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16.2 hrs last two weeks / 1,846.4 hrs on record (669.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 15 Aug, 2018 @ 5:19am
Updated: 6 Oct, 2022 @ 8:14am

Hi I'm an avid monster hunter player and I take this game very seriously.

My hunting party usually consists of:
A dude playing with his horn who really wants you to stand in his stamina cap increase aura fields.
Some weirdo flying around with his cockroach tooth pick spamming "ima fckim up".
And a guy who shows up to play sometimes but carts all the time.

Me? I'm a sword & shield connoisseur who likes to bang monsters, like really, I like to do it against the wall usually, but when I can I'll get two and bang em into each other, if I'm really lucky I'll get to bang one in it's sleep, have you tried it? It feels great. but sometimes I get too into it and I'll try to bang it without assessing the situation and the monster will knock me off, it's really annoying when that happens so I like to dress up in a golden cloak so I can do it without consent.

Wait I was supposed to talk about sword & shield?

Well when I'm not busy looking for an opening in the monsters face where I can cram as much of my slinger ammo into. I like to try and ride the monsters, but they don't seem to like that either (must be a tsundere), so I have to encourage them by gently stroking their backs, dodging all attempts to get me off, of course when your a monster hunter veteran like me (trust me I played "MH Diary: Poka Poka Felyne Village G" before playing this game) all attempts to resist are futile and before long they will give in and their face will be kissing the floor and if it's multiplayer they'll get to take all 4 of us at once, pretty cool right? Well it is aslong as you all share nicely, remember you can do it in more spots on its body than one, doing the same spot is g*y and you'll knock each other over.

What do you mean that had nothing to do with sword & shield?

All right all right, SnS, well loops are pretty fun to do when you're not doing the other two things I mentioned earlier and can do pretty good elemental damage, perfect rush does stupid amounts of damage for a light weapon and feels satisfying to land (although missing the last hit is like getting your teeth kicked in). It's light quick and easy to dodge out of when things don't go as planned, huh?, oh I was talking about your mother in the last part.

Anyway it's a good game, I recommend it with friends, if you triple cart you're gay, happy hunting!
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M T Bottle 2 May, 2020 @ 3:38am 
Me? I like banging monsters LMAO~!
Wait I was supposed to talk about s&s?
Guess I'll continue to talk bout random sht and not review the game properly (check out my reviews if you really wanna see some gud sht, fck this queer).
The only thing that was necessary was the "good game" part, how bout U get good at reviewing.