Ministro Alixandre de Moraes
†Doom†   Distrito Federal, Brazil
God forsaken

Você foi censurado pelo melhor ministro do universo
Artwork Showcase
Demon Hunter
You died to me twice, keep coping.
Who Even Knows 29 Jan @ 5:34am 
You seem to be confused. If you hold right click you can aim your gun. Dont have to jump up and down and blindlly spam and hope the ping helps you out that way. Hope this helps!
You died to ministro Alixandre, the best ministro of the world. Eres horrible.
THE DAMNED MATTT 25 Jan @ 7:34am 
huyendo como la rata que eres.
pregas_of_anus 23 Jan @ 6:51pm 
pode n
₭iti 6 Jan @ 12:18pm 
voce e un otario serio cara com joga asim burro