The Pancake Dwarf
Remember that no matter what problem you are facing you can always pray to God to help you through your time of stress.

if you want to play my latest games go to the link below
(gamemaker studio required)
A Wizard's Oddyssey
Tile Breaker X
Currently Offline
Workshop Showcase
================================================================= Story ================================================================= This is game is about the bio of an orphan mage who was rejected by his own group for odd and obvious reasons and he i
3 ratings
Created by - The Pancake Dwarf
Favorite Group
Gamers Encouraging One Another, Spreading the Gospel! =======================✞=======================                 Stand For What is Right Even if it Means Standing Alone!
In Chat
The Pancake Dwarf 30 Apr, 2017 @ 2:23am 
Thank you for that King Pupper!
The Pancake Dwarf 2 Oct, 2016 @ 2:37am 
Thank you Sir Jack deO'Neil for the information about Logikos and his membership with the CGC, but I will not delete this comment only if you wanted me to delete the comment. The reason why I am not going to delete your comment on my profile unless you want me to is it has nothing offensive, inappropiate, no swearing, no hypocrisy, and no violent messages and I should expect that kind of comment from the member of the CGC, thank you for the comment :).
† Jack † Jesus Saves † 1 Oct, 2016 @ 11:50pm 
Psst, hey, just letting you know... Logikos, who you gave a warm welcome to into the CGC? He's been here for years and he's Michael an admin of the group :) Feel free to delete this when you read it, God bless! And thanks for warmly welcoming someone regardless :)
The Pancake Dwarf 6 Sep, 2015 @ 2:34pm 
@ktjerome Why did you invite me?
cole.mosley 26 Aug, 2015 @ 3:41pm 
cole.mosley 26 Aug, 2015 @ 3:39pm 
hey sent a friend request cuz were in the same group and irritayed ninja told me you can help me on blender with adding a backround