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Not Recommended
4.5 hrs last two weeks / 20.3 hrs on record (3.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: 27 Mar, 2022 @ 7:59pm

Early Access Review
This sequel is garbage. It's nothing like the first one. Tl;dr buy/stick with the first game, hope someone starts to mod it if you're bored with first game or move on. For more details - let's go point by point:

---Game is slower than the previous one which wouldn't be bad if not for the next points...
Also something I remembered while I was finishing writing this - I'm certain I experienced 'lags'...

---Weapons so far into my play are trash. Hardly any weapon felt satisfying to use. Burst weapons are even hotter garbage than in the first game. You need to LEVEL UP the guns to get the Perks (ya know, the thing that you had from the get go when you pick up the gun in the first game). The few explosive weapons I somehow got my hands on feel like a heavy nerf (even basic launcher in first game while being bad could be worked with) compared to the first game but also...

---Attachments are well... trash. Now enemies drop "attachment part amount" meaning that instead of getting a single use item that gives a single attachment for the held gun from the first game you need to feel lucky and hope that enemies drop enough bundles of parts that will let you craft one for a gun (and different weapon rarities demand different amounts of those parts). Now, that wouldn't be as bad if not for the fact that choosing one attachment felt like choosing the least ♥♥♥♥ option. First game gave you a good 33 to 50% (50 is you had got option to choose from 4 attachments) that there will be an attachment that's useful or great/godlike on a given gun. So far all of em were crap and felt same'y.

---Enemies are a chore to fight. I held no satisfaction from defeating any of em.
-Basic grunts are dumber and have problems with pathfinding.
-Riot Shields are ABYSMAL as their shield hitbox is simply stupid wide AND they can shot at you even if you're behind them AND they turn around fast so they're effectively a bullet sponge you can't outmaneuver like in the first game.
-Instead of the Roller Balls from first game you have K9 robo Dogs that attack CONTINUOUSLY so you're dead in seconds since they have smaller hitbox and are faster than the Rollers.
-Chrono Troopers can go f%$# themselves even harder than in the first game. Single enemy that I don't like in the first game is somehow even worse in the second one.
-Lastly - Bosses I encountered seemed like neutered versions of first games bosses.
-Rest of the enemies were boring unresponsive, bullet sponge'y or both at the same time turrets.
Honetly I haven't gone past level after the first boss but I can only guess that enemies just get more spongy and annoying to fight.

---Classes and items are guess again - trash. None of the classes carried over from the first game. All of them are 'reimagined' with set starter items (so no choosing perks and starting items) which are unfun to use. The things you pick up are also really really boring or crap. Also you don't upgrade any of the items you have by just 'leveling them up' for higher damage/% on effects/lower cooldown but you buy an upgrade that's expensive and so far were ♥♥♥♥, an example:
A RED item Infinite Ammo Belt (or however it's was called):
-gives ammo regen
-boosts weapon if standing still...
And no numbers no nothing on that, just vague description, hell it has a cooldown that's not showing in the UI. Options for upgrade? +40% strenght on the effects OR - 15% cooldown... both of which are VERY helpfull when there are no values in numbers to see which one is better.

---UI is abhorent.
First game gave you clean image of everything.
-Items/Class Core Item? Clean and concise bar on your left. Weapon heat? Bright bar on your weapon in the middle that goes bigger and gets redder the bigger the heat, hard to miss.
-Map? Tab you get general blob overview of level with pointed start/exit and any missed chests/terminals (when enemies are shooting at you you can forget about em and run past them in my experience, or if they're behind a wall)
-Player stats, weapon stats or items stats/descrption? Single button will drop a clear concise menu on each side of the screen and in case of items just hover them when out of the fight and hover over them to see descrption, %s, cooldown and all values (not for all items but for most of them, only very few are vague)
Second game does nothing of it. "Core Class' skills are just ripoff from Risk of Rain (and you can't drop them for some item that would be better like in the first game) and items you pick up are badly stacked on top of that, weapon heat is on a small separate box in right corner. No map, just a circle with enemy dots. Player/Weapon panels are switched FOR AN ENTIRE DUCKING PAGE that adds NOTHING...

Ya know, screw it, I've written enough at this point. The game is ♥♥♥♥, simple as that, feels like it's made by different people as a completely different game just wearing the skin of the first game. Given my experience on how it goes - it's just going to get worse since there's probably a "vision on what kind of game we want to make" while ignoring any criticism from people that love the first game. Now I'm off to see if I can refund this disappointment even though I'm past the 2h mark...
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Danzo Adidas Of House Stavros 27 Apr, 2022 @ 4:45am 
Hawk shut up or I will blacklist you from gravity usage. :security:
Now honest talk. I played this game and honestly it just doesn't hit right. Like we are not talking about development or early stages here. We are talking about base of this game. And that base is so messed up, that either they will have to retouch 80% of the game or somehow they give it miracle touch.
Tutorial Goblin 12 Apr, 2022 @ 12:02pm 
I was specificaly looking at bad reviews becouse the good ones tend to be well... too generous most of the times, ill wait till its official release and instead try out the first one after reading this, brutally honest reviews while still remaining objective are a rare find so im glad I could find one here
the why boner 7 Apr, 2022 @ 5:35am 
good review dude, forget what any other fool tells you. it's very important to be honest and upfront and even rude to the devs at this critical moment of development early access. because here it can change and get better. if everyone says this game is amazing. it won't change.

Synthetik 2 is nothing like the first one. and none of it was improved in this new iteration. the performance issues and lag are also prevalent through it and even ruining Synthetik 1. it's really weird. instead of encouraging the devs now, i don't want them touching Synthetik 1 at all. they need to stay far away from it. because they captured lightning in a bottle, and keep making it worse every update.
deothor 5 Apr, 2022 @ 7:47pm 
Hawk, Game gets reviewed as is, not as it might be in the future. Doesn't matter if devs are actively working on it, or not. If S2 feels worse than S1, then people gonna tell you that. Not "it's bad but i am sure, devs will make it better, so i will give a positive review, because they will do it in the future".
You'd have to be braindead, or just mindlessly shilling, to say that.
Stoney Hawk 3 Apr, 2022 @ 5:48pm 
>complains that game isnt finished
>admits a majority of their library is EA
Atleast This isnt pretending to be finished. The devs know the game still needs to be worked on, and have admitted to the issue. You're acting like you've been scammed, however, you have not. Instead you're just an entitled idiot
Nightbringer 3 Apr, 2022 @ 1:15am 
I was one of early testers of this game, weeks before official release. You are lucky not to know how game was before actual release. I urged devs to delay release game as game was not ready. However, they insisted to release it as planned. They did made tremendous advances in weeks.

While nothing you said is wrong, you however are irrational in your thinking. You "quit" early access game and declare that developers are not listening to criticism, because EA game is not perfect and has typical polish issues with EA. Did you even tried talking with devs? Helping with the solutions? Asking what their vision was for their game? Exactly. If game is not nearly perfect at the moment it is released from EA = developers are evil.
Doc Finger 2 Apr, 2022 @ 5:46pm 
Reviews are about the current state of the game and whether you recommend it or not, Hawk. Being early-access doesn't devoid you of criticism, especially when you believe that there is enough content to be a paid product. :Gachiclown:
Kasarian 2 Apr, 2022 @ 12:05pm 
Hawk? I didn't expect a full game nor have I talked about that in my review about at any point and if you had any brain you'd see I have 'quite a few games' lot of em being EA.

My review is both state of this game AND comparison to the first one.

The state is that the game barely translates any progression or what made shooting/fighting the AI horde Fun in the first game into the second. And let me remind you that this is past an Update which added enough guns, items and attachments to rival or dwarf the first game.

And it's still crap. While it's visually nice in terms of graphics (not the UI though) and it carries over sound design/music over from first game (fantastic) that doesn't count for much when progression and combat (both which are CORE things in roguelikes) are a disappointment when you can see the first game.

I had a really good Cake. Came for seconds. Got unexpected cold McDonalds instead.
Goltr 1 Apr, 2022 @ 8:47am 
thanks for the warning, i loved the first one. Will wait til its done and see if i should buy it or not
Stoney Hawk 1 Apr, 2022 @ 6:37am 
Simply dont expect a complete game when you buy an early access one? I dunno, not everyone can have a brain I guess