complete. I regret none of it, the game is truly glorious.
投稿日 2017年9月13日. 最終更新日 2018年8月19日
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総プレイ時間:3.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:2.4時間)
Sigh. I really want to like this game. Dragon shootemup is perfect for what I want. But....

1) The controller only has partial support so I am moving the analog stick on the controller for direction, the directional keys on the keyboard for shooting and the right mouse button for special ability.
2) The pornography (ok, I sound old) is not only pointless for the game, it is crap in standard and just goes on and on.
3) The achievements are all listed in Chinese and I can only work out what some of them are.

I almost want to give it a thumbs up because the dragon bullet hell shooter is kinda fun but its the controls issue that makes it a thumbs down. Fix the controller problems and I will change my review.
投稿日 2017年9月6日.
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