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2.9 h en tout (1.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I love FPS games. yes I have a type. EVERYTHING in the game is fun.

-Awesome graphics and gameplay (mw3, mw2 style)
-Fun to play, doesnt feel like pay to win
-very familiar, including very cool ragdoll deaths.

-not stand alone,
-no real mod support for levels and stuff,
-no community skins
-no Controller support
-weapons worth purchasing are only good for a few days.
-no real reason to keep playing, unless you bring some friends.

the game is fair, overall.
you have played it before in many incarnations, but it does the fundamentals just right.

Honestly, add controller support, I would love to purchase this game and play it with bots, like counterstrike.

I should also be able to pay 20 bucks to access everything in one shot.

Évaluation publiée le 28 octobre 2014.
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23.0 h en tout (12.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
I'm sure nobody wants to read another glowing review, but I'm just another voice singing with the choir. I hated it at first, until I found out I was able to use the joypad (push the "a" button to activate!) then I could learn the nuances of the game without inhibition. THE GAME IS a SURVIVAL SIM like nothing you have played before.

With the Dual-analogue concept, I was able to understand how the sight-lighting works, and how attacking works, and how to look around while walking. everything has an option (I accidently drank bleach because I didnt read, much like real life) food spoils if you remove it from the fridge, or the power shuts off, oh my gosh, this is the deepest game I have ever played.

Its easy to jump in, collect everything and then wonder why your guy/gal is so tired, or exhausted. there are a lot of things. and you genuinely can get scared, for your life, because in this game, starting over again, albeit fun, is a pain.

-Gamepad control
-decent inventory management
-the BEST Isometric game since Diablo
-Real sense of Survival and despair
-Updates are frequent enough without breaking the game
-Detailed and deep gameplay: you WILL wonder where your time has gone
- Walking dead fans rejoice! you have something to do until the next episode and thereafter while waiting!

here we go
-Inventory management needs work. Solution: Think of Diablo/Arma how you could tell what Items you have and how much space without being over-encumbered. Maybe a grid system to allow for mixing and crafting outside of the inventory menu. for example, a Bat takes up 2-3 slots if I am correct, but its only referred to in numerical fashion.
-Inventory again: Icant at a glance see what I have, especially in a pinch, but then again, It could be deliberate.
-Stats! I like the stats, honestly, but I dont like that after killing 20 or more zombies, your guy is still scared. maybe anxious, but there so far is no levelling up like I would like, or maybe I didnt notice yet.

I LOVE THIS GAME. If you read the "zombie survival guide" from max brooks, you can apply many many of the philosophies here.

-they already spoke of vehicles and Split-screen, so EVEN if its paid DLC I would get it.
-maybe an aiming system for the gun. or maybe its deliberately meant to make guns feel like you cant hit a damn thing unless its close. BUT OH MAN IS IT LOUD. I LOVE IT.

At the time of writing, its only been about 10 hours, I have died many times, but this last time, I survived 11 freaking days. between this and 7 days to die, you will have all of your needs met. but this game actually makes me afraid to deal with the zombies, as I probably would in real life. this game needs to be on Vita and playstation/xbox platforms. this game is one in a billion.

if they ever do a 2nd one, and move into FULL 3d territory (like sims), I will be the first to pre-order.

I admit, at first glance, it looks like an uncomplicated game, not worthy of the money, like a genesis game, but when you see it running, it is everything you hope for. no youtube video could duplicate what you see running with your own eyes.

Great job guys.
Évaluation publiée le 26 octobre 2014.
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5.1 h en tout (3.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
AW MAN. this game is HOT. It has everything but a story, so I just pretend we are settlers, clearing the way for more settlers! its Halo-esque and Borderlandsy feel aids in you feeling great about the sensless re- extinction of the ancient species. I love it.
Évaluation publiée le 13 septembre 2014.
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1.6 h en tout (0.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
This game is almost perfect. I Guess it runs on the unreal engine, so it runs great on both my toshiba satellite laptop and the custom gaming rig I have. I have a few distinct problems here.

- unreal engine- no split screen deathmatch
- the speed is like unreal tournament
- the kills are a lot like unreal tournament
- feels kinda ungrounded

I do appreciate the game however, because it is cool.
the characters are fun, the graphics are awesome
and the game is playable.

but based on the above, you will love the game, but not run back to it to finish it unless its a rainy day. yes, my time on it is not as much as many others, but its a pain when in order to compete with ithers in this genre, you wont compete in areas like:

-splitscreen deathmatch/coop
-a few more awesome weapons

I like the game. but I guess I expect too much to want to play with my friends on my big tv. Whats the point of HDMI if you cant run the game better than a console?

so on that, I suggest it, if you dont mind playing solo.
Évaluation publiée le 4 aout 2014.
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25.3 h en tout (7.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Évaluation de CS:GO
I am in LOVE.

I am a COD veteran, as many of us are, but something about CSGO takes me back to the old days of skill ruling the day. I currently play with the Joypad, because its hella fun like that. Sure if you enjoy the MKB combo, then yes, you guys are on an even playing field.

The reason I love this game is because I enjoyed the CSGO on the 360, AND WOW when you see that the PC version is SUPREMELY SUPERIOR in terms of framerate and playability, it makes you a beleiver.

Major adjustment: No ironsights. I only Just got used to them on MW2. HOWEVER, the most realistic way was crouching and firing, as CSGO handles right out of the gate. keep your eyes on the reticle, and you will be fine.

the game is obviously constantly being worked on, but it is what it is.


Very minor, but VERY needed. I dont really care what the CS purists are saying, but if you are like me, and have people wanting to play with you offline (because they have a PS3 or Xbox) you would love to have the option of SPLITSCREEN, yes, I said it. Local play because My girlfriend and her kids love to watch me play (bots for now) and they love COD. So if there was a way to go splitscreen, I would do it in a heartbeat.

the other ♥♥♥ is you have to go into the console to make the pad work every time. I'm sure that there are at least 10-20% of us who would love the option, and I know you can do it (thanks to the left4dead thing).

PC gaming is very new to me, and it is addictive and wonderful, and I would love if everyone making games would allow many of us the ability to play Local games on our $1500 setups.

whats the point of having HDMI if you cant play with everyone?

anyway, I am very late to the game, but I love it. AND YOU CAN MAKE MAPS?!?!?!?!?!?! insane!

thanks valve.

Évaluation publiée le 9 juillet 2014.
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21.6 h en tout (7.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
Granted I havent Played the game too long, but it is definitely one I could get into. as an alpha, from where it was to what it is now, is a major improvement.

I am a new PC gamer, and I definitely love the variety of games that give me what I desire, this game included! I remember watching a video from these guys long ago that let you use a controller with the game, and I think xpadder makes the game crash, because it is awesome with an xbox controller, and the menus are no problem, just a little slow on the arrow, no fault of the developer.

I enjoy the flight or fight feeling I get from this game. I am a zombie fan, and I couldnt help wishing there were a few mutants skulking around because of the crashed spaceship.

I also liked building stuff, my only issue is the rough edges when making portals to see through or making a hole for the door. maybe just regular blocks would add to what I desire here.

the graphics are top tier for what you are getting.

I am not a jaded gamer, and the only thing I love about controllers is that I dont have to look down for the occasional keypress.

this game could use some splitscreen, but then again, almost all games could.

well done guys.
Évaluation publiée le 24 juin 2014.
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5.1 h en tout (2.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Wow. for anyone sitting on the fence about this one, you should just go for it. the graphics are smooth, and you can play split screen. yes, it is fundamentally like left 4 dead, but its got SO MUCH MORE. I really feel like this should be a console title as well as a PC title. I dont know why this game isnt ranking in the 80's. maybe all of the naysayers should update the game to see what else is hot. its worth the money. the only bad thing is that you can BIND any KEY on the keyboard, but they have the nerve to make presets for the controller. it works well, but whats the point of playing a PC game if they treat you like a console player? definitely worth the money. enjoying it with the xbox pad.
Évaluation publiée le 23 juin 2014.
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