4 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 31.0 hrs on record (6.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 17 Jul, 2023 @ 2:17am
Updated: 15 Mar, 2024 @ 3:28am

Edit: i managed to work around the implemented stealth and it now is just too easy. Moving around with the whole group, headshot, one shot enemies without others noticing. Its boring now...

First of all, i did copy it from someone else with minor changes since that person mentioned all the points i would have adressed too.

Is JA3 playable? Yes. Now let me explain the thumbs down.

This is based on a 20 year old game, transitioned to 3D graphics (limited), with the strategic depth cut back in numerous ways, and still using 20 year old system that dont hold up anymore.

For anyone who is familiar with JA2, this is not nearly as in-depth or fleshed out. This does capture the feel of Jagged Alliance, if JA was ported to mobile. The merc personalities are fun and the voice lines are okay.

The art style is nice but the UI is a little clunky and many actions require keyboard shortcuts since there is no associated UI element.
Customization/appearance options are ZERO. Mercs do not show what gear they are wearing. Your custom-made merc has 3 options for male and 3 for female. None are great and can't be changed.
No walking. Mercs either run everywhere or crouchwalk.

Maps are small. Tactical positioning opportunities are very limited, especially with half a dozen mercs and a dozen enemies all on the same map. As soon as a fight starts, it will resolve with very little change in positioning, mostly just adjusting for cover. You don't get much room to move before a fight is forced, either forward or back to tactically fall back.

Guns are balanced in an arcade fashion. They have to be considering the short engagement ranges on small maps. SMGs are weak and have abysmal range, shotgun are almost point blank only options, AR/MGs are king for multi-target versatility, and marksman rifles are one of the few ways to get consistent one/two kills.
Guns are weak. You can headshot an enemy 4 times before they go down... unarmored. Unless you're sniping.
Combined/related to low gun damage is the high health pool of enemies. I havent played a shooter with bullet sponges this bad since Division 2.

Stealth is almost unusable. Stealth kills before combat are a waste of time; one hit kills on unaware enemies is RANDOM and if you dont succeed then youre at a disadvantage when combat starts. There are more dedicated stealth oriented mercs, so I guess you use them because RNG for everyone else is garbage. Oh and an enemy facing away from you will eventually hear you even if youre behind them in full cover a fair distance away not moving, but without a specialized stealth merc. I guess my merc farted.

You cannot pause in the pre-combat phase to set up your mercs properly. Its realtime, one at a time and the game doesnt even pause when enemies are sighted, get close, are becoming aware, etc. If you like RTS tactical shooters, thats what it feels like for the first 15 seconds before the first bullet flies.. and its usually the enemy's because they spotted you when you didnt even see them offscreen.

Enemies clearly do not follow the same action point system mercs do. Either that or the enemey has genetically modified supersoldiers who can 1) be shot in the head 3 times b) run 15 feet while jumping over a low fence and around chest high barrels c) run behind you, and then d) turn around and shoot you. all on one turn! They are also deadly accurate when shooting you in the head with burst fire while youre behind half-height cover. Half height cover in this game is useless (except to actually take cover behind which uses your whole turn/actions).

There is no economy of buying/selling guns. If you find a merchant, they may sell 2 guns. And wont buy. All money comes from running around maps looting/stealing from locals after a fight.
No vehicles.
No swimming.
Lots of unlikeable NPCs.

So... if you want some XCOM turn based action on a small scale with troops who have actual personalities, but you want slimmed down strategic management, and you are OK with most of the issues I've mentioned... then Id recommend JA3. On sale. Half price or lower.

I love JA2 and JA BiA a lot. I like JA3.. a little. But less as my time with the game goes on.

Oh and lastly.. mods. There is mod support coming. No one knows the extent or ease of the mod tools. A lazy excuse to the issues I noted is "wait for mods". No, core gameplay issues should be part of the base game content.
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