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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 2,706.6 hrs on record (1,756.9 hrs at review time)
Posted: 7 Sep, 2015 @ 8:23pm
Updated: 23 Nov, 2017 @ 10:13pm

This game is by far the best game i could have hoped for. Most games for $60 you can get like 10-70 hours in it. I got ark for $25 and in about three month got near 900 hours. This game is addictive and awesome. The dev team is great, working with the community to put in what they want and always working to put in new stuff. I hope to be like them some day, they have a great game and work hard to make it great. I cant say that this game is going anywhere soon. Get it and try it now. Bring your friends and rule the ark. Me, my family and friends all slowly came to the game, and most of us cant stop.

Ark has everything anyone could want:
-Tameable pets that can grow as you do
-Advancing tech to reach for
-Oceans to explore
-Building your own base
-Vast maps to play on
-New Expansions with Arrays of creatures
-Much more to come

There is nothing bad i can say about this game. If you dont like pvp, go to pve, if you dont like pve, play solo, if you dont like solo, play wiht just your friends. If you dont like the tech, play primitive, you can play however you want.

The only downside is it can run slow if your device isn't great, but it is a great game, so it is to be expected you will need an okay computer to play with high quality, it can run on my families laptops, so it cant be that bad. The game isn't finished yet, so it isn't optimized, give it some time and im sure it will get much better. I hope to see many more faces on ark.
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