Jeff Dumbham
Seymor Ahses   United States
Gaming since I was born.
I wanna make a game, anyone know where the starting line is?

Valve sucks, I'd do anything to compete with them.
Currently Offline
Jeff Dumbham 27 Sep, 2016 @ 2:35pm 
To VictorDeRose, if you are getting this, I got the game, add me if you want, I'll try to find more chances to play Torchlight II, I already enjoy it very much
Jeff Dumbham 16 Sep, 2016 @ 11:49pm 
Oh, dang, didn't know you got a free copy of that game with a graphics card o.o That is pretty cool!
I should try streaming my games one day XD Too bad my broke self can't afford proper Internets :( Who knows!? I might let you watch me give that game a playthrough :D

I'm glad to have met! You seem really cool ^-^
VictorDeRose 16 Sep, 2016 @ 11:42pm 
I am still stuck watching a stream :) - sry it was totally not my intention to put you in the spot with the gift, it was free key that came with my graphic card and I will never play D3 , so ... anyways, just keep me posted if you like on how you liked Torchlight 2 :)
Jeff Dumbham 16 Sep, 2016 @ 11:25pm 
LOL I literally just looked that up XDDD
I'm interested in it, really interested in it now! I really appreciate you taking the time to mention this to me!
Aww www, man I can't XD If you gift me it I would feel a need to pay you back somehow :c I'm not use to taking free gifts for some reason :(

Oh dear D: not good to stay up so late :c says me staying up to 1 am XD
Enjoy your sleep, I'll be donking around while posting this still :D
VictorDeRose 16 Sep, 2016 @ 11:03pm 
Torchlight 2 is from the Diablo developers that left the company :) and it has a "happier" atmosphere compared to D3 - so definately go for Torchlight 2 !! btw I may still have a D3 key somewhere I can gift to you - gonna sleep now I stayed up all night lol -Victor
Jeff Dumbham 16 Sep, 2016 @ 9:42pm 
Here all my friends are trying to get me into Diablo III
I'm gonna have to not be broke for a bit to try this stuff out :(
I'm up for letting you in my game :D (Assuming I get it)