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115.2 h en tout (52.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I'm a savage. I play and buy all farcry games, multiple times for different consoles, and now PC. when they make these games, they say "WE KNOW WHAT BLACKSMIFF WILL LIKE".

behold, farcry 5, A game set in AMERICA.

*Excellent graphics
*Great gameplay
*Map Editor
*Excellent controls
*Great "bad guys" (though gutted)
*Awesome DLC

* Freaking lack of obvious GUSTO for the bosses. I liked everybody, and they didn't develop them enough.
* (nitpick) Animal killing should net eating as well, or maybe a hardcore mode should make eating and stamina a thing
* More missions in the aftermath (not the expansion)

Actually I have nothing but Nitpicks, that story gap just makes me feel strange overall. The game is 10/10 fun, but as a non-climactic game, I have to give it an 8/10. I play the game in its entirety, so I haven't beaten it yet on purpose. I think I want to 100% it with a friend.

I think I've bought it for 4 people total. darn you Ubisoft. darn you to heck.
Évaluation publiée le 2 mai 2019.
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3.8 h en tout (1.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
OK, 10/10.

I am having a freaking blast. You will too. EVERYTHING is awesome if you know what to expect, and I got more than I expected.

+ the Music is phenomenal
+ the graphics are Great (for what it is, of course)
+ the Gameplay is simple, yet SO satisfying, I thought I was playing with both hands LOL
+ You literally can play this while touching your woman.


One slight problem that I have with this game, is the lack of a "story". Sure, you dont exactly need a reason to kick hass. But with the plethora of challenge and Fighter building, and mastery, there should be a payoff. for example, Let's use Super Mario Bros. "the princess is kidnapped". "oh she's in another castle."

I would have LOVED for each boss level to have a "protect the princess", "Avenge your father" , "save your kids", "bar fight",etc. {insert kung-fu trope here} thing at each boss battle, especially since your'e getting a coin, I would have loved some "gravitas" to add to the accomplishment of kicking hass, only completing the mission if you have 5 stars on the boss.

All in all, It is a worthy sequel, reminds me of "YIE AR KUNG FU", and the Devs get it. Gameplay is king here, and though I would love the excellent visuals to accompany "saving the princess", I cannot take any points away for just "fun factor".

Once again, I would love a story to go with my time investment., but it definitely is a MINUTE wish of mine.

Thank you so much for such an awesome game.
Évaluation publiée le 21 avril 2019. Dernière modification le 21 avril 2019.
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3.6 h en tout (1.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
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I've had the game for a while, and decided to give it a run again recently, since the last time, this being April 11,2019.

+ Amazing visuals
+ excellent framerates
+ fast and furious gameplay
+ Awesome gun selection
+ aesthetics are What the doctor ordered
+ Level system and stat recording!

- Menus wont allow controller support, though its in the menu.
- Menus dont let you adjust sensitivity
- Maps, though fluid, are dull and basic. feel like demo levels. (+ definitely perfect in size for up to 8 players though. bravo)
- Nobody wants to play online. BUT it is rectified by competent bots
- Too few Maps!!!

Score: 7/10 (early access score)

All of the pieces are in place, but this game equates to getting a handjob and the chick doesn't finish.

Are you kidding me? the gameplay mechanics are here, the bots are here, the peer to peer networking is sound (tried it with a willing participant) and that's amazing. just saw the video for a "reboot". Nah, son. your'e messing up.

Your Level design flows, but is un-interesting. let's be fair here. this is what you need to do.

focus on your Systems. (mouse sensitivity options, control streamline, etc, everything that is connecting the game together. LET US MAKE MAPS FOR YOU. Open the Workshop for Maps! focus on your game, and choose the maps you want in your game for the final release. THIS is how you will find your market and players. Look at Garry's Mod. OPEN THE GAME. At least just for the Maps. Concentrate on making the Game WORK, which it does. I can imagine a fan remake of some COD levels making your game popular from the workshop.

Excellent work, my friend. but Please don't let PRIDE or EGO keep you from Acheving GREATNESS.

Évaluation publiée le 11 avril 2019.
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1,641.3 h en tout (470.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
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Contrary to the contrarians, The game is awesome, and the updates , ESPECIALLY alpha 17 has been exceptional.

- fun game, fun game loop.
- great graphics.
- fun loot.
- fun building.
- fun zombie slaying.
- fun gunplay
- fun dungeon crawls


- Melee is fun BUT The zombies need a bigger hitbox with the current target system.
- Needs a Zombie push back/down. I dont really like not being able to do full combos, aside from a 1-2 attack system.
- not enough fodder zombies. every zombie is a fight. which is fun. but we need a simple low poly zombie that is numerous and weak, mixed in with the current ones. the club swing should do an arc damage.
- needs to force dungeon crawls. a zombie base block should be destroyed to take over the building or destroy walls.

I've seen the game in its older phases until now, but the fun pimps constantly deliver. hopefully they add more vehicles, or the ability to fix cars on the road. I enjoy th game, as do thousands of us.

this game is the culmination of what happens when benjamin fulford has us waiting for ninjas. (look it up).
Évaluation publiée le 30 mars 2019.
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4.6 h en tout (4.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)

Join the resistance lol
Évaluation publiée le 25 janvier 2018.
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8.0 h en tout (1.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Quick and dirty Review:

Excellent game, with people pretty active. Its excellent, despite it being free.

-everything works despite what you run it on, so no excuse to not be able to get a game in.
-Workshop is alive and well
-Graphics, though dated, are great
-controls awesome, I have been playing with the XB1 pad.


- would be perfect if you had the option to toggle the crouch
- would be extra perfect if you could swap the Run/walk ability (walk by default, run by button press)
- THE MUSIC!!!!!!!!! its great the first 15 minutes or so. Need to add a music player....

overall score: 9/10 fun factor.

thank you for a wonderful game. I didnt buy COD this year, this game will do nicely.
Évaluation publiée le 20 novembre 2017.
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0.4 h en tout
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we need a new category for scam games.

I really hoped for something from this. too bad.
Évaluation publiée le 13 octobre 2017.
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0.7 h en tout (0.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
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I give this a 7/10. (i3/gtx970/12gb)

+ It looks like socom
+ Smooth graphics, servers exist
+ Awesome music
+ controller support
+ Great modes and play
+ Custom Maps

- Movement too fast (like call of duty) makes maps feel small
- Default Sprint.(see first negative) Needs stamina meter
- BOTS. Need bots. spawns for bots, something for when servers are dead.

I figured I would jump right in, I have faith in the developer, due to if they just add Bots for a terrorist hunt mode, to play co-op with friends, or just spawn bots to hinder players from attacking demolition zones for example.

this feels like a quality product thus far, amd I would definitely keep this on your radar, and maybe make some friends who want to play the game the right way. I havent edited a map yet, so I dont know what to make of it, but I feel a tingle playing this.... so CLOSE.

oh yes Im excited about this one.
Évaluation publiée le 15 novembre 2016.
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1.6 h en tout
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Greetings folks. My quick and dirty.

Running I3,3.7 mgz
ran on gtx780/gtx970
12 gb of ram (2 for the Operating system)

(always account for 2 for windows.)

best graphics (medium draw distance) 60fps

I had fun with this one. In short, Purchase this, invest in a long haul, because seeing it here after what looks like 2 years of development, means that they are FULLY interested in finishing the game.

-The building is phenomenal and fast,
-the graphics are well realized
-the initial world is well realized
-the gameplay itself is definely smooth
-Weapons and Enemy AI, makes this feel like a borderland-ish kind of thing.
-hunting! (more violent than I expected lol) <you guys messed up, I want cows, deer and an ability to make your own weapons lol)

-NO real character creation (depressing)/ Fix by giving the lead a mask or helmet. I cannot identify with him.
-planet edge transitions/ I get it, its a cube world, maybe if it wasnt so AWARE (for example, just a drastic time/lighting change instead of looking like the edge of a planet, but this is subjective. I just couldnt get used to it. so I didnt want to explore. maybe just call them guadrants.....
-The world traversal.... I LOVE the look, but is there any way to smoothen the movements? Minecraft you had to jump up each elevation, butin this, though you dont have to, it still feels jerky, like walking up steps....the camera should not reflect that the world is blocky, it should feel organic.like the player belongs .each movement should feel smooth.
-Ths game would benefit from a little atmospheric distance fog.

I beleive if anyone should have a ♥♥♥, it should be explained what might make it better for other people. That is not to say that this game would suck if they didnt tackle it. Its awesome as it is thus far, and if Im wrong about my ♥♥♥♥, maybe give me some peace of mind.

I neglect to play main story modes in early access games because I always have to start over in every update. but I will be visiting this game frequently.

I love this game. 7.8/10
Évaluation publiée le 4 novembre 2016. Dernière modification le 15 décembre 2016.
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4.2 h en tout (1.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I currntly have the game for 3 systems, including the PC.

I must admit, I didnt truly admire what they were doing until I played Black ops 3, and realized that Ghosts was actually the true evolution in Gameplay for the franchise. The slides were perfect, as well as the corner leaning mechanic which was largely overlooked.

the story was very well done, aside from the ending, to which there will be no sequel. The amount of detail that went into the levels was staggering, and the large maps in multiplayer cater to new gameplay styles. I am not one for camping, but some people are, but it adds to the creepy "am I going to survive" moments.

Honestly, I would love to have a group of people who just play games like this, and we play together. lets start a group that supports this game and its maps, and just play once a week or more. thanks for reading, add me and message me, and we can hopefully get something started. maybe it can spread to other games like this.
Évaluation publiée le 5 septembre 2016.
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