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4.4 hrs last two weeks / 52.3 hrs on record (4.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 2 Nov, 2023 @ 7:21pm
Updated: 2 Nov, 2023 @ 7:24pm

Pay no attention to the naysayers; this game is MUCH better than the old CS1. When CS2 released on 24 Oct 2023, those who hated it the most were the first to buy a copy so they could write a negative review. Don't pay any attention to it.

As of this writing, CS2 is in what's called Public Beta. Also called Open Beta. The community is playing the game, finding all kinds of bugs, and the devs are hard at it fixing things. It's a terribly complex game. Once they think everything is stable, they will release it on consoles.

I don't build cities; my thing is creating RW maps. That's not possible yet because there is no way to import displacement maps and so forth. Once that capability exists, I'll modify this review. But as for now, I'm gonna watch a lot of YT videos, learn the game mechanics, and begin looking at limitations AND expectations.
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